
The Millennial Sex Slump
What’s got this generation down and out instead of hot and heavy?

Angel Healing And Past Lives

Because even Chirtmas can be traumatizing

8 Things You Should Know About Getting Tested For HIV
December 1 is World Aids Day

Julie Sparks Joy
All her life, actress, singer, and songwriter Julie San Jose has been making everyone around her happy. Here’s why she’s not stopping anytime soon.

The 411 On Foreplay
Here’s how to really get ready for the main event.

How We Make It Work Gela Munoz And Paolo Salgado
The blogger and creative director open up about being each other’s first and last.

Faith, Love and Hope
Liza Soberano wants you to know that she is more than skin-deep.

10 Things We All Worry About
Unclench your fists, slow your breathing, and let go of your hair. We’ve got good news for you worrywarts— we’re all doing it!

Love Better: Work Towards That Happy Ending
Sure, you’re a catch. But you can make your relationship skills A+ by working on these four great-mate traits—even while you’re single.

The Pinay In Love In 2017
Hint: She’s more in control now.
Miss Congeniality
Yassi Pressman’s brand of positivity is exactly what the world needs right now.

Flying High
Commercial airline pilot Jo Anne Toral shares the rewards and pitfalls of being a woman in a male-dominated industry.

Making Cash Out of Nothing at All
How many times have you heard someone tell you to follow your heart? And how realistic is that given the need to survive financially? Financial experts and authors of I Wish They Taught Money in High School Sharon Que and Clarissa De La Paz show you how you can make these two seemingly opposing ideals work.

Girl On The Go
Here’s How Gabbi’s Hair Stays Strong Despite The Hustle Of City Life.
Cosmo Bae Lee Min Ho
Your oppa from Boys Over Flowers and The Legend of the Blue Sea is back with a new album.
Something Just Like This
Anne Curtis, after all this time, is still the country’s sweetheart. And we have a feeling that’s never going to change.
Coming Of Age
Independent women aren’t just honeys making money (throw your hands up at me!)—although that’s certainly part of it. Here, real Pinays give us the lowdown on the different ways they lead independent lives.

Why I Moved Out At 21
Or what to do when leaving the nest becomes a must.

How Not To Lose Yourself To Love
You can (and should!) be independent within a relationship. And there are ways to do it without compromising your bond.

Sex Q&A Blowout!
Honest answers to the private questions you can only ask Cosmo.
Why Being Imperfect Is The New Perfect
Striving for perfection is so 2017.

Is Pop Culture Messing With Your Love Life?
How fandom culture could be messing with your real-life relationships.
The Consent Primer
What you need to know about consent–and why it matters.

Maine Stay
After two years in the industry, Maine Mendoza’s proven she’s in it for the long haul.

A Thin Line
Should Hollywood continue to make films about eating disorders?

'I Had AnxIety, And I Made It Worse'
One woman wanted to tackle her anxiety the natural way…until she realized crystals and coconut oil aren’t the cure for serious mental illness.

Woman In The Sequel
Hamilton West End’s firstever Schuyler sisters, Rachelle Ann Go and Christine Allado, are ready for anything and everything the spotlight sends their way.
In The Zone
With several box office hits and critically acclaimed films and shows under her belt, Bela Padilla is a double threat that shows no signs of letting out anytime soon.

Wanderlust- A Sense Of Fun
One Woman Explores Three Cities On Her Own