How To Get Paid Big Time For Your Creations
Meryl Streep is considered by many to be the world’s greatest living actress.
6 Ways To Stay Healthy This Winter
“The first wealth is health.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Embrace The Season Of Change
Our theme this month is change—is one of my favorite topics. It’s exciting, it closely parallels where I am in my life, and it also coincides with my favorite season of change, the fall.
The Lifeguard
Some years ago, on a visit to Southeast Asia, my friends and I ended up on a sleepy little Malaysian island called Lankawii. When we arrived at the boat dock on this island, a lady in a business suit came up to us and said, “Would you like to go to the Sheraton resort?” Evidently, they had just opened the resort, and were looking for Westerners to find out about the place, so we were being asked to stay for free.
Finding Your Truth
You can change your story by knowing you created it!
Who Me? Cry Over An Empty Nest
Today, I became an empty nester. In my own naive fashion, I had always been certain that this would not be an issue for me. I have a full life, a business, and plenty of friends.
Homegrown: Food For The Soul
Growing your own vegetables is not only a great way to find the freshest produce, but it’s healthy for the spirit as well. Homegrown all starts with the soil and getting down and dirty.
Getting Sober
I recently learned of the death of a musician I admire. Ruud was a trombonist in André Rieu’s orchestra. Besides being a talented musician, he was something of a comic spark plug, performing clever antics in skits the orchestra wove into their performances. I enjoyed watching Ruud on YouTube for years. He died suddenly at a relatively young age.
Finding The Fulcrum
I read an article recently where Feng Shui was described as the “art of placement.” If you don’t know anything about Feng Shui, it’s an ancient Chinese system of orienting your space in relation to the flow of energy.
A Different Kind Of Valentine
There are three ways you can reframe your family experience to open you to more appreciation.
Time Flies
One exquisitely unceremonious day at a time, we get to choose the life we want to live.
From Stuck to Transformed A Worldwide Journey of Self - Discovery
Let me tell you the story of my own stuckness. It starts in Tel Aviv, which, in 1980 when I was there, was a dysenteric’s paradise: It had public restrooms on every other block—the limit of my range.
How to Safely Remove your Husband's Skull
The Jawara Tribe in the Andaman Islands has fought off nearly all attempts by civilized people to penetrate their domain.
Living Alone in a New City
If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older. —Tom Stoppard
A New Year Adventure
An Invitation From a Store Window.
The Unsavory Ingredients
Hiding in Your Favorite Foods
The Anatomy Of Attachment
In the beginning…childhood attachment styles set the stage for the development of long-term relationship patterns.
12 Lessons About How To Change Your Life
Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.—Jim Rohn
The Power Of Faith
The Power Of Faith
The Right Of Self-Determination
When I was a kid, I was really into reading Choose Your Own Adventure books.
The Insurance Policy
I could have died yesterday…Great way to start a story, right? Very dramatic, but also true. If you think about it, any one of us could have died yesterday, whether from a massive stroke, a car wreck or, as in my case, a simple trip-and-fall incident. “Stuff” happens, and that is when you are glad you have an insurance policy. I’ll get back to that later…
Your Purpose In Life
Does your life have a purpose?
A Letter To Joseph
The tranquility of the evening was disrupted by the ringing of the phone.
Coach Spotlight
Living from the Inside Out
Passion & Purpose - Stop Trying To Discover Your Passion
Why Purpose is More Powerful
BS - Belief System
The asterisk (*) is the most hypocritical punctuation mark in the world. It tries to turn naughty into nice. It fails. Take bullsh*t for example.
Get Real In The New Year
With another new beginning, we can choose to be kind, compassionate and loving.
The Trends Of Tomorrow
Are we ready to look in the mirror and accept our roles and responsibilities as entrepreneurs in the future?
Take The High Road
Choose your direction and purpose and create constructive habits to support your life’s vision.
Turning Injury into Opportunity
The universe has an incredible content delivery platform to catch our attention and deliver important messages exactly when we need them most.