'ATMs Are Poised To Grow More Intelligent In Understanding Customer Needs'
'ATMs Are Poised To Grow More Intelligent In Understanding Customer Needs'
Redefining Perspectives
Gaining new insights and upgrading skills are crucial to navigate today’s complex business landscape. It is in this context that executive education programs hold relevance.
The Impact Of Coaching In Executive Education
Putting ideas into action!
How To Keep Toxicity At Bay?
In their book, Toxic Workplace!, Mitchell Kusy and Elizabeth Holloway define toxic personality as “anyone who demonstrates a pattern of counter productive, work behaviour that debilitate individuals, teams, and even organizations over the long term.” Harboring negative feelings could prove detrimental to not just others. It could linger within and ruin you, even without your knowledge.
‘Leaders' Of A Different Kind
At an organizational level, in a sense, millennials are change-makers. While not taking the expected course, they demand a relook at many aspects, hitherto considered beyond the scope of change. For instance, they bring home the fact that impactful leadership, in no context, can operate within a command and control paradigm; it has to be democratic, and involve guiding, coaching, supporting, and facilitating.
One Small Step, One Big Change
The image of women being caught in a stifled existence does not come as a surprise to most of us. In many cultures, they continue to be the less privileged, their basic needs unaddressed, and their ambitions and goals put on the back burner. What can effect a transformation? Where does one start? Perhaps, with an individual or a small group, and then replicate the success on a larger canvas.
How To Manage Conflicts?
Kenneth Kaye, American psychologist, said, “Conflict is neither good nor bad. Properly managed, it is absolutely vital.” Organizations should identify, understand, and develop effective resolutions to workplace conflicts lest it creates a stressed working atmosphere and hinders productivity.