Sanctuary Asia

Adventure In The Andaman Sea

Boom! Rumble! Crash! A streak of lightning lit up the horizon and a swirling mass of black clouds darkened the already murky and choppy waters of the Andaman sea.

2 mins  |
July 2017
Paradise Found in Panama
Sanctuary Asia

Paradise Found in Panama

Before travelling to Panama on a business visit in midJuly 2014, I knew little about the country apart from the Panama Canal.

3 mins  |
November 2016
Sanctuary Asia

Nocturnal, Arboreal And Vulnerable The Bengal Slow Loris

The Bengal slow loris Nycticebus bengalensis has a large geographic range spanning Northeast India, Myanmar, Cambodia, southern China, Laos, and Thailand, all the way to Vietnam.

7 mins  |
April 2017
Sanctuary Asia

Birding In The 'Wild East' Of India

There are few finer ways to experience nature than to be out walking in the wilds. And what gives gentle purpose to such walks is to look out for those flying avians doing what they have been doing long before humans came along. The author shares some of the delights of doing so in one of India’s least-explored birding havens… Nagaland.

6 mins  |
April 2017
Kids For Tigers
Sanctuary Asia

Kids For Tigers

KIDS FOR TIGERS is a nation-wide effort of Sanctuary and school children to save the wild t iger and its habitat.

1 min  |
November 2018
The Grizzled Giant
Sanctuary Asia

The Grizzled Giant

During my childhood, I often heard the myth about Lord Rama creating the five-striped squirrel with a stroke of his fingertips. However, on a recent trip to Chinnar, the squirrels I was in search of were a little different (or should I say a little larger) than those of my childhood memories!

2 mins  |
November 2018
In Aid Of Animals
Sanctuary Asia

In Aid Of Animals

“My school teachers teach me to care for our planet Earth. When I grow up, I want to become an animal activist and save as many animals as I can.”

2 mins  |
November 2018
With Birds And Beasts In Tal Chappar
Sanctuary Asia

With Birds And Beasts In Tal Chappar

Nestled in the Churu district of Rajasthan, the Tal Chappar Wildlife Sanctuary lies on the Nokha-Sujangarh state highway, about 132 km. from Bikaner.

2 mins  |
November 2018
No Selfies Please!
Sanctuary Asia

No Selfies Please!

Animals are not our selfie props! We must be respectful of all creatures.

1 min  |
July 2018
Take Action
Sanctuary Asia

Take Action

Help stop the mindless hacking of Mumbai’s ‘lungs’. Save the trees.

1 min  |
July 2018
Humans Of Nature
Sanctuary Asia

Humans Of Nature

The USA may have one of world’s biggest ‘carbon footprints’ but it also has some of the most dedicated environmental leaders. Meet two incredible, inspirational Americans, born over 100 years apart.

3 mins  |
July 2018
Dragonfly Tale
Sanctuary Asia

Dragonfly Tale

‘Come with a story – read, sing or mime – just make sure you come with a story,’ read the email addressed to members of the newly-formed ‘Storyteller’s Club’, Auroville. It was their first gathering at the house under the rain tree. As a full moon shone brilliantly above them, they all came forward with a tale to recount…

4 mins  |
July 2018
The Inbox
Sanctuary Asia

The Inbox

We love hearing from you! Here are some of your letters and e-mails.

1 min  |
July 2018
The Sanctuary Interview - Meet Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj
Sanctuary Asia

The Sanctuary Interview - Meet Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj

An Indian Forest Service Offi cer, a tiger protector, a Great Indian Bustard protector, wildlife photographer par excellence, and a man whose heart beats for wild nature. Born in 1968, in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, he grew up in a tiny village called Narwana in Himachal Pradesh. He graduated in Biosciences from the Government College, Dharamsala and obtained a Masters in Botany and an M.Phil. from the Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. The University of Rajasthan, Jaipur awarded him a Doctorate in 2011 for his thesis ‘Plant Resource Utilisation by Avianfauna in Sitamata Sanctuary, Rajasthan, India’. Clearly an academic, he has known Bittu Sahgal for over two decades and speaks to him about his love of photography and passion for wild nature.

5 mins  |
April 2019
The ERDS Foundation
Sanctuary Asia

The ERDS Foundation

In early March 2019, Radheshyam Bishnoi, community volunteer of ERDS Foundation, formerly known as the Ecology and Rural Development Society, a non-profit organisation working in western Rajasthan, and his birding mentor Dr. Divesh Saini (Physician and supporter of ERDS Foundation) were birding in Pokhran in Jaisalmer district.

3 mins  |
April 2019
Sanctuary Asia

Zero Budget Natural Farming

How to fix our broken food system and stop its collateral damage on Nature

6 mins  |
April 2019
‘Bullet' Train Project
Sanctuary Asia

‘Bullet' Train Project

Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (MAHSR)

1 min  |
April 2019
A Party On A Banyan Tree!
Sanctuary Asia

A Party On A Banyan Tree!

While walking through a forested patch adjoining the famous Kanha Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh one morning, I noticed a lot of movement on a big banyan tree. On closer inspection I realised that the tree was fruiting and had attracted hordes of birds! At first, I could only see Brown-headed Barbets. But as I inched closer, I saw Coppersmith Barbets as well…

2 mins  |
July 2019
The Butterflies Of Dzongu
Sanctuary Asia

The Butterflies Of Dzongu

We were driving along when my photographer friend Sandip Das exclaimed, “Wow!” A large butterfly was landing and flying and landing again on the mud by the roadside. We stopped to examine it and were surprised to find that it was a northern jungle queen – high on our wishlist!

2 mins  |
July 2019
Incidental Catch
Sanctuary Asia

Incidental Catch

What I found in my search for the elusive seahorse.

6 mins  |
February 2017
A River Dolphin's Ear-View Of India's Waterways Development Plans
Sanctuary Asia

A River Dolphin's Ear-View Of India's Waterways Development Plans

A river dolphin took a tired lunge before diving into the Hooghly river next to a noisy, mammoth, crowded vessel ferrying passengers on National Waterway No. 1 (NW-1) in Kolkata. Its tail stood up stiff, flicking wildly, straight out of the water before it dived down headfirst. Such a dive indicates acute distress in dolphins. It heaved, surfacing after seven minutes, a longer interval than normal. How could we know what had happened?

7 mins  |
February 2017
Planet Earth's Young Defenders
Sanctuary Asia

Planet Earth's Young Defenders

Sanctuary’s Young Naturalists of the Year 2016

3 mins  |
January 2017
Buildings by Nature 
Sanctuary Asia

Buildings by Nature 

Cub kids, in the last issue you read about some innovative buildings inspired by nature. Read about a few more architectural marvels that prove that these are the designs of the future.

2 mins  |
January 2017
Mumbai's Forgotten Shores The Coastal Road
Sanctuary Asia

Mumbai's Forgotten Shores The Coastal Road

You never forget a first.

5 mins  |
June 2019
Darryl D'Monte
Sanctuary Asia

Darryl D'Monte

November 11, 1944 – March 16, 2019The original environmental journalistAnand Parthasarathy remembers the veteran Mumbai-based scribe who wrote the first detailed account of the saving of the Silent Valley.

5 mins  |
June 2019
Off-Roads And Off-Limits
Sanctuary Asia

Off-Roads And Off-Limits

Until a few years ago, the ecologically fragile lateritic plateau of Kaas, home to rare and endemic floral species, witnessed large scale damage due to uncontrolled tourism.

2 mins  |
June 2019
Monitoring Tigers Beyond Tiger Reserves
Sanctuary Asia

Monitoring Tigers Beyond Tiger Reserves

The slender, bony-white trunks of dhavda trees, standing out against their dark-barked neighbours, appeared unusually mottled.

4 mins  |
June 2019
Afloat Upon The Sound Of Silence
Sanctuary Asia

Afloat Upon The Sound Of Silence

A Dreamy Journey Through Kerala’s Silent Valley

3 mins  |
March 2019
Butterflies... Masters Of Metamorphosis
Sanctuary Asia

Butterflies... Masters Of Metamorphosis

Butterflies have always fascinated humankind. Among insects they are certainly among the most attractive – they come in so many beautiful shapes, colours and patterns. Their charm has made them very popular and they are well celebrated in arts and culture.

4 mins  |
May 2018
A Concern For Frogs And Toads
Sanctuary Asia

A Concern For Frogs And Toads

Toads and frogs begin their lives as tiny aquatic eggs, from which emerge tadpoles, which then metamorphose into adults. They play a big role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. Also, it’s so much fun to watch them hop around!

1 min  |
May 2018

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