The Ultimate Cycle Workout To Shed Those Pesky Kilos
Squeeze in a workout,skip traffic and soak up some scenery. When you put it that way, biking sounds pretty awesome.Turn the page to get started.
How To Deal With Detoxification!
It’s become the new buzzword among influencers and health addicts, but very few of us understand its core.
Planning For Your First Solo Trip? Read This!
Every millennial loves to travel, and really, why not? There are a multitude of cities waiting to be explored, local food to be sampled and cultures to be experienced. Most of us have journeyed overseas with family, friends or an S.O., but have you ever considered taking a trip by yourself? Travelling alone isn’t unheard of; many do it for both business and pleasure, but it can be scary and daunting because you are companionless. And this begets the question, “Am i really going to have as much fun as i would if i travelled with another person?” The answer is a resounding YES.
Are Uncomfortable Questions Dragging You Down?
Don’t Shudder in Fear When an Aunty Is Near. Shihaam Hassanali Gives You the Tools You Need to Be Firm, Yet Friendly.
Find Your Voice at Work
Speaking up can be intimidating, but proving you have something smart to say commands respect…and is crucial for your advancement. Follow these pointers from Lauren Maillian, entrepreneur, author, and co-star of Quit Your Day Job.
How I Did It
Poised, elegant and fun, Dinithi Somaratne , Group Communications Director at The Kingsbury and Amaya Resorts & Spas, will have you in awe of all she’s accomplished. Here, she shares her top tips on how to make it in the hospitality industry, staying creative while on the job, and her secret to looking and feeling amazing.
Learn To Love What You Do
Your Nine-To-Five Doesn't Have to Suck You Dry.
Crush Your Time Off!
Quick question: Would you rather get a vacation or a raise?In a recent survey, more than one-third of employees said they'd prefer days full of mai tais and palm trees over a pay bump. So it seems totally bonkers that there are hundreds of thousands of unused vacation days every year. Unacceptable! Stacks of studies show that taking vacations, whether you go way off the grid or camp out on your couch, can improve your health, mood, creativity and productivity. So whip out your calendar, block off some me-time and get ready to feel amazing.
Is He Your Soulmate? Find Out Now
He is cute and funny, and shares your obsession with True-Crime Shows - How could you two not be meant to be? Here's how: The factors that make couples really click aren't the one's you'd expect. Allow us to explain.
When It All Goes Tits Up
Everything suddenly gone wrong at work? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered…
10 Reasons Why Your Hair Doesn't Care
You eat right, you’re always popping vitamins and yet somehow, your hair just refuses to look like you’re about to audition for a shampoo commercial. Unbeknownst to most of us, it isn’t always just the hair dyes and hot irons that can damages our strands. Join Lakshika Pinto as she points out 10 mistakes that could make or break your mane!
Get Ready For Wedding Season
Getting ready for a wedding can be nerve-wracking even when you're just a guest! Being Sri Lankan, you know when it's nakath season you've got a wedding almost every other week!
6 Tips To Marry Your Professional Goals With Your Love Life
Calling all ambitious millennial women! Have you ever felt that you can’t have it all — a career you’re passionate about and the man of your dreams?If you were to find love, would you have to give up on the hustle and vice versa? Shihaam Hassanali explores…
Love Is In The Hair!
February brings with it the most pressurizing date night of all-time: Valentine’s Day! As you panic over what shoes to pair with which outfit, leave your hair woes to Lakshika Pinto…
Tips To Get Deeper And, Ultimately, Result In Wrinkles
Fine lines are pretty much the warning your skin tries to give you before the dawn of full-blown wrinkles. They first start making their appearance around your mouth and eyes in your mid to late thirties. They’re the combined result of the natural breakdown of collagen and elastin in your skin along with years of exposure to harmful UV rays from the sun. However, thanks to technological advances in the beauty and skincare world, today there are quite a few ways to iron them out before these fine lines get deeper and, ultimately, result in wrinkles.
Tips To Embrace JOMO Like A Pro
It’s 7:30 PM and you’re still at the office putting things in order for an all-important event the following day. Your phone rings—it’s your bestie asking you to join her for drinks. Despite the knowledge that you’re going to be exhausted and really do need to get a good night’s sleep in anticipation of a long day ahead, your response is: “Hell yeah, girl! See you in a few!”The mere thought of your friends posting Instagram stories without you, makes you clam up, and this basically boils down to a massive Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO). The only way to get out of anxious behaviour like this is to begin to appreciate the Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO). Yes, it’s really a thing. But, how do you go about actually doing it? Sumaiya Shuaibdeen discovers the art of saying ‘No’.
Are You In Tune With Your Sexuality?
It’s true, women derive more pleasure from sex than men! This might come as a surprise for many, but in a country like ours, where women are raised to be sexually modest, not everyone has the opportunity to be vocal about their sexual desires. But, this needs to change, stat.
10 Tips To Have Fun And Still Come Out Shining
The pressure (and constant partying) that hits at this time of year can be tough on your body. Here’s how to have fun and still come out shining
Hey, How Do I Wear… All Beige?
Without looking boring!
Alert: You Can Officially Cancel Your Period
Opt out of that nonsense.
Your Academic Major Doesn't Define Your Career
You would’ve heard the phrase, “quit your job and follow your true passion”, but it’s not like you can just do it (Sorry, Nike!). Imagine this: You spend 4 years on a chemical engineering degree before you land your first decent job. And, you realize that this isn’t what you want to do for the rest of your life! But, you don’t have to continue with the job you dislike despite investing time, energy and a lot of money into it. Having said that, trying to pursue your true passion might seem impossible, but with the right push and a little help, better times will be around the corner!
Big Bold Affirmations FTW!
Chances are you have, and surprise, surprise! Your day might have ended up being actually bad!
The Liberation Of Christina Aguilera
The pop star with the powerful pipes has dealt with it all—from loathsome music execs to criticism of her looks and love life. In this raw, personal, and vulnerable interview, she finally sets her demons free.
Love Always Finds A Way
Hash Bandara and Umanga Samarasinghe are not your average couple. As young as they are, they have little over a decade of experience under their belt with combatting the many ordeals which came as a couple. They’re setting a positive tone for the younger gen and showing everyone that it doesn’t matter how you dress, what you look like or what your orientation is, love will always find a way.
Love At First Twirl
The idea that a modern day fairy tale can happen has always left me doubtful until I sat down to have a chat with the dazzling Tarja De Silva and her partner, in dancing and life, Alberto Ruiz.
6 Travel Tips For The Broken Hearted
It really sucks to be the one trying to get over an ex during the month of love, right? Right. Well, they say embarking on an adventure will heal a broken heart. While these aren’t foolproof, these tips, that I’ve spent years curating, should help you decide how you can spend this Valentine's. I highly recommend that you take to the road!
Stephanie Is Bringing Her A - Game
From being a teen who never really fit into a bona fide activist to a well-loved beauty queen to a local and international comperer and singer, Stephanie Siriwardhana has been through the mill. But, she’s ready to do what she does best: Empower women.
The Robot Wars
For decades, mankind has feared the day technology becomes cleverer than us. Now it’s here, and we were too busy trying to sync our Sonos to notice. Welcome to The Big Techover…
Answering All your NSFW Qs
Have a question you desperately want answered?Reach out to us at
How To Fight Fomo!
FOMO (fear of missing out) is our generation’s arachnophobia (the fear of spiders), not just a really bad ‘90s film and Cosmo’s Joshua Joynes suffers bad. So, how can we kick it to the curb?