Check your priorities
Amateur Gardening

Check your priorities

Crops, pots and anything undercover risks drying out

3 mins  |
May 08, 2021
Dandelion king
Amateur Gardening

Dandelion king

The humble dandelion is great for bees, as Val explains

3 mins  |
May 01, 2021
Delphiniums and lupins
Amateur Gardening

Delphiniums and lupins

Q I love delphiniums and lupins, but seem to have trouble keeping them going. They last for a few years, but then just disappear. I don’t want to give up, so what should I do? Any advice you can give would be most welcome. Maggie Douglas, Shap, Cumbria

2 mins  |
May 01, 2021
Boundaries in bloom
Amateur Gardening

Boundaries in bloom

If you want a low-maintenance colourful display in your garden, try climbers, says Tamsin Hope Thomson, as she reveals the best blooms for boundaries to plant now

6 mins  |
May 08, 2021
Bee-box challenge
Amateur Gardening

Bee-box challenge

Bee guardian Val reports on red mason bee box activity

3 mins  |
May 08, 2021
A time for Lilacs
Amateur Gardening

A time for Lilacs

A classic English garden favourite with a sweet, distinctive perfume, the lilac has inspired both poetry and popular song. Anne Swithinbank selects some of the best

5 mins  |
May 01, 2021
Shape up your garden
Amateur Gardening

Shape up your garden

Plant architectural perennials now to inject borders with drama and structure. Here are some great examples and ideas on where to place them, says Hazel Sillver

6 mins  |
March 27, 2021
Rudbeckia takes top prize
Amateur Gardening

Rudbeckia takes top prize

Trials have been an outstanding success, as Peter reveals

2 mins  |
March 27, 2021
Propagating bamboo orchids
Amateur Gardening

Propagating bamboo orchids

Dendrobium or ‘bamboo’ orchids make great indoor plants, and with the right know-how you can propagate your own by following Steve and Val Bradley’s advice

3 mins  |
March 27, 2021
Painting with Perennials
Amateur Gardening

Painting with Perennials

Recreate the soft, romantic ‘chocolate box’ styles of the Victorian era by planting your perennials in a more ‘painterly way’ as suggested by Anne Swithinbank

6 mins  |
March 27, 2021
Liquid feed for free
Amateur Gardening

Liquid feed for free

Nourishing plants with liquid feed is one area where you’ll save a fortune by growing your own treatments, says Bob

2 mins  |
March 27, 2021
Learning To Love Green
Amateur Gardening

Learning To Love Green

Forget the razzle-dazzle of brazen yellows, blazing reds and shocking purples, the colour of sophistication and quiet beauty is green, says Graham Rice

5 mins  |
March 27, 2021
Getting Your Roses Ready
Amateur Gardening

Getting Your Roses Ready

Planting, pruning and feeding are all done now, says Ruth

2 mins  |
March 27, 2021
Back to life…
Amateur Gardening

Back to life…

Val anticipates the joys of newly awakened butterflies

3 mins  |
March 27, 2021
Audacious Artichokes
Amateur Gardening

Audacious Artichokes

It’s rare in horticulture that something with strikingly-good architectural looks is also a joy to eat, but artichokes are just that says Camilla Phelps

5 mins  |
March 27, 2021
A day to remember
Amateur Gardening

A day to remember

What a difference a day makes! Toby explains how to capitalise on the extra daylight the spring equinox brings

2 mins  |
March 27, 2021
Getting In The Pink!
Amateur Gardening

Getting In The Pink!

There are some great new dianthus to try, says Peter

2 mins  |
March 20, 2021
Perk Up Your Perennials
Amateur Gardening

Perk Up Your Perennials

‘Tis the season of dividing, planting and moving says Ruth

2 mins  |
March 20, 2021
Tough, Adaptable And Lovely... Bergenias
Amateur Gardening

Tough, Adaptable And Lovely... Bergenias

They are good ground-cover, low maintenance, have evergreen leaves, some of which turn to red, and some lovely coloured flowers, says Tamsin Hope Thompson

5 mins  |
March 20, 2021
Houseplant Gift Trends
Amateur Gardening

Houseplant Gift Trends

Tastes change and new varieties last longer, says Peter

2 mins  |
February 27, 2021
Give Dahlias A Head Start
Amateur Gardening

Give Dahlias A Head Start

Ruth starts prepping tubers for a long summer of colour

2 mins  |
February 27, 2021
Bulbs To Plant Now!
Amateur Gardening

Bulbs To Plant Now!

We’re now seeing the benefits of the bulbs we planted in autumn, but don’t stop there! It’s now time to plant for a fabulous summer says Camilla Phelps

5 mins  |
March 20, 2021
How Can I Get Better Cobs?
Amateur Gardening

How Can I Get Better Cobs?

A Sowing sweetcorn under cover in mid-April is text-book correct and should have given your plants sufficient time to yield well. This is a frost- tender crop, and shouldn’t be sown outdoors until around mid-May or planted out when likely to be exposed to late frosts. Some cultivars that are treated to ideal conditions will deliver two cobs per plant. However, as with all gardening, there can be pitfalls along the way.

2 mins  |
March 20, 2021
Slugs? Hosta la vista baby!
Amateur Gardening

Slugs? Hosta la vista baby!

Hostas are slug magnets aren’t they, so why should we bother growing them at all? Well, there is a bit more to it than that, as Graham Rice explains

5 mins  |
March 20, 2021
Honey traps
Amateur Gardening

Honey traps

Banned chemicals are causing havoc with bees, says Val

3 mins  |
March 20, 2021
Plan for more toms
Amateur Gardening

Plan for more toms

Follow these simple tomato tips and you’ll be inundated with more tangy fruit than you can handle, promises Bob

2 mins  |
March 20, 2021
Climbing the walls
Amateur Gardening

Climbing the walls

A troublesome vine gives Toby pause to ponder why what grows up doesn’t always come down quite so easily

3 mins  |
March 20, 2021
Tubers and cuttings
Amateur Gardening

Tubers and cuttings

Make more plants for the summer ahead, says Ruth

2 mins  |
March 20, 2021
For Bolder Borders Choose Dahlias
Amateur Gardening

For Bolder Borders Choose Dahlias

Varied and versatile yet surprisingly easy, colourful dahlias are a must-have flower for the summer garden. Louise Curley unearths the best options for different situations

6 mins  |
February 27, 2021
The Looming Price Of Brexit
Amateur Gardening

The Looming Price Of Brexit

Industry leaders talk of added expenses and uncertainty

3 mins  |
February 27, 2021