Combined forces
Amateur Gardening

Combined forces

Grafting allows Toby to tap into his inner Frankenstein and give his favourite plants a chance to be even better

2 mins  |
May 14, 2022
Propagation essentials
Amateur Gardening

Propagation essentials

Anne Swithinbank's masterclass on: better propagation

2 mins  |
May 14, 2022
Ask John Negus
Amateur Gardening

Ask John Negus

John has been answering reader queries for 50 years. John will reply personally to all your gardening questions every week

7 mins  |
May 14, 2022
Guide to hardy plants
Amateur Gardening

Guide to hardy plants

In the first of a series on hardy plants, we look at how to use hardy herbaceous perennials in the garden and begin a comprehensive ABC of suitable plants

3 mins  |
May 14, 2022
This week...Aquilegias
Amateur Gardening

This week...Aquilegias

Try easy-to-grow aquilegias for a rainbow of spring colour

4 mins  |
May 14, 2022
Blooming tasty
Amateur Gardening

Blooming tasty

Some garden flowers are safe to eat, so why not use them to add flavour and colour to summer salads, desserts and cocktails? Hazel Sillver reveals which ones to pick

5 mins  |
May 14, 2022
Time to refresh bedding
Amateur Gardening

Time to refresh bedding

Get ready for a summer of brilliant colours, says Ruth

4 mins  |
May 14, 2022
Containers for summer colour
Amateur Gardening

Containers for summer colour

Create your own 'garden in miniature' using some of the summer container plants from the selection I have chosen, says Anne Swithinbank

6 mins  |
May 14, 2022
Coming up roses!
Amateur Gardening

Coming up roses!

The roses are blooming and Val is in her element

3 mins  |
June 25, 2022
Early summer pruning
Amateur Gardening

Early summer pruning

Trim back early clematis and other shrubs, says Ruth

1 min  |
June 25, 2022
Fond memorial to Peter Seabrook
Amateur Gardening

Fond memorial to Peter Seabrook

Peter’s effects and “Peter Seabrook’ sweet peas on his memorial bench

1 min  |
June 25, 2022
Plants were back at Chelsea
Amateur Gardening

Plants were back at Chelsea

This year’s show was a welcome return to ‘proper’ gardens

1 min  |
June 25, 2022
Summer lawn essentials
Amateur Gardening

Summer lawn essentials

Feed, mow and take care of bald patches, says Ruth

2 mins  |
June 25, 2022
Care of exotic perennials
Amateur Gardening

Care of exotic perennials

Ruth sets her cannas and dahlias up for summer

2 mins  |
June 25, 2022
Look forward to lilacs
Amateur Gardening

Look forward to lilacs

Before the lilacs of this spring become simply a fragrant memory, why not think about the varieties you want to plant in autumn

4 mins  |
June 25, 2022
Club tropicana
Amateur Gardening

Club tropicana

If you want to create a tropical mood in late summer and early autumn, then now is the time to get your jungle-style plants in the ground

7 mins  |
June 25, 2022
Climbing companions
Amateur Gardening

Climbing companions

Toby delights at the companionable nature of his clematis and how they find their place even in the busiest borders

2 mins  |
June 18, 2022
Drought-tolerant sun roses
Amateur Gardening

Drought-tolerant sun roses

With drier summers becoming more common, many people are looking for plants that will survive in dry soils with little rainfall - and cistus are an answer, says Graham Rice

6 mins  |
June 18, 2022
Best alpines
Amateur Gardening

Best alpines

Perfect for containers and drought-tolerant planting schemes, alpines are petite plants that add texture and jewel-like pops of colour, says Camilla Phelps

6 mins  |
June 18, 2022
Root pruning container plants
Amateur Gardening

Root pruning container plants

Steve and Val Bradley explain how avoid repotting to ever-larger containers

3 mins  |
June 18, 2022
Get better jostaberries
Amateur Gardening

Get better jostaberries

Several years down the line we have a large, vigorous shrub whose fruit are less plentiful than that of a gooseberry or blackcurrant.

2 mins  |
June 18, 2022
Peat-free preferences
Amateur Gardening

Peat-free preferences

Val explains why she prefers plants in peat-free media

3 mins  |
June 18, 2022
A pinch of salt
Amateur Gardening

A pinch of salt

In small doses, salt can benefit your garden. Bob reveals how it can kill weeds, boost lawns and support crops

2 mins  |
June 18, 2022
Troubleshooting for tomatoes
Amateur Gardening

Troubleshooting for tomatoes

Ruth suggests ways of beating pests and diseases

2 mins  |
June 18, 2022
Greenhouse health check
Amateur Gardening

Greenhouse health check

Keep on top of temperatures and plant health, says Ruth

2 mins  |
June 18, 2022
Getting the most from bedding
Amateur Gardening

Getting the most from bedding

Don't forget aftercare once you've planted, says Ruth

2 mins  |
June 18, 2022
Caring for growing potatoes
Amateur Gardening

Caring for growing potatoes

AG editor Garry explains how to cultivate a healthy crop

2 mins  |
June 11, 2022
Green ways of boosting soil
Amateur Gardening

Green ways of boosting soil

Expert praises homemade compost and green waste

3 mins  |
June 11, 2022
Dealing with problem spots
Amateur Gardening

Dealing with problem spots

Improve your soil and work with what you’ve got, says Ruth

2 mins  |
June 11, 2022
Focus on... Growing cherries
Amateur Gardening

Focus on... Growing cherries

Successful cherry growing is well within your reach and you don’t need a massive garden to reap the juicy rewards. Lucy reveals how to enjoy these lip-smacking summer fruits

6 mins  |
June 11, 2022