Accounting for Animals in Government Disaster Preparedness Plans is a Continuing Effort
Cat Talk

Accounting for Animals in Government Disaster Preparedness Plans is a Continuing Effort

Eighteen years ago, the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 began a movement for change in disaster preparedness procedures for federal, state, and local officials.

2 mins  |
December 2023
Toxoplasmosis in Cats
Cat Talk

Toxoplasmosis in Cats

Stay Away From the Cat Poop and No One Gets Hurt

10 mins  |
December 2023
Paws-itive Impressions
Cat Talk

Paws-itive Impressions

HG HNW Doctor Pepper as told to Theresa Gleason

4 mins  |
December 2023
From Russia, With Love
Cat Talk

From Russia, With Love

A breeder sets off- alone - to a country she's never been to before in search of a new cat for her breeding program. She found not only her cat, but friendship and a completely new outlook on the country.

10+ mins  |
December 2023
Exhibiting In Europe Unity in Diversity
Cat Talk

Exhibiting In Europe Unity in Diversity

After my last CFA cat show in France, in April 2023, I had dinner with a fellow judge from the U.S. and we discussed many different aspects of the show.

3 mins  |
December 2023
Some Things Get Better With Age Finding a Forever Home For a Senior Cat
Cat Talk

Some Things Get Better With Age Finding a Forever Home For a Senior Cat

One of the hardest decisions we make as breeders is to rehome an adult cat. Sometimes they are a poor fit for the show program, other times they don’t thrive in a cattery setting.

5 mins  |
October 2023
The Right Way to Say Goodbye
Cat Talk

The Right Way to Say Goodbye

The was held for a human friend of mine. He had been killed in a car accident two months previously, and various investigations/complications had delayed the burial.

6 mins  |
October 2023
A New Way to Manage Senior Cats' Aches and Pains
Cat Talk

A New Way to Manage Senior Cats' Aches and Pains

Blu, my 15-year-old Maine Coon Cat neuter, was showing signs of his age, most notably, a pronounced "plodding" in his walk and favoring his right back leg.

4 mins  |
October 2023
Is Your Cat Show Ready to Accommodate Children?
Cat Talk

Is Your Cat Show Ready to Accommodate Children?

In this new era of social media, our target cat show guests (women aged 25-49) may be accompanied by children who are more excited than their parents to see the cats.

2 mins  |
October 2023
Bigger Isn't Always Better The Prostate Problem
Cat Talk

Bigger Isn't Always Better The Prostate Problem

Marketing and advertising companies encourage belief that bigger is always better. Why settle for just a regular burger when you can upgrade to a mega-burger combo? Why settle for a small home (that you can probably clean yourself) if you can afford a mansion (that requires you to hire help with the upkeep)?

6 mins  |
October 2023
The Amazing Kit Kat From the Farm to Guinness Star
Cat Talk

The Amazing Kit Kat From the Farm to Guinness Star

Walking into professional animal trainer Trish Seifried’s spotless home in Eureka, Missouri, is a pet-lover’s dream. Visitors will be greeted by three happy dogs, a chatty green-winged Macaw, and a multi-colored clowder of domestic long and shorthairs, three Siberians, and a macho Bambino, Rogan, who at any moment may launch himself on to your shoulder.

10+ mins  |
October 2023
Why Do Breeders Stop Breeding?
Cat Talk

Why Do Breeders Stop Breeding?

Ten years ago, approaching 57 years of age, I attended my first cat show - the August 2013 Midwest TGIF Fanciers show in St. Louis, MO. There, I met my first show cat, GCD, BW, RW Slava Better Believe It, a six-month-old male Siberian we called \"BB.\"

10 mins  |
October 2023
What You Don't Know About Toybobs
Cat Talk

What You Don't Know About Toybobs

Good Things DO Come in Small Packages!

5 mins  |
August 2023
Just a Little Off the Top, Jimmy...
Cat Talk

Just a Little Off the Top, Jimmy...

The Whys and Hows of Kitty Summer Shave-Downs

8 mins  |
August 2023
The Art of the Lounge Cat
Cat Talk

The Art of the Lounge Cat

An Interview With Shag

4 mins  |
August 2023
Cool Cats and How to Keep Them That Way
Cat Talk

Cool Cats and How to Keep Them That Way

Cats are some of the most adaptable creatures on Earth, with members of the family Felidae stretching across every continent except Antarctica. They have developed a wide range of techniques to survive at extreme temperatures.

2 mins  |
August 2023
Cat Talk


“A beautiful Siamese is a piece of living art,” says Connie Goller, who has bred and exhibited some of CFA’s top Siamese for 35 years.

5 mins  |
August 2023
Remembering Joan Miller
Cat Talk

Remembering Joan Miller

Cat fanciers worldwide, as well as cats, are mourning the recent loss of Joan Miller. Cats knew no better friend than Joan to champion their cause. Whether it was related to health issues or legislative problems, Joan always had them covered—she literally had their backs.

3 mins  |
August 2023
Judges' Spotlight Award
Cat Talk

Judges' Spotlight Award

The Judges Association Spotlight Award was created to recognize our colleagues who have gone above and beyond in their support of CFA, and the Cat fancy as a whole.

2 mins  |
August 2023
What's In a Name?
Cat Talk

What's In a Name?

A Look Behind Cattery Names

3 mins  |
June 2023
Preventive Maintenance for a Smooth-Running Show
Cat Talk

Preventive Maintenance for a Smooth-Running Show

There are many things that can cause a cat show to experience interruptions or problems. However, many issues can also be nipped in the bud, before they become larger problems, by hands-on, proactive show management. This is, by no means, a complete list, but I hope it will be of great help.

4 mins  |
June 2023
Paws for Royalty
Cat Talk

Paws for Royalty

As the world watched the first coronation of a British monarch in 70 years, royal historians, journalists, and casual observers alike were writing about the events. We cat fanciers are just as interested, as royal pets, past and present, have been documented and photographed.

3 mins  |
June 2023
What You Don't Know About Lykoi
Cat Talk

What You Don't Know About Lykoi

Full Moon or Not, the \"Werewolf\" Cat is Coming On Strong!

10 mins  |
June 2023
It's What's Left That Counts Amputation in Cats
Cat Talk

It's What's Left That Counts Amputation in Cats

Many years ago, amputation for cats was never done, because people thought it was cruel“ said Dr. Bridget Brooke, VMD, owner/ senior veterinarian at My Pet’s Vet, Huntington, NY. “Now, it’s done all the time, because the cats do so well.” Brooke, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School who has been practicing for over 30 years, has performed countless amputations with excellent results.

6 mins  |
June 2023
Saddle Thrombus (Blood Clots) in Cats
Cat Talk

Saddle Thrombus (Blood Clots) in Cats

For those of you who have never heard of an “aortic thromboembolism,” sometimes called a “saddle thrombus,” it occurs “when a blood clot is dislodged and travels through the aorta, becoming lodged in a distant location.”1

2 mins  |
June 2023
Feline Lymphoma, Part 2
Cat Talk

Feline Lymphoma, Part 2

It is now three and a half years since my beloved Siamese, Polar, was diagnosed with renal lymphoma. After 15 months of treatments, countless trips back and forth from Long Island to the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Hospital in Philadelphia, endless ultrasounds and follow-up visits, my warrior boy was declared not just in remission, but miraculously \"cured.\"

5 mins  |
June 2023
Finding Kittens the Perfect Homes
Cat Talk

Finding Kittens the Perfect Homes

Part Two - In our last issue, the criteria breeders should consider to find a perfect home for kittens were reviewed. Although there are many different thoughts on how to find that perfect home, readers contributed a great many similar suggestions. In this follow-up, I have edited some of those ideas to avoid repetition. It seems we all agree screening of buyers is critical and takes time. Most breeders emphasized that they would not sell kittens at shows to people they had not screened previously. They certainly would deliver at a show and get final paperwork signed there.

10+ mins  |
June 2023
Fashion and other Faux Paws AT THE CFA ANNUAL
Cat Talk

Fashion and other Faux Paws AT THE CFA ANNUAL

As much as we would love to deny it, our wardrobe and ideas of haute couture have not always turned out the way they appeared in our dreams. Zippers either broke or got stuck in the sequins of the dress; heels on dress shoes decided to give up the ghost as we head out the door of the hotel room; the dress that was the perfect size last weekend when tried on suddenly needs a shoehorn to step into it. Arrgh! And then there's the makeup and hair challenge! Add missing accessories, and the list of potential formal dress disasters is endless!

5 mins  |
June 2023
Dressing For Success (You Not the Cat)
Cat Talk

Dressing For Success (You Not the Cat)

Your Appearance Speaks Volumes. True yesterday...

10+ mins  |
June 2023
Decorating Your Show Hall On a Shoestring
Cat Talk

Decorating Your Show Hall On a Shoestring

Show budgets often come to a halt when it's time to consider decorations. We all know of shows that outdo themselves year after year (Cotton States comes to mind), but most shows do not have a lot of money to allocate to dressing up the show hall.

3 mins  |
June 2023