Gag Order
India Legal

Gag Order

In a laudable order, the apex court has warned states and the police against curbing the media or calls for help during the pandemic and said any such move would invite contempt of court

4 mins  |
May 17, 2021
Bigamy and the Civil Servant
India Legal

Bigamy and the Civil Servant

In a far-reaching order, the Delhi High Court said that bigamy cannot cause a government servant to lose his job as ethical standards had changed since the time the Conduct Rules were framed over 50 years ago

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May 17, 2021
Another fight
India Legal

Another fight

Now that she is back as chief minster once again, Mamata Banerjee must put an end to the post-poll violence, shore up facilities to save lives hit by the raging pandemic and restore the economic health of the state

7 mins  |
May 17, 2021
Adieu, Soli!
India Legal

Adieu, Soli!

I shared a warm and cordial friendship with this votary for human rights and multi-faceted personality. He not only protected the freedom to dissent but practised remarkable hospitality to public criticism

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May 17, 2021
India Legal

A Tale of Two States

The gangster turned politician has numerous cases against him in UP and Punjab, leading to a tug of war between them to get his custody

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April 12, 2021
India Legal

The return of protectionism

This will emerge as the new reality and the global village concept, at least as far as trade goes, may have reached its “use by” date. Protectionism won’t be an evil word anymore.

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April 12, 2021
India Legal

Criminal Lack of Reforms

The Criminal Reform Committee set up in Ma y 2020 has been shrouded in secrecy. The five-person committee has been criticized for its lack of diversity and its lack of transparency. It’s in keeping with the history of judicial reform.

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April 12, 2021
India Legal

Balancing Act

In a verdict that balances business and consumer interests, the Court ruled that there would be a waiver of compound interest on loans from March 1 to August 31, 2020 due to Covid-19

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April 12, 2021
The Challenges for the New Designate
India Legal

The Challenges for the New Designate

The CJI is now looked upon to make a difference by challenging the status quo and bringing in newer approaches, modern methods and fundamental changes to the judicial system

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April 12, 2021
India Legal

Taking on the Dragon

China’s expansion in South China Sea has riled many nations which have come together to form groupings such as Quad and a future Indo-Pacific one. The recently concluded Malabar Exercise was also part of this strategy

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April 12, 2021
India Legal


THE theme of this issue’s cover story could not be more apt. As we wait for NV Ramana to take over as chief justice of India (CJI) in the third week of this month, it is only appropriate and necessary to observe his record not only as a jurist but also the prominent aspects of his personality.

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April 12, 2021
India Legal

A Star of the Bar & Bench

The former judge of the Supreme Court, who passed away on March 26, 2021, will be remembered for his politeness and persuasive delivery at the Bar and compassion and fairness on the Bench

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April 12, 2021
India Legal

A Healthcare Revolution

The landmark law will recognise the skills of over 56 types of frontline health workers, increase their employment opportunities and enhance their true worth within India and globally

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April 12, 2021
Tackling Pendency
India Legal

Tackling Pendency

In an effort to reduce the backlog of cases, the Court has cleared the appointment of ad-hoc judges for High Courts and said the procedure laid down in the MoP should be followed

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May 03, 2021
India Legal

Make an Informed Choice

With the impending arrival of Sputnik V, people will have more choice. They will have to select the vaccine they prefer in consultation with their doctor and after seeing efficacy levels and the supply chain

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May 03, 2021
Emerging Dimensions
India Legal

Emerging Dimensions

Life has many facets and dimensions and an individual must enjoy all those in his life. Right to Life means the right to lead meaningful, complete and dignified life. It does not have restricted meaning. Merely being alive is not life. It is something more than mere survival or animal existence.

8 mins  |
May 03, 2021
“Now I am become Death”
India Legal

“Now I am become Death”

THE immortal line from the Bhagavad Gita goes on to be translated as “Now I become Death, the destroyer of worlds”.

4 mins  |
May 03, 2021
An Unequal War
India Legal

An Unequal War

Repeated attacks on the forces by Maoists have shown that counter strategies haven’t worked. Without a proper security doctrine, clear leadership and good intelligence, this war will see more bloodshed

5 mins  |
May 03, 2021
When No Means No
India Legal

When No Means No

India is considered the worst country for women due to sexual violence. Women are often seen as chattel and raped. In some nations, violence is needed for the crime to be seen as rape. Only a change of mindset can tackle this horrendous crime

6 mins  |
April 19, 2021
The Hand of Justice
India Legal

The Hand of Justice

In a significant judgment, a trial court invoked the POCSO Act against an accused for holding her hand. The Delhi High Court upheld it

2 mins  |
April 19, 2021
The Fundamental Right to Speedy Trials: Endless Investigation Vs Fair Prosecution
India Legal

The Fundamental Right to Speedy Trials: Endless Investigation Vs Fair Prosecution

While the Constitution abhors the idea of indefinite incarceration, there is a culture of opposition by law enforcement agencies to deny bail. Indeed, time is at hand to redress this state of affairs, with firm judicial leadership

7 mins  |
April 19, 2021
The Economic Disparity
India Legal

The Economic Disparity

Women-led MSMEs in India need special attention and a foolproof mechanism, involving support from central banks, to financially shore up this weak sector

6 mins  |
April 19, 2021
Debilitating Delays
India Legal

Debilitating Delays

Due to Covid-19, the functioning of all courts has been badly hit, with case pendency reaching all-time highs. In district and taluka courts alone, it has reached 3.81 crore cases

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April 19, 2021
Online Pedagogy: The Way Forward
India Legal

Online Pedagogy: The Way Forward

Online learning is the future. While it has advantages such as accessibility, affordability and flexibility, difficulties in downloading, slow net speed and digital inaccessibility should be tackled first

6 mins  |
April 19, 2021
A leader with a heart
India Legal

A leader with a heart

As the Chief Justice of India-designate readies to take over the country’s top judicial position, the system prepares for a balanced, humane approach to issues

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April 19, 2021
India Legal

Compensate First

Taking a tough stand, the Court told the centre to deposit the Rs 10 crore Italy had paid it as compensation for the 2012 shooting incident in which two Indian fishermen were killed

3 mins  |
April 26, 2021
Apex court agrees to hear petition for CBI probe into 2016 Rafale deal
India Legal

Apex court agrees to hear petition for CBI probe into 2016 Rafale deal

The Supreme Court will hear plea for a CBI probe into the Rafale fighter jet deal that was inked in 2016.

1 min  |
April 26, 2021
Striking a Balance
India Legal

Striking a Balance

The Maharashtra imbroglio has shown the need to keep a balance between institutions. It is best to apply the first principles of criminal law here—police investigate, judges decide

5 mins  |
April 26, 2021
“His Leadership Will be Catalytic for Us All”
India Legal

“His Leadership Will be Catalytic for Us All”

There is considerable hope and anticipation concerning Justice NV Ramana taking over as the next chief justice of India on April 24. India Legal spoke to internationally-known legal scholar, teacher and writer Professor Upendra Baxi, on what to expect. Excerpts:

7 mins  |
April 26, 2021
Quick Rollback
India Legal

Quick Rollback

Even as the centre reversed a move to reduce interest rates on small savings schemes, experts warn that these cuts will be implemented soon. Investors should invest in high-interest yielding small savings instruments

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April 26, 2021