Speech of the President Shri V.V Giri on the Occasion of the Inauguration of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari on September 2, 1970 - 3
Yuva Bharati

Speech of the President Shri V.V Giri on the Occasion of the Inauguration of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari on September 2, 1970 - 3

The problem of human suffering and inequality between man and man has no doubt existed from the dawn of time, but it was only during the recent decades the affluence of a few and the misery of the many has become sharper and more acute. Whether one approaches the problem purely from the materialistic angle or a humanistic angle or from as ethical angle, one will find that only by a change of heart and outlook can we wipe out sufferings and truly we will be able to establish the kingdom of God.

2 mins  |
April 2020
Inaugural function of Vivekananda Rock Memorial on 2nd September, 1970 Welcome address by President, Shri D.N. Sinha
Yuva Bharati

Inaugural function of Vivekananda Rock Memorial on 2nd September, 1970 Welcome address by President, Shri D.N. Sinha

I shall however tell you in a very small compass, the story as to how Swamiji came to be associated with the rock, to enable you all the better to appreciate the gravity of the occasion and the grandness of the idea that lies behind this attempt to dedicate a memorial on the rock to Swamiji, to commemorate an unique spiritual experience of his, which has now become a part of history.

5 mins  |
April 2020
Yuva Bharati



6 mins  |
April 2020
Yuva Bharati

The Colonial Roots of Sadhu Lynching

Lynchings are wrong.

4 mins  |
May 2020
Rebuilding India 20 India unites in times of crisis
Yuva Bharati

Rebuilding India 20 India unites in times of crisis

Almost the entire world is in the grip of coronavirus disease ( COVID - 19) since March 2020. The Centre for Systems Science and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University, USA notes that there were more than 2.72 million confirmed cases of the disease reported in 185 countries and territories as of April 24, 2020 with more than 1,91,000 deaths. It is the biggest calamity in the twenty-first century that has affected the different sections of the society all over the world.

6 mins  |
May 2020
Yuva Bharati


Many a times, we say there is no ideal in front of us; we dream and wish for the best. And while grieving or being melancholy over what is not with us, we do miss so many inspiring, heart-warming, life nurturing moments in life which can make our life purposeful. While grieving over the unavailability of the shining stars in life, we miss so many beautiful smiling flowers around us. These smiling flowers warm our heart and make our life fragrant. The shining stars are distant and visible only in the night but the fragrant flowers are always around. Let us stop grudging and grumbling and open our eyes to see these smiling flowers in our society. These smiling flowers are strewn liberally on each path. As a Jeevanvrati Karyakarta of Vivekananda Kendra, on my path too, I come across many beautiful smiling flowers, the inspiring, heart touching moments. This series is a garland of such blossoming, smiling flowers

4 mins  |
May 2020
Institutionalizing Hindu Hatred
Yuva Bharati

Institutionalizing Hindu Hatred

Ram Swarup and Sita Ram Goel stated very clearly that the rift in the religious fabric of India appeared for the first time when Islam appeared on India’s doors.

3 mins  |
May 2020
Yuva Bharati


US President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President of Brazil, Bolsonaro, as well as Presidents of many countries of the world including Spain and Australia are heartily praising India for helping them fight against Corona.

3 mins  |
May 2020
Parameswaran ji — Saint in White Robes
Yuva Bharati

Parameswaran ji — Saint in White Robes

Parameswaran ji, as he was known to his countless admirers, is no more.

5 mins  |
March 2020
Tribute to Mananeeya P.Parameswaranji
Yuva Bharati

Tribute to Mananeeya P.Parameswaranji

Kerala, Gods own land, has produced great many spiritual luminaries who lived like Maharishis of our yore. Kerala, has given birth to such great people like Adi Sankaracharya, Sree Chattambi Swami, Sri Narayana Gurudev, Swami Ranganathanandaji, Swami Chinmayanandaji, Sri Ayyankali and many great spiritual and religious luminaries and social reformers.

1 min  |
March 2020
Parameswaran, A Warrior For Dharma In The Intellectual Battlefield
Yuva Bharati

Parameswaran, A Warrior For Dharma In The Intellectual Battlefield

If one is to describe P. Parameswaran, then perhaps, it should be thus — a Parasurama whose Parasu or axe was his pen. He wielded it the way Parasurama wielded his axe and fell before it powers that distorted history and intellectual discourse in this country.

5 mins  |
March 2020
P.Parameswaran ji: Jnanasurya of our Intellectual Diaspora (1927-2020)
Yuva Bharati

P.Parameswaran ji: Jnanasurya of our Intellectual Diaspora (1927-2020)

The passing away of Mananeeya P.Parameswaran ji on 8th February 2020, midnight at Ottappalam in Kerala, has left a vacuum in our intellectual diaspora. He was conferred Padma Vibhushan in 2018 by the Government of India, which is the second-highest civilian award.

5 mins  |
March 2020
Mananeeya Parameswaranji: A Warrior and A Tapaswi
Yuva Bharati

Mananeeya Parameswaranji: A Warrior and A Tapaswi

70 years of relentless work. From the age of 23 when Sri Parameswaranji joined Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh as its Pracharak till the age of 93, he relentlessly and with full dedication worked for the country.

9 mins  |
March 2020
In Support Of The Aged..
Yuva Bharati

In Support Of The Aged..

Age doesn't wait for anyone! Today, you are young, that's fine! But it is certain that your skin will crumple one day and you would be like a tattered cloth, too!

1 min  |
October 2019
Swami Vivekananda Auditorium
Yuva Bharati

Swami Vivekananda Auditorium

Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, set up inside the sprawling Vivekanandapuram campus in the year 1981 has gone a long way in achieving its twin main objectives of imparting Man–making and Nation building education as preached by Swami Vivekananda.

1 min  |
October 2019
Creativity And Environment
Yuva Bharati

Creativity And Environment

The Sahitya Akademi, Government of India conducted a National Seminar on 26, 27 and 28 February 1985 in Delhi.

8 mins  |
October 2019
Common Curiosity And Uncommon Quest
Yuva Bharati

Common Curiosity And Uncommon Quest

Common Curiosity And Uncommon Quest

4 mins  |
February 2018
Complementarity Of Brain – Halves – Hindu Iconography Art And Philosophy
Yuva Bharati

Complementarity Of Brain – Halves – Hindu Iconography Art And Philosophy

The two halves the brain complementing each other as the active half and the passive half, and as the analytical portion and the holistic integrating portion have been understood and expressed in Hindu iconography, art and philosophy.

6 mins  |
March 2018
Paramvaibhavamnethy Methathswarashtram - 17
Yuva Bharati

Paramvaibhavamnethy Methathswarashtram - 17

Stop the habit of comparing Vedic concepts with modern scientific perspective rather fit modern science into the Vedic frame work :

5 mins  |
March 2018
Archaeologist Dr.Nagaswamy Awarded Padma Bhusha
Yuva Bharati

Archaeologist Dr.Nagaswamy Awarded Padma Bhusha

The Highest Civilian Awards called as “Padma Awards” (Three categories - Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri) are given by government of India to eminent achievers in various disciplines and fields of activities such as Art, Social Work, Public Affairs, Science &Engineering, Trade &Industry, Medicine, Literature & Education, Sports, Civil Services, etc. ‘Padma Vibhushan’ is awarded for exceptional and distinguished service; ‘Padma Bhushan’ for distinguished service of high order and ‘Padma Shri’ for distinguished service in any field.

3 mins  |
March 2018
Padmavibhushan For Vivekananda Kendra President Mananeeya P. Parameswaranji
Yuva Bharati

Padmavibhushan For Vivekananda Kendra President Mananeeya P. Parameswaranji

Kendra workers all over India and Patriots and adherents of Hindu Dharma rejoice at the honour done to Kendra President Ma. P. Parameswaranji. He has been chosen for Padma Vibhushan award for the 2018 Republic day.

2 mins  |
March 2018
User Godly
Yuva Bharati

User Godly

User Godly

2 mins  |
April 2018
Mahatma Gandhi's Benevolence And Contribution To India's Freedom Movement
Yuva Bharati

Mahatma Gandhi's Benevolence And Contribution To India's Freedom Movement

Perhaps, it is well-known to a great many Indians that India is the birthplace of a host of eminent personalities who have upheld Indian tradition and culture widely throughout the world.

5 mins  |
October 2017
Aggressive Hinduism
Yuva Bharati

Aggressive Hinduism

The greatest threat to Hinduism and the Hindu Nation, Bharatavarsha, comes not from aliens from outside the country or from those children of Mother Bharat who have fallen stooges to alien culture and values of life, but from the so called sadhus, sants, spiritual heads of various sampradayas and sectarian leaders within the Hindu society who, out of their urge for domination over their blind followers, have divided the Hindu Society into multifarious groups and organizations, some even claiming themselves to be non-Hindus and minorities to enjoy political privileges and material well-being. 

5 mins  |
November 2017
Nurturing And Measuring Creativity
Yuva Bharati

Nurturing And Measuring Creativity

Nurturing And Measuring Creativity

2 mins  |
January 2018
Modern World And Swami Vivekananda
Yuva Bharati

Modern World And Swami Vivekananda

Modern world, so far as its scientific and technological advancement is concerned, has reached almost its zenith, whereas in the domain of moral and ethical propriety, it has almost gone down to its nadir, as if it has lost human values.

9 mins  |
September 2017
Swami Vivekananda and Internationalism
Yuva Bharati

Swami Vivekananda and Internationalism

Swami Vivekananda and Internationalism

5 mins  |
January 2018
Swami Vivekananda's lesson – effective searching
Yuva Bharati

Swami Vivekananda's lesson – effective searching

Swami Vivekananda’s lesson – effective searching

4 mins  |
January 2018
Swami Vivekananda Serves The Cause Of Vedanta
Yuva Bharati

Swami Vivekananda Serves The Cause Of Vedanta

Swami Vivekananda Serves The Cause Of Vedanta

4 mins  |
January 2018
Effort And Sport
Yuva Bharati

Effort And Sport

Effort is to be converted into sport. Sport ceases to be enjoyable, if it is for a fruit. Effort is often for a fruit and sport is its own fruit. Any attempt for a specific fruit may make us concerned more with the fruit than with the effort. 

3 mins  |
December 2017

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