Maximise Productivity and Reliability with Visibly Simple Foodborne Pathogen Detection
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Maximise Productivity and Reliability with Visibly Simple Foodborne Pathogen Detection

Following consultation with customers, Thermo Fisher Scientific's innovative enhancements to its Thermo Scientific Sure Tect food pathogen PCR system include the use of ergonomic tools and colour-coded plates and reagents to drive confidence in right-first time results

1 min  |
April 2023
Perfectly Packaged Cheese - For Lasting Freshness and Premium Quality
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Perfectly Packaged Cheese - For Lasting Freshness and Premium Quality

Using vacuum or a protective gas during the packaging process is one of today's most common methods for hygienically packaging foodstuffs in portioned packaging that is attractive to consumers. Vacuum and protective gas both reduce the activity of oxygen-dependent microorganisms inside the packaging

5 mins  |
April 2023
Lamipak and Its Commitment to Sustainable Packaging
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Lamipak and Its Commitment to Sustainable Packaging

The world is shifting towards a future where demand is increasing for more sustainable innovation in packaging

3 mins  |
April 2023
Techwave Joins Force with WaterAid India's 'The Blue Mile' to Combat the Water Crisis
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Techwave Joins Force with WaterAid India's 'The Blue Mile' to Combat the Water Crisis

Techwave, a global IT and engineering solutions firm, joined hands with Water Aid India, a global non-governmental organisation, to support \"The Blue Mile\" program, which aims to increase awareness of water scarcity, sensitise individuals and encourage water conservation practices to help secure a safe and clean water supply for future generations

2 mins  |
April 2023
Enriched Gummies: Highly Flexible Apple Pectin for More Tolerance
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Enriched Gummies: Highly Flexible Apple Pectin for More Tolerance

A newly developed apple pectin provides a simple solution in the production of enriched confectionery that is numerous functional suitable for ingredients. An additional buffer is not required

1 min  |
April 2023
Gears and Gear Racks Made from Polyamide
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Gears and Gear Racks Made from Polyamide

Gears and gear racks used for transmitting torque and forces within gearboxes are typically made of hardened steel. For many other uses and applications, gears and racks made from plastic are the better choice. These generally require no lubrication and are cheaper, lighter, quieter, and more resistant to corrosion than metal gears. That is why Ganter is expanding its range with polyamide gears and racks that can transmit high forces and torques

1 min  |
April 2023
How Inspection and Traceability Provide Incentives for Food Safety
Food Marketing & Technology - India

How Inspection and Traceability Provide Incentives for Food Safety

Food safety is a major concern for consumers and the food industry alike

4 mins  |
April 2023
Save Foods - Stock with Potential: Green Agricultural Technology Conquers the Market
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Save Foods - Stock with Potential: Green Agricultural Technology Conquers the Market

The take-away from Berlin's International Green Week: Sustainability in agriculture and food is more than just a passing trend. It is a megatrend. The market is characterized by high and dynamic growth. Save Foods is an emerging supplier of green agricultural technology. Its solutions help to reduce the use of pesticides and sustainably reduce food waste.

2 mins  |
April 2023
La Cuverie - A Post Office and a Wine Bar
Sommelier India

La Cuverie - A Post Office and a Wine Bar

Raymond Blake visits what must be the most unusual yet wonderfully appealing post office in France

6 mins  |
Summer 2023
Ossiano swims across to Mumbai
Sommelier India

Ossiano swims across to Mumbai

Gauri Devidayal meets visiting chef, Gregoire Berger from Dubai's Ossiano restaurant and enjoys a memorable meal with an aquatic theme at San Qi at the Four Seasons in Mumbai

3 mins  |
Summer 2023
Lupa - The Wolf and the Vine
Sommelier India

Lupa - The Wolf and the Vine

Lupa - Manu Chandra's Tuscan inspired restaurant in Bangalore is a wine lover's dream-come-true

3 mins  |
Summer 2023
Say Cheese!
Sommelier India

Say Cheese!

Dr Manoj Mishra, Executive Director, Sahjeevan, and Member - National Advisory Committee, (Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying), has advised national and international organisations on policies related to sustainable livelihoods. He anchors the work related to livelihoods of Centre for Pastoralism, a virtual community working for India's pastoralists. Dr Mishra, pictured below, shares his thoughts on the production and potential of pastoral cheese in India with Brinda Gill

3 mins  |
Summer 2023
VALPOLICELLA Elegance, complexity and uniqueness
Sommelier India

VALPOLICELLA Elegance, complexity and uniqueness

Michèle Shah gives us the lowdown on one of Italy's best-loved wine regions and its unique Valpolicella style of wines

6 mins  |
Summer 2023
M Chapoutier The Legacy of a Dynasty
Sommelier India

M Chapoutier The Legacy of a Dynasty

Ashika Mathews traces the story of M Chapoutier, a dynamic wine dynasty that has stood the test of time

5 mins  |
Summer 2023
BAROOD bar opens in Singapore
Sommelier India

BAROOD bar opens in Singapore

Singapore's latest Indian fusion bar serves up tapas plates beyond biryani and butter chicken

2 mins  |
Summer 2023
The winemaker at Château Palmer
Sommelier India

The winemaker at Château Palmer

Jon Wyand braves the February cold to capture an image of Thomas Duroux

2 mins  |
Summer 2023
Napa Valley's Los Carneros Appellation PINOT NOIR HEAVEN
Sommelier India

Napa Valley's Los Carneros Appellation PINOT NOIR HEAVEN

Mira Advani Honeycutt discovers heavenly Pinots in a slice of traditional Cabernet Sauvignon country

6 mins  |
Summer 2023
Sommelier India


Making a career shift to enter the burgeoning wine industry in the UK is an attractive option for many, writes Carol Wright

6 mins  |
Summer 2023
HONEY BEES in the Vinyard
Sommelier India

HONEY BEES in the Vinyard

Carol Wright on the importance of bees and the health-giving qualities of honey

6 mins  |
Summer 2023
The Great Glassware Debate
Sommelier India

The Great Glassware Debate

RUMASINGH raises a glass to the joys of drinking wine, no matter which side of the debate you're on

4 mins  |
Summer 2023
A Rosé is a Rosé is a Rosé
Sommelier India

A Rosé is a Rosé is a Rosé

Or is it? The famous quotation from Gertrude Stein doesn't quite stand up when applied to Rosé wines today. A good rosé has a lot to offer says Elizabeth Gabay

4 mins  |
Summer 2023
Indian wine viewed through Bordelais eyes
Sommelier India

Indian wine viewed through Bordelais eyes

What do producers from Bordeaux think about Indian wines? Ruma Singh elicits their frank opinions

6 mins  |
Summer 2023
प्रो. रवि प्रकाश मौर्य की किसानों को सलाह - तैयार फसल का रखें खास ध्यान
Farm and Food

प्रो. रवि प्रकाश मौर्य की किसानों को सलाह - तैयार फसल का रखें खास ध्यान

हमारे गांवों के खेतों में गेहूं की फसल पक कर खड़ी है

2 mins  |
April First 2023
बैगन की खेती
Farm and Food

बैगन की खेती

हमारे यहां बैगन को गरीबों की सब्जी कहा जाता है. इसे हर तरह की मिट्टी में उगाया जा सकता है, क्योंकि इस का पौधा काफी सहनशील होता है.

4 mins  |
April First 2023
स्ट्रा रीपर पुआल की करे कटाई बनाए भूसा भी
Farm and Food

स्ट्रा रीपर पुआल की करे कटाई बनाए भूसा भी

स्ट्रा रीपर एक ऐसा कृषि यंत्र है, जो खेत में खड़े पुआल का भूसा तो बनाता ही है साथ ही उन फसल अवशेषों से निकलने वाले अनाज के दानों को भी स्टोर करता है.

3 mins  |
April First 2023
हरी खाद मिट्टी की उपजाऊ कूवत बढ़ाए
Farm and Food

हरी खाद मिट्टी की उपजाऊ कूवत बढ़ाए

आज के समय में किसान ज्यादा उपज लेने के लिए कैमिकल खादों का बेतहाशा मात्रा में इस्तेमाल करते हैं.

3 mins  |
April First 2023
अदरक: कारगर उत्पादन तकनीक
Farm and Food

अदरक: कारगर उत्पादन तकनीक

अदरक की खेती भारत को विदेशी मुद्रा प्राप्त करने का एक प्रमुख जरीया है. विश्व में उत्पादित अदरक का आधा भाग भारत पूरा करता है

3 mins  |
April First 2023
उमाशंकर पांडेय पानी के पहरेदार को पद्मश्री 'खेत पर मेंड और मेंड पर पेड़' ने दिखाई राह
Farm and Food

उमाशंकर पांडेय पानी के पहरेदार को पद्मश्री 'खेत पर मेंड और मेंड पर पेड़' ने दिखाई राह

गणतंत्र दिवस के मौके पर पुरखों के पारंपरिक तरीकों को अपना कर बुंदलेखंड को पानीदार बनाने वाले 'जलयोद्धा' के नाम से चर्चित सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता उमाशंकर पांडेय को साल 2023 के 'पद्मश्री अवार्ड' से नवाजे जाने की घोषणा हुई, तो देश के हर कोने में उन के बारे में लोग जानने को उत्सुक हो उठे.

6 mins  |
April First 2023
अप्रैल माह के खास काम
Farm and Food

अप्रैल माह के खास काम

अप्रैल महीने के दौरान तमाम फसलों की कटाई का सिलसिला शुरू हो जाता है. कुछ जगह फसल उत्पादन किसान ले भी चुके होते हैं. अप्रैल महीने में खेती से जुड़े खास कामों पर बात करते हैं.

3 mins  |
April First 2023
Art Of Plating
Food & Beverage Business Review

Art Of Plating

It is being widely believed that people eat with their eyes first.

7 mins  |
February - March 2023