The Cognitive Shortcut That Clouds Decision-Making
Merely repeating false claims increases their believability, leaving business leaders vulnerable to basing decisions on misinformation. Here are four strategies to prevent this.
Strategically Engaging With Innovation Ecosystems
Where startups, researchers, and investors cluster, opportunities to accelerate corporate innovation abound.
How Smart Products Create Connected Customers
The data streams generated by customers using smart, connected products can lead to new products and services.
Why Innovators in China Stay Close to the Market
Businesses in China increasingly source their innovations from customers, competitors, and front-line employees, bucking trends seen elsewhere in the world.
Manage Your Customer Portfolıo for Maximum Lifetime Value
How converting customers to closer relationships, leveraging them, and defending them can drive future revenue and lower costs.
AI on the Front Lines
AI progress can stall when end users resist adoption. Developers must think beyond a project's business benefits and ensure that end users' workflow concerns are addressed.
Why Some CFOs Make Better M&A Deals
When chief financial officers have greater influence in the C-suite, companies are far less likely to destroy value by overpaying for acquisitions.
Working Values: How Purpose, Morals, and Meaning Build Stronger Organizations
VISIONARY LEADERS ARE DEMONSTRATING that a foundation of positive core beliefs, a unifying higher purpose, and a strong ethical code create fertile ground for employee engagement, customer loyalty, and organizational growth.
Unlock the Power of Purpose
A new framework helps companies derive business value from a clear, consistent corporate purpose that drives collaboration, innovation, and growth.
Manage the Risks of Software Reuse
Whether or not your organization develops software, it's likely exposed to the risks of vulnerabilities buried deep within code.
IPO Disclosures Are Ripe for Reform
Current financial disclosure rules let would-be public companies shape a rosy narrative about their prospects and obscure information that investors should know.
CYBERATTACKS - The Ransomware Dilemma
The decision on whether to pay up when cybercriminals hold data hostage is shaped by choices leaders made long before an attack.
The Loneliness of the Hybrid Worker
Having supportive colleagues in the workplace is key to feeling less isolated when working from home.
Improve Creative Brainstorming With Constructive Criticism [CREATIVITY]
Does criticism help or hinder creativity in brainstorming? It depends on the context.
Set Up to Fail
Poor design of C-suite jobs can block executives from succeeding in their roles.
Break the Link Between Pay and Motivation
An experiment in eliminating a pay-for-performance model bolstered sales force results, retention, and engagement at Hilti Group.
Why We Don’t Talk About Meaning at Work
Meaningful work will remain elusive if managers don’t learn to overcome four barriers to healthy conversations about what gives individuals their sense of purpose.
The Neuroscience of Customer Experience
When neurological insights inform design thinking, companies can innovate with greater precision.
How a Values-Based Approach Advances DEI
A new model for developing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the organization can increase employee satisfaction.
Making Sense of the Post-Pandemic Future
MORE THAN TWO YEARS into the pandemic, we’re in a moment when both leaders and employees are trying to make sense of how the experience has changed them and imagining what comes next.
[DATA PRIVACY] - Preserving Privacy While Sharing Data
Differential privacy can safeguard personal information when data is being shared, but it requires a high level of expertise.
Fostering Ethical Conduct Through Psychological Safety
Line managers are key to creating safe spaces for employees to discuss concerns.
Mastering Innovation’s Toughest Trade-Offs
Leaders must answer eight key questions to address the hidden tensions underlying innovation strategies.
When Employees Don't ‘Like' Their Employers on Social Media
Many managers would like their employees to be active in representing the company on social media, but employees are often less engaged than expected. How can organizations encourage employees to become brand ambassadors?
Which Features Increase Customer Retention?
Most companies aspire to design goods and services that encourage repeat business. Yet businesses often invest in expensive features without adequately understanding how the features that attract new customers may differ from those that will retain existing ones.
The Fundamental Flaw In AI Implementation
Many executives are enthusiastic about the business potential of machine learning applications. But business leaders often overlook a key issue: To fully unlock the benefits of artificial intelligence, you’ll need to upgrade your people’s skills — and build an empowered, AI-savvy workforce.
What Sets Breakthrough Strategies Apart
Innovative strategies depend more on novel, well-reasoned theories than on well-crunched numbers.
Leading in an Unpredictable World
We are entering a period in which “there will be no long-term predictability” in business, according to Accenture CEO Pierre Nanterme. “Leaders will need to learn to manage chaos and to do it in a highly disciplined way.”
How to Monetize Your Data
These days, most companies are awash in data. But figuring out how to derive a profit from the data deluge can help distinguish your company in the marketplace.
Building a More Intelligent Enterprise
In coming years, the most intelligent organizations will need to blend technology-enabled insights with a sophisticated understanding of human judgment, reasoning, and choice. Those that do this successfully will have an advantage over their rivals.