Quick Tips To Boost Your Metabolism
There are a lot of people who would give a lot to increase their metabolism.
How Sports Or Any Physical Activity Can Improve Your Mood
Physical activity has been known to have myriads of physical benefits to a person’s body.
How To Find Good Food
Avoid these 7 ingredients, sometimes hidden in “healthy” foods
5 Energy-Boosting Alternatives From The Vitamin Aisle
If your day starts with a zombie-like stagger to your Nespresso machine, you might want to rethink your relationship with caffeine
Is Your Brain Running On Empty?
It’s time to fill up on omega-3 fats, the No. 1 brain nutrient for protecting against Alzheimer’s, easing depression and anxiety, and calming ADHD
The Health Benefits Of Going Organic
Removing GMOs and pesticides from your diet can seriously reduce your body’s toxic burden
When & Why To Take B Vitamins
B vitamins act like spark plugs in your body, so if you’re falling short, your internal engine can’t run at full capacity. If you feel like you’re plugging along at 25 miles-per-hour when you want to be going 60, you just might need more
Relieve Low Back Pain Without Drugs
From dehydration to an inflammatory diet, here are the most common causes—and the best natural therapies—for back pain
How To Get The Sleep You Need
Science-backed strategies for superior slumber
6 Conditions That Affect Women More Than Men
Men are more likely to die from cirrhosis, Parkinson’s disease, colon cancer, and physical injuries. But certain serious conditions are known to target women exponentially more often than men. Here are six of the most common.
The World's Cheapest Hospital Has To Get Even Cheaper
Cancer surgery for $700. A heart bypass for $2,000. Pretty good, but under India’s new health-care system, not good enough.
8 Foods To Fight High Blood Pressure
Tasty ways to combat hypertension and reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke
13 Things - Surprising Facts About At-home DNA Tests
If you send your DNA to two different companies to find out your ancestry, you may end up with two different results.
10 Multivitamin Myths Busted
We cut through the misinformation surrounding this dietary supplement staple
How To Move More Efficiently, Prevent Injuries And Get Stronger
Want to improve your performance and prevent injury? Keep your eyes on the flexibility highways.
What My DNA Told Me: Avoid Fast Food, Eat Vegetables
Avoid fast food, eat vegetables and exercise. It sounds like generic health advice, but they’re tips supposedly tailored to my DNA profile.
12 Fitness Myths That Have To Go This Year
This is the year these 12 fitness myths just have to go.
Five-move Delt Routine To Break Your Shoulder Rut
Tired of your steady diet of presses and laterals? Two-time Arnold Classic Figure champ Candice Lewis-Carter dishes up a five-move delt routine to break your shoulder rut.
Best Tips For Fat-Loss
2X classic Physique Olympia champion Breon Ansley gives you his best fat-loss tips.
Tips To Have A More Effective Workout When 'Aunt Flo' Comes To Visit
Use these expert tips to navigate the gym when Mother Nature pays her monthly visit.
What Medication Can Do For Your Body
Starting the day with a moment of Zen can clear your head, but what can it do for your body?
Transform Your Physique In 8 Weeks
Ready to look and feel amazing? Follow this eight-week workout program, modeled by former figure pro Erin Stern, to burn fat, build muscle—and totally transform your physique.
What Time's Dinner? (And Breakfast, And Lunch …)
You could actually improve your overall health (and shrink your waistline) just by changing when you eat. Read on to learn about the research so groundbreaking that it won the Nobel Prize.
Alex Silver-fagan Spreads A Gospel Of Functional Fitness
Renowned trainer and model Alex Silver-Fagan spreads a gospel of functional fitness, facing life head-on, and embracing every moment.
This Is Your Brain... On Exercise
Hard workouts can improve mood, improve attention — and even build more gray matter.
Meet 5 Women Who've Got The Fit Factor
CALLING ALL FIT WOMEN Think you have what it takes? Send your story to futureoffitness
Be Lifted Choose Your Coach, Change Your Life
With The Oxygen Challenge 5
Fitter With Fasted Cardio?
Is the age-old practice of hitting the treadmill hungry worth the effort?
The Hers Guide To Crushing Stress
You can’t be healthy and fit—inside or out—if you’re constantly feeling the weight of the world. Here’s how to show anxiety who’s boss.
5 Reasons Your Plank Sucks
Brace yourself (literally) for better movement by avoiding these plank mishaps.