Tractors at the gates
New Zealand Listener

Tractors at the gates

The halls are decked with flowers and loops of sausages and salami hang from the rafters.

2 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
An autumn of ordinariness?
New Zealand Listener

An autumn of ordinariness?

It's been a summer of discontent for the coalition government but it will be hoping for calmer times ahead.

4 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Out of gas
New Zealand Listener

Out of gas

The barriers to electric vehicle uptake in NZ go further than range anxiety.

2 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Acting on impulse
New Zealand Listener

Acting on impulse

Theft is more common when the economy is down but shoplifting can signal a serious disorder.

2 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Dairy dilemmas
New Zealand Listener

Dairy dilemmas

Dairy milk has been shown to be a cause of excess mucus production in some people, but now the finger is being pointed at processed foods.

2 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Warming to the idea
New Zealand Listener

Warming to the idea

Adaptation to climate change is focus of NZ-made nature series with global reach.

2 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
It's from Hōne to Heke
New Zealand Listener

It's from Hōne to Heke

Tāmati Rīmene-Sproat's Waitangi Day special isn't the treaty treatise he'd planned. But it's still an illuminating look back at our national day.

3 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Emotions to the fore
New Zealand Listener

Emotions to the fore

Sleater-Kinney make a grief-stained return and the debut by London's Folly Group suggests they are going post-punk places.

2 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Tainui uprising
New Zealand Listener

Tainui uprising

He taught a mate to dance in a beer ad and portrayed Billy T James on television, but actor-playwright Tainui Tukiwaho's heart is in the creative possibilities of theatre and three new shows he has on the go.

6 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Listen up
New Zealand Listener

Listen up

An exploration of noise that will open your mind to the world of sounds in nature and beyond.

3 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Vital acts
New Zealand Listener

Vital acts

Patricia Grace's late-life story collection weaves together myth and contemporary tales.

3 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
University blues
New Zealand Listener

University blues

Come and Get It is an intricate campus novel that intersects class, race, desire and indiscretion.

2 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
First impressions
New Zealand Listener

First impressions

What does the year hold for fiction? Mark Broatch checks out five promising titles from first-time novelists.

4 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Hell in high waters
New Zealand Listener

Hell in high waters

A year ago, Auckland flooded. Since then, many residents have been living in limbo with glacial progress on repairs.

5 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Past & present tensions
New Zealand Listener

Past & present tensions

Contested histories - including treaty interpretations - stem from individual memories and experiences, historian Rowan Light suggests.

8 mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Turtle recall
New Zealand Listener

Turtle recall

Red-eared slider turtles have gone from pets to pests. Until now, it's been too cold for them to breed here but global warming could change that, putting our native species further at risk.

10+ mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Tour of terror
New Zealand Listener

Tour of terror

After one of the most explosive encounters involving NZ soldiers since Vietnam, traumatised soldiers returned home from Iraq - to silence.

10+ mins  |
February 03-09, 2024
Child's play
New Zealand Listener

Child's play

Ann Packer surveys some summery reads for young ones.

2 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
Fighting back
New Zealand Listener

Fighting back

The hell that was slavery is relayed in all its horror in award-winning writer’s first historical novel.

2 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
Charting the abyss
New Zealand Listener

Charting the abyss

Real-life adventure story reveals the daring efforts being made to map vast tracts of the world's unexplored seabed.

3 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
Songs, the key of life
New Zealand Listener

Songs, the key of life

Music-loving novelist Michel Faber explores the psychology and sociology behind the sounds that keep us hooked.

3 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
Austerity attractions
New Zealand Listener

Austerity attractions

Auckland Philharmonia has some stellar concerts planned, despite budget constraints.

2 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
Rock of ages
New Zealand Listener

Rock of ages

Ancient rocks may foretell the future of Antarctica's glaciers as the planet warms.

3 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
It's a wind up
New Zealand Listener

It's a wind up

As humiliating as they can be, those reminders of past blunders are all part of being mates.

3 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
2024 flaxes its muscle
New Zealand Listener

2024 flaxes its muscle

What's that old aphorism for something being better than nothing? That it is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick? Well, let me tell you, that expression is pointless: everything is better than getting a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, and I have just had the extremely pointed experience to prove it.

3 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
BFR-your new BFF
New Zealand Listener

BFR-your new BFF

A simple pressure cuff is giving hope to those people with rheumatoid arthritis who want to continue exercising.

4 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
Without a trace
New Zealand Listener

Without a trace

Piha is world renowned for its wild surf but it has another claim to fame - six people have disappeared. Are they the victims of a serial killer and is it time for an inquiry?

4 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
Harmony preserved
New Zealand Listener

Harmony preserved

Best known for being a member of one of rock's first supergroups, Graham Nash is bringing his distinctive voice to New Zealand for the first time.

4 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
Stranger things
New Zealand Listener

Stranger things

A moving portrayal of dealing with grief and childhood wounds.

2 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024
Wim & vigour
New Zealand Listener

Wim & vigour

Prolific German director Wim Wenders talks about how his acclaimed new film about the life of a Tokyo toilet janitor went from side project to awards contender.

7 mins  |
January 27 - February 02, 2024