The Four Eternal Truths
DR. SIMMI VALECHA shares her own journey of discovery, and how she found her purposes and joy in life. She also shares her four eternal truths, and how she has realized them in her life.
Every day in the modern world poses an increasing number of problems and opportunities in our lives. There are so many existing and new oppor-threats, that we simply don’t have enough time to address them all. We are all busy, and if we slow down for even a second, we feel guilty because “there is so much to do.” But if you stop for an interval of time and do nothing, you might find it has its benefits.
Taste of Life
DR. V. RAMAKANTHA is a former Indian Forest Service officer and member of the Green Initiative at the Heartfulness Center at Kanha Shanti Vanam in India. Having spent most of his working life living in forests and jungles, in tune with the natural world, he shares his knowledge about some of the amazing medicinal plants of India, starting with Parijata, the Queen of the Night.
Service, Simplicity & Songwriting part 1
With an Ivy league education, this MTV rap/hip hop star was living the American dream and working on Wall Street when the events of 9/11 unfolded in front of his eyes. Giving up the corporate world, NIMO PATEL decided to pursue his passion for music in LA, but a chronic health issue led him to seek Ayurvedic treatment in India. He stayed back for 6 months to volunteer at the Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad, and continues to this day working with the slum children of the city when he’s not working for his own non-profit organization, Empty Hands Music. VANESSA PATEL caught up with him in June to learn more about his mantra “Service, Simplicity & Songwriting.”
In April 2020, BRUCE LIPTON spoke with UDAY KUMAR about the transition our planet is going through right now, and what we need to do to raise our consciousness to the next level. In part 3, he goes into more detail on quantum physics, conditioning, positive and negative thinking, immunity, and how we can enable a loving world.
Nature is a Great Companion
SOHAM DESRIAUX lives on Réunion Island, a French department in the Indian Ocean, known for its volcanic rainforested interior and beautiful beaches and coral reefs. At the age of 15, he is already sharing his creative flair for photography and multimedia, showcasing the natural beauty of his homeland.
TREVOR WELTMAN describes the rite of passage he has experienced moving from youth to adulthood, how he navigated this crossing, and how meditation and yogic Transmission supported him along the way.
A User's Guide to Living - Part 8
DAAJI continues his series on everyday living, introducing the seventh universal principle of the User’s Guide, which is to let go of revenge, resentment and retaliation for any wrongs done and instead develop the art of gratitude, which includes both being grateful and giving thanks. This seventh principle allows us to transcend reactive, negative thinking when things don’t go our way. As we evolve, it becomes a fantastic tool to help us accept and trust in life, whatever it brings, so that we can soar into higher and higher states of consciousness.
Ways Your Church Can Use TECHNOLOGY in Children's Miinistry
I remember using cutting-edge technology in children’s ministry twenty years ago. Our church had splurged and bought an expensive “Kid’s Church” curriculum. It came with full-color transparencies for an overhead projector to go with each week’s story. It was amazing! And we used video clips, too—I would cue up the VHS tape, remote in hand, ready to start and stop the clip at just the right moment.
The Marriage Knot
Carl Corser is an ordained bishop, serves as president of the Gideons Cleveland North Camp, board of directors and chaplain of the Peach State Tractor Club, and owner of Corser Enterprises.
Early this year, we received a call from a Harvest Partner church in Tucson wishing to assist in some short-term way to bless pastors of local churches in the nations that were not receiving regular support.
There wasn’t much technology in Jesus’ day. His ministry was spread on foot, by boat, and even by donkey. Jesus and His disciples wore robes and sandals and used silver as currency. Can you imagine if Jesus came down to earth in the twenty-first century? He would go from a tech-free world to a whirlwind of Instagram influencers, tweets, and TikTok dances.
The term “Age of Technology” applies more today than any time in the past. Due to the pandemic this year, we have seen technology and social media become the primary medium for corporate worship, education, world news, and even personal relationships.
CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES Unwrapping the Servant Kids Can Serve
Shaun McKinley International Children’s Ministries Director
Back to Normal
The year 2020 will be one we remember as different from anything most of us have ever witnessed. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we were confined to our homes, were told to maintain social distancing, and had to wear masks in public. Hospitals were overcrowded with staff working long hours and some with limited supplies.
In the July WWM issue, we shared updates from pastors across the nation on how their church was remaining “Alive and Well” during the coronavirus pandemic. The responses were so numerous we are continuing the series to further encourage church members and leaders.
Crystal Clear
Jewelry historian Carol Woolton, author of The New Stone Age: Ideas and Inspiration for Living with Crystals, cuts through the hype about these fascinating stones.
Q&A - Elise Ballard
News From Around Our Wonderful World
West Warwick, Rhode Island On a Saturday night in early February 2020, Lindsey Sheely ordered a pizza delivery for her family.
Mom's Last Gift
“Your mother’s breast cancer has returned, and it’s metastasized to her bones,” said my mother’s doctor. “It’s…everywhere. I’m so sorry, Roberta.”
Martin's Miracle
On the mountainside of Mount Sainte-Odile in Alsace, France, I stopped to catch my breath. My three kids and I had planned to meet here—but they were nowhere in sight. I guess they’d changed their minds and decided to stay back at the abbey. Oh well, I thought. Perhaps expecting teens to be excited about a religious relic was a little ambitious.
Jim and the Mystery Bullet
My father-in-law, Jim Matis, was a natural storyteller. He loved regaling his friends with tales, drawing them in with quick jokes and easy conversation.
An Unlikely Guardian
I headed out for my daily walk one August morning, but the back road behind my house was muddy. Too muddy for me. At 66, I couldn’t risk slipping. I’ll take the main road today, I thought. That should be safer.
Don't Worry, Be Happy
Just a quick Google search and there it was—an eBay listing for a Big Mouth Billy Bass, available to the highest bidder. I matched the asking price and crossed my fingers. It looked exactly like the one my ex-husband had brought home all those years ago, back in 1999.
Six Types of Heaven Sent Visions
Have you experienced something you couldn’t explain? An image that warned you of impending danger? A voice that brought you comfort when you needed it most? You may have experienced a prophetic vision. According to preacher and writer Dr. James W. Goll, there are 12 types of prophetic visions in the Bible. As Dr. Goll says, “Prophetic visions are not just for prophets.” They’re signs and messages from God we still experience today. Here are six of types of them:
A Shared Glimpse
JEFF OLSEN: The accident happened while we were driving back to our home in Bountiful, Utah, from a visit to relatives in the southern part of the state. My wife, Tamara, was asleep beside me. Our seven-year-old son, Spencer, was in the back seat, playing with his toys. Our toddler, Griffin, slept in his car seat. The road stretched out ahead, and my eyes grew heavy. It felt as if I’d blinked for just a second.
A Letter to My Granddaughter, on Her Graduation Day
My Dear Granddaughter, Congratulations on your high school graduation. I wanted to get you something special for the occasion. I came across the enclosed hand-painted feather in a gift shop on a recent trip to Arizona. It felt like the right gift because it also comes with a story. One I haven’t told you before. It’s about your biological mother—my daughter, Missy.
In the earlier articles of this series, RAVI VENKATESAN introduced the Heartful Strategist framework. He covered how consciousness is limited by certain vicious cycles of negative emotions. He also looked at examples of shifts that can be made to allow consciousness to expand through broadening our perspective and “thinking” for the benefit of broader and broader circles of influence. In this article he explores tendencies and thought patterns, and how specific practices can help with shifting these. As background, you can read parts 3 and 4 of this series again.
DR ICHAK K. ADIZES challenges us all to learn to listen to what feels right and wrong in the heart. He encourages us to find God’s will within ourselves.
The Heart Is Where We Experience Connection
MIRABAI BUSH is the author of Working with Mindfulness, co-creator of Google’s “Search Inside Yourself” program, co-founder of the Centre for Contemplative Mind and Society and a founding board member of the Seva Foundation. Some of her other literary works include Contemplation Nation, Contemplative Practices in Higher Education and Walking Each Other Home, co-authored with Ram Dass. Here she speaks with PURNIMA RAMAKRISHNAN as part of the GLOW Webinar series, on her journey and evolution during the last 50 years, and on the role of her teacher in that transformation.