Disruption To Stop Disaster
Big Issue

Disruption To Stop Disaster

Extinction Rebellion Mzansi, a young, peaceful civil disobedience movement, is calling for the radical reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and support for South Africa’s most vulnerable.

3 mins  |
Issue 280
Climate Crisis _Oh?  It affects me too?
Big Issue

Climate Crisis _Oh? It affects me too?

On 20 September, thousands of young Capetonians added their voices to the call for the government and corporates to address the climate crisis. Climate change activist Alex Koopman explains how the youth want to be engaged on the issue.

4 mins  |
Issue 280
Greta The Great
Big Issue

Greta The Great

Greta Thunberg has become a global face in the fight against the climate crisis through her school strike. On 15 March, she inspired students in 120 countries to do the same.

9 mins  |
Issue 280
Carbon Tax And The Underprivileged
Big Issue

Carbon Tax And The Underprivileged

The Carbon Tax Act, signed into law by the president in June 2019, aims to help shift the economy on a sustainable trajectory, curb environmental damage and stem pollution-related illnesses. But how exactly will it impact those on the poverty line?

5 mins  |
Issue 280
She Looks Like Me!
Big Issue

She Looks Like Me!

Sibahle Collection is changing the narrative and brining diversity to playtime.

4 mins  |
Issue 279
One Man And His Guitar
Big Issue

One Man And His Guitar

It’s hard not to be drawn into the soulful melodies and indigenous sounds of musician Jeremy Olivier’s album Changing World.

5 mins  |
Issue 279
Sex Work Or Exploitation?
Big Issue

Sex Work Or Exploitation?

The conversations about prostitution and human trafficking of women and children at the hands of men, are often had without males being in the room. Ronny Rammutla, co-founder of Men Against Prostitution and Trafficking of Women (MAPTOW, which advocates for the Equality Model, weighs in on the issue.

4 mins  |
Issue 279
Lebo M - The Lion King Returns
Big Issue

Lebo M - The Lion King Returns

The much-anticipated remake of the Disney classic The Lion King recently premiered around the world. This is the story of the South African who once again created the soundtrack.

3 mins  |
Issue 279
Big Issue


Zephany by Joanne Jowell tells the astonishing story of 22-year old Miché Solomon who was kidnapped as a baby and later discovered that the life she knew was built on lies and deception. In this extract, Miché remembers the day the woman she called Mom was sentenced to 10 years in jail for kidnapping her as a baby.

4 mins  |
Issue 279
Can You See Me?
Big Issue

Can You See Me?

Human trafficking is a lot closer to home than we think. A new campaign launched by A21, a global organisation fighting this scourge, is challenging South Africans not to turn a blind eye to it.

3 mins  |
Issue 279
Is Nairobi's Storied History Quietly Disappearing?
Forbes Africa

Is Nairobi's Storied History Quietly Disappearing?

If distinctive architecture marks a great city, then, Nairobi, chief among the great capitals of the continent, has plenty to appreciate. Unfortunately, faced with the urgent needs of development, the preservation of its historical buildings has often been overlooked.

7 mins  |
March 2019
Retelling Melaka's History
Business Today Malaysia

Retelling Melaka's History

The late US President Theodore Roosevelt put it succinctly: “The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future”

3 mins  |
August 2019
The Mighty Yellow
ASIAN Geographic

The Mighty Yellow

Over 5,000 kilometres long and flowing through nine provinces and autonomous regions, the Yellow River is China's second largest, after the Yangtze, while its basin is deemed the cradle of Chinese civilisation

3 mins  |
AG 164
Wildlife Big Yellow Beauty
ASIAN Geographic

Wildlife Big Yellow Beauty

The popular "amelanistic" form of the Burmese python is considered among the most beautiful snakes - if that's your sort of thing

4 mins  |
AG 164
All That Glitters Is Gold
ASIAN Geographic

All That Glitters Is Gold

From Turkey to China, the yellow metal plays a central role in cultural practices and is coveted as a symbol of affluence and status

10+ mins  |
AG 164
History Spiritual Rebirth
ASIAN Geographic

History Spiritual Rebirth

During the Spanish Golden Age, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan achieved the first European navigation to Asia via the Pacific, arriving in the Philippines in 1521 and claiming the islands for Spain. But by converting the first Filipinos to Catholicism, Magellan also instigated the Christianisation of the entire archipelago, a spiritual rebirth celebrated through the two most important festivals in the Philippines - Fiesta Señor and Sinulog.

5 mins  |
AG 164
ASIAN Geographic


For an authentic taste of Tibet in the heart of Chengdu, the most luxurious option is the majestic Trika Tsang International Hotel.

1 min  |
AG 164
Conservation Yellow in Peril
ASIAN Geographic

Conservation Yellow in Peril

While the demand for use in traditional Chinese medicine is putting seahorses under pressure, it is damaging non-selective fishing that is driving depletion

5 mins  |
AG 164
María Fernanda Ampuero – Visceral, tal cual

María Fernanda Ampuero – Visceral, tal cual

En poquísimas ocasiones el título de una obra se ajusta tan milimétricamente a su contenido. Visceral es una de esas raras excepciones. Un texto intimista pero que grita al exterior, triste pero rebosante de energía y, ante todo, eso: visceral

4 mins  |
Mayo 2024
50 aniversario de la Revolución de los Claveles

50 aniversario de la Revolución de los Claveles

El pasado 25 de abril se cumplieron 50 años de la llamada «Revolución de los claveles» o del 25 de abril, un levantamiento llevado a cabo por militares izquierdistas en Portugal, que puso fin a la dictadura del conocido como Estado Nuevo que presidía con mano de hierro António de Oliveira Salazar. El levantamiento puso fin a casi 50 años de dictatura y tuvo especial eco en su vecino español, que aguardaba desde hacía tiempo la muerte de otro dictador, Francisco Franco, y con ella la apertura a una sociedad democrática.

3 mins  |
Mayo 2024
"No estamos blindados contra la desgracia de acabar en la calle"
Marie Claire España

"No estamos blindados contra la desgracia de acabar en la calle"

El periodista Jorge Bustos dedica su último libro a las personas sin hogar, un colectivo olvidado cuyo propósito en la vida es sobrevivir.

2 mins  |
Mayo 2024
Green Water Revolution
ASIAN Geographic

Green Water Revolution

Southeast Asia's Quest to Sustainable Wastewater Management in an Era of Climate Sensitivity

10+ mins  |
AG 162
Life On The Edge
ASIAN Geographic

Life On The Edge

In the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, in the remote northern Russian Far East, indigenous ethnic groups like the Chukchi and the Yupik live in the most extreme conditions, hunting seals in their traditional kayaks as they have for millennia

10+ mins  |
AG 162
The Karakoram Anomaly Decoded
ASIAN Geographic

The Karakoram Anomaly Decoded

For decades, scientists have believed that glaciers in the Karakoram Range are defying the trend of those across the globe-resisting glacial melt due to human-induced global warming. But as we trek up the Karakoram's second-longest glacier in July, as the United Nations announces the world's hottest ever month on record, does the melting ice beneath our feet suggest the so-called Karakoram Anomaly is slowing? Or is there a ray of hope it will continue to delay the inevitable?

10+ mins  |
AG 162
Beatrice Borromeo – El ojo crítico
Harper's Bazaar España

Beatrice Borromeo – El ojo crítico

Detrás de la periodista italiana hay mucho más: una cineasta documental, una mujer inspiradora sin miedo a buscar la verdad, una madre orgullosa de la familia que ha formado… Brillando con las joyas de Dior Joaillerie, hablamos con esta artista ‘real’ ávida por contar historias trascendentales.

5 mins  |
Febrero 2024
Jon Fosse – El poeta de los fiordos remotos

Jon Fosse – El poeta de los fiordos remotos

La concesión del premio Nobel a Jon Fosse coincidió en España con la de una obra original del 2000. Hasta ahora el autor había publicación sido publicado por la editorial De Conatus.

9 mins  |
Noviembre 2023
Oro Blanco
Marie Claire España

Oro Blanco

La cachemira, la lana mas escasa y menos común del mundo, se produce en las mesetas aridas de Mongolia. Sus pastores, a los que el país venera, se sienten orgullosos de seguir con esta practica ancestral.

9 mins  |
Noviembre 2023
 "El origen de toda comedia está en una película de Chaplin"
Marie Claire España

"El origen de toda comedia está en una película de Chaplin"

Lleva toda la vida subido a un escenario y se ha convertido en uno de los actores más alabados por la crítica y el público. Carlos Hipólito borda cada papel que hace, ya sea una obra de teatro clásico o una comedia irreverente.

2 mins  |
Noviembre 2023
Nepal: In The Shadow Of Giants
ASIAN Geographic

Nepal: In The Shadow Of Giants

Sandwiched between China to the north and India to the south, Nepal receives influences from Asia's two major powers, but this unique land bordered by the greatest mountain range on Earth promises experiences offered nowhere else

8 mins  |
AG 161
George Steiner, el huésped incómodo

George Steiner, el huésped incómodo

En febrero de 2020 murió uno de los últimos grandes críticos literarios internacionales, el francés George Steiner.

10+ mins  |
Octubre 2023