When Ned met Auntie Bumps
Amateur Gardening

When Ned met Auntie Bumps

A chance meeting at a tea party in Surrey led one of the greatest partnerships (and friendships) in English garden history, as Mark Griffiths explains…

7 mins  |
May 30, 2020
Is it time to rethink Rambler roses?
Amateur Gardening

Is it time to rethink Rambler roses?

Space-hungry, disease-prone, difficult…? Ramblers get bad press, but they’re not all the same and modern types are well worth making space for, says Graham Clarke

6 mins  |
May 30, 2020
Florists' favourite Alstroemeria
Amateur Gardening

Florists' favourite Alstroemeria

If you want plants that offer loads of flowers over a long season, that look exotic but are fairly easy to grow, Peruvian lilies are the pick of the bunch, says Sally Jenner

4 mins  |
May 30, 2020
Talking rot
Amateur Gardening

Talking rot

Not all slugs are baddies, says Val, as she explains how some clear up rotting and diseased vegetable matter

3 mins  |
May 30, 2020
Get the wildlife flocking in
Amateur Gardening

Get the wildlife flocking in

Nectar-rich flowers are a magnet for bees, says Ruth

1 min  |
May 30, 2020
Get the feeding right
Amateur Gardening

Get the feeding right

Nourished plants give the best results, says Ruth

2 mins  |
May 30, 2020
Cranesbill of rights
Amateur Gardening

Cranesbill of rights

Although cranesbills have a reputation as interlopers, Toby has a special affection for these pretty garden plants

2 mins  |
May 30, 2020
Focus On... Compact Growing
Amateur Gardening

Focus On... Compact Growing

You may not have sweeping fruiting vistas and endless rows of veggies, but you can still dream big if you grow in small spaces. Lucy considers the options of compact growing

5 mins  |
May 23, 2020
What to plant with roses
Amateur Gardening

What to plant with roses

With peak rose season only a few weeks away, get some gorgeous companion plants in the ground now to complement those blooms, says Sally Jenner

3 mins  |
May 23, 2020
Tough love for tenders
Amateur Gardening

Tough love for tenders

Make time getting tender crops adjusted to the outdoors and harden off well for more productive plants, says Bob

1 min  |
May 23, 2020
Timing is everything
Amateur Gardening

Timing is everything

Our changing climate is causing the flowering plants many animals rely on to be out of sync, says Val

3 mins  |
May 23, 2020
Plant the rainbow with Bearded irises
Amateur Gardening

Plant the rainbow with Bearded irises

For flamboyant spring-to-summer flowers in a spectrum of shades – often within the same bloom – flag irises are an obvious pick. Anne Swithinbank shares her favourites

2 mins  |
May 23, 2020
For trans-seasonal colour, try Adaptable alliums
Amateur Gardening

For trans-seasonal colour, try Adaptable alliums

Versatile, colourful and perfect for pollinators, ornamental onions look just as glorious in borders as on the veg patch, and will fill the June flower gap perfectly, says Val Bourne

4 mins  |
May 23, 2020
Care of trees and shrubs
Amateur Gardening

Care of trees and shrubs

Making them strong for summer’s growth, says Ruth

3 mins  |
May 23, 2020
Can I revive succulents?
Amateur Gardening

Can I revive succulents?

Anne Swithinbank’s masterclass on: elderly succulents

2 mins  |
May 23, 2020
Bending the cherry
Amateur Gardening

Bending the cherry

Toby is determined that his festooning measures will come good and that it won’t be him that goes round the bend!

2 mins  |
May 23, 2020
Baskets full of ideas
Amateur Gardening

Baskets full of ideas

Hang bright containers to bring vertical colour, says Ruth

2 mins  |
May 23, 2020
Really Fruitful Gardening
Amateur Gardening

Really Fruitful Gardening

Grow the best-eating strawberries yourself, says Peter

2 mins  |
May 16, 2020
Amazing Stories About Plants
Amateur Gardening

Amazing Stories About Plants

We look at the dahlia, rosemary, the ‘Painted Lady’ sweet pea and the first pink daffodil

6 mins  |
May 16, 2020
It's time you discovered The broom family
Amateur Gardening

It's time you discovered The broom family

If you’re in the mood for some intense late spring colour, you cannot beat a flowering broom. Graham Clarke explores the relative values of cytisus and its cousins…

5 mins  |
May 16, 2020
Beef up beds with Beautiful biennials
Amateur Gardening

Beef up beds with Beautiful biennials

Sow seeds now to guarantee gorgeous gap-filling flowers in a year’s time – we promise the results will definitely be worth the wait, says Anne Swithinbank

5 mins  |
May 16, 2020
Take action with seedlings
Amateur Gardening

Take action with seedlings

It’s time for potting on and sowing outside, says Ruth

2 mins  |
May 16, 2020
Sorting your spring bulbs
Amateur Gardening

Sorting your spring bulbs

Make sure spring colour returns next year, says Ruth

1 min  |
May 16, 2020
Swallows and martins
Amateur Gardening

Swallows and martins

Both swallows and house martins have been through some challenging times recently, as Val explains…

3 mins  |
May 16, 2020
Amateur Gardening

The scent of Summer

For an olfactory treat, sniff out plants with aromatic leaves and fragranced flowers – they’ll lift your mood, invigorate the garden and conjure up happy memories…

6 mins  |
May 16, 2020
Olive and let live
Amateur Gardening

Olive and let live

Even in poor ground, Toby’s olives are defying expectations, but he’s still making time for a bit of tender olive care…

2 mins  |
May 16, 2020
A glorious carpet of colour
Amateur Gardening

A glorious carpet of colour

Asters provide low-growing patches of beauty, says Ruth.

1 min  |
May 16, 2020
Attracting Frogs To Garden Pond
Amateur Gardening

Attracting Frogs To Garden Pond

Anne Swithinbank’s masterclass on: bringing frogs to a pond

2 mins  |
May 09, 2020
Make borders sing with Clever colour combinations
Amateur Gardening

Make borders sing with Clever colour combinations

Summer is the season of colour, and by choosing your perfect palette – and sticking to it – you’ll give your garden a stylish, put-together look, says Camilla Phelps

6 mins  |
May 09, 2020
Mulch and how to use it
Amateur Gardening

Mulch and how to use it

It’s time to mulch beds and borders, but what to use and how much are the keys, says Tim

3 mins  |
May 09, 2020