Te Reo Rock Triumphant
Waip’s world conquering Alien Weaponry should win big at the NZ Music Awards.
Comedy For A Callous World
The trials and tribulations of your average neighbourhood hitman.
Memories Of Geeland
A memoir by the NZ literary great is at its evocative best when reflecting on his boyhood.
Pulling Its Punches
CGI-enhanced literary adaptation looks sharp but lacks heart.
Drawn To Lives On The Edge
How a cult cartoonist became the next outsider to inspire a Gus Van Sant movie.
What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted
Sad to say, but the song that should win this years Silver Scroll is obvious.
A Cultural Storm On The Rocks
The troubled birth of the Sydney Opera House has inspired an ambitious period novel.
South Side Story
Choreographer Moss Patterson brings the cultural history of Manukau alive in a multimedia work.
Perfect Strangers
Its heart-warming to see strangers of different races get along, even in Trumps America.
Milk Shake
Fear of full-fat milk is tipped on its head by new findings on stroke and heart disease. So what milk is best and could dairy products help turn around our childrens poor nutrition?
The Sound Of Kiwi Music
Auckland’s Spark Arena will be alive with drum and bass, metal and r’n’b performances by acts vying for this year’s gongs.
Odd Couple Of Peculiar Pop
They’ve shared stages, studios and spas but why aren’t these ex-Brunettes world famous in NZ?
Everest To Never Rest
At 92, travel writer Jan Morris files what may be the last report from her remarkable life.
In Personal Memoriam
Ending Song by Whanganui poet Airini Beautrais may have been commissioned to be part of the national commemoration of the centennial of the Armistice, but for her, the work is personal.
Writing From The Ruins
English author AN Wilson has put aside his historical biographies for a novel inspired by a visit to quake-devastated Christchurch – a city where he expects the book will get a tough reception.
Retiring With Dignity
With pension funding set to treble in cost, calls to restrict eligibility are growing. Though many are willing and able – or financially forced – to work past 65, what happens when we want to stop?
Piloting His Own Course
Sky TV entrepreneur Craig Heatley believes it’s easier than ever for Kiwi business creators – as long as they can overcome NZ’s inferiority complex.
Slaves To The Grind
Workaholic tendencies are a serious health risk, especially for women.
Reality Check
Amazingly, virtual reality can help us understand how we tick.
Team Spirit And The Ego
A united front is all important in team sport but, off-field, personality differences can fester.
Eye Of The Beholder
One farmer’s beloved pet can be a square meal to another – just ask Bambi’s parent.
Exit Strategies
New Zealand knows how it feels to be left out in the cold by a trading partner.
Double Vision
Foldable phones are finally pocket-ready as the industry hits the upgrade button – but they won’t come cheap.
Bowled Over
The full story behind cricket’s infamous underarm incident of 1981 has never been told – until now.
India Awakes
Kiwi crowds are sure to be entertained by Virat Kohli, captain of cricket’s new superpower.
Stoush In A Sandpit
If the Acting PM is late, spitting your dummy is not such a good idea.
What An Abortion
In Trump’s America, bad manners are the least of it: consider, writes Paul Thomas, the overturning of Roe v Wade.
To The Heart Of The Matter
Vegetarians may live longer than meat eaters, but it’s not just because of their diet.
High Adventure
An anthology of alpine writing displays the greatest appeal of the genre: most of it was written by people who could have died gathering the raw material.
What A Man's Got To Do
A leisurely touring schedule will allow music legend Don McGlashan to work on a new album.