
Old ideology shapes world today
Frankfurt School paving way for 21st century tyranny

A brief history of history: Part one
It’s only genocide when it suits the military-industrial complex and not its own numerous crimes against humanity

Pfizer's crimes against humanity
Co-editor of the recently published Pfizer Papers, Amy Kelly, interviewed by Richard House

The takeover of our minds
It's our subconscious that falls victim to propaganda

You're not alone
Millions now aware of the real agenda

California fires symbolise fall of the West
TO describe the scene as armageddon is no hyperbole.

Blurring lines of gender in school
It’s a worldwide mission to subvert natural social and behavioural norms

Air-tight argument on carbon dioxide
Oceans make waves in man-made climate change debate

The first man in space!
On April 12, 1961, the Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, was ‘officially’ the first man into ‘outer space’. But did Gagarin really go into space?

Home-made recipe not to be coughed at
Beat the winter blues

Media shunning euthanasia reports
Only if these horror stories are wrapped up in tales more palatable will the national UK press consider publishing

Education system failing families
Special needs pupils being shut out from the extra help they require

Farming for a healthy future
Mark the Bowler Hat Farmer and Jon Cook are fighting back for our food

'Physics has been lying to us'
Explosive work of German scientist could lift lid on quantum theory

Fico moves to ban mRNA shots
Slovakia leads the way in Europe with plans to halt mRNA covid jabs

Heart damage only in covid-jabbed
Not a single unvaccinated child among those suffering

Football authorities impose LGBT agenda
Players being pressured to back controversial rainbow lobby

Giving vaccine injured a voice
Group for families harmed or killed by medical intervention

Puppet governments eye digital ID
Child-safeguarding excuse to bring in adult surveillance

'If the roles were reversed'
Blistering attack on Israel's genocide in Gaza

David Kelly inquiry a whitewash
Official lines fed to media which repeats it as truth’

Why is technocracy rising now?
Promised 'golden age' is a front for 24/7 surveillance

Confronting the 'experts'
Whistleblowing and suppressing dissent in science

'Self-replicating' RNA jabs approved
LAST month, the EU’s medicine committee recommended marketing authorisation of a new technology referred to as ‘self-amplifying RNA vaccines’ or ‘replicon vaccines’.

Holocaust that must be denied
Mainstream journalist blocked from using the H-word to describe Gaza atrocities

Protecting rights to use cash
Banks’ urgent warnings over the pitfalls of digital-only currency

True Pearls: Quotes on technocracy
The human mind, in taking us down the path of technocracy, has become the adversary of life itself and collaterally the adversary of the human soul. Konrad Lorenz, Zoologist

'Our mum was murdered by NHS'
Midazolam and morphine administered hours before death

Confessions of a carer
Shocking revelations about patients being 'drugged to death'

Feminine and masculine energy
Challenge of being trans in the freedom movement