Carage Brands

Carage Brands

What’s even crazier than this photo is that Bode Merrill’s favorite band is Sole Asylum.  

3 mins  |
November 2016
Message Boardin

Message Boardin

Desiree is a bad bitch that is on the forefront of women’s snowboarding with a number of progressive video parts and—in my opinion—the best style of any female. She continues to surprise the snowboarding world by thinking outside the box. Right now she is working on a very ambitious project called The United Slopes Of America where she is attempting to visit every resort in the U.S. to mingle with the locals, film everything along the way and write a book about the whole experience while living in a camper shell on the back of her Toyota that her and her father built by hand. More importantly for this column, Desiree is a very smart individual who is not afraid to voice her opinion, even if it offends everyone around her. That is why I asked her to do this Message Boardin’.

2 mins  |
November 2016
Union Strike Mission

Union Strike Mission

Dan brisse, Johnny O’Connor, Phil Jacques and Anto Chamberland in Chicoutimi

4 mins  |
January 2017
Aspen Weaver

Aspen Weaver

“Well, I was born on The Grateful Dead tour”

6 mins  |
January 2017
Alex Sherman

Alex Sherman

I’m sitting here with Alex “Littlest” Sherman as he is rolling up a doobie. Hey Littlest, how are you?I am good, how are you?

4 mins  |
November 2016
Christian Hobush

Christian Hobush

I haven’t been in tune with what you have been up to. What’s going on? This past winter I filmed with the Chuuch crew. It’s this local crew in Salt Lake. Buncha homies.

3 mins  |
November 2016