Two Notable Alumnae Named WCU's 2024 Drum Majors for Justice
Scoop USA Newspaper

Two Notable Alumnae Named WCU's 2024 Drum Majors for Justice

At the West Chester University Martin Luther King Jr. Brunch on January 26, 2024, two highly accomplished alumnae were recognized as Drum Majors for Justice.

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ScoopDigital, Vol. 4, No. 52
Oneness of the Blacks and the Power of Images
Scoop USA Newspaper

Oneness of the Blacks and the Power of Images

The second powerful image on the cover of Oneness of the Blacks is that of the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey.

5 mins  |
ScoopUSA, Vol. 64 - No. 7
The African-American Medical and Mental Health Practitioner Directory where the preferred color of health care is BLACK
Scoop USA Newspaper

The African-American Medical and Mental Health Practitioner Directory where the preferred color of health care is BLACK

AFAMOASIS.COM is the name of The AFrican- AMerican Oasis Medical and Mental Health Practitioner Directory that is a product of AFAM OASIS, LLC, created as a search and showcase medium of African-American Health professionals in their diverse fields.

2 mins  |
ScoopUSA, Vol. 64 - No. 8
African Genius and Originality
Scoop USA Newspaper

African Genius and Originality

Over the years, I have shared information about the accomplishments of Africans that largely go unrecognized and overlooked due to a deliberate campaign to suppress, obfuscate, and ignore African people and our history.

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ScoopUSA, Vol. 64 - No. 7
Finding meaning in George Floyd's death through protest art left at his murder site
Scoop USA Newspaper

Finding meaning in George Floyd's death through protest art left at his murder site

For months after George Floyd was killed by police in May 2020, people from around the world traveled to the site of his murder in Minneapolis and left signs, paintings, and poems to memorialize the man whose death reignited a movement against systemic racism.

4 mins  |
ScoopDigital, Vol. 5, No. 1
A Bible kind of LOVE
Scoop USA Newspaper

A Bible kind of LOVE

First, we must love GOD.

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ScoopUSA, Vol. 64 - No. 8
Republicans seek to gain by dividing Americans
Scoop USA Newspaper

Republicans seek to gain by dividing Americans

Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott is openly defying a Supreme Court ruling that confirms what was already well established: the federal government is in charge of our borders.

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ScoopDigital, Vol. 4, No. 52
Drive 'n Drop Shoe Event
Scoop USA Newspaper

Drive 'n Drop Shoe Event

Join True Light Fellowship Church on Saturday, February 17, 2024, from 10 am to 2 pm for their Drive ‘n Drop Shoe fundraiser.

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ScoopUSA, Vol. 64 - No. 7
Why I preach to the choir
Scoop USA Newspaper

Why I preach to the choir

Several people have asked me why I spend so much time and energy on this column, which is read mainly (if not exclusively) by people who already share my views and values.

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ScoopDigital, Vol. 4, No. 52
Premature Enzyme Activation Pancreatitis in Cats
Cat Talk

Premature Enzyme Activation Pancreatitis in Cats

Has your cat ever had repeated or continuous episodes of diarrhea or vomiting? Maybe your vet has given you medication and the issue seemed to go away for a while but then came back.

5 mins  |
February 2024
Problem Pedigrees: Old Problems, New Tools
Cat Talk

Problem Pedigrees: Old Problems, New Tools

“You Think He’s What Color????”

7 mins  |
February 2024
Emerging Colors and Patterns
Cat Talk

Emerging Colors and Patterns

“The only thing certain is change” goes an old saying. However, sometimes there is actual change, and sometimes change is the result of more accurate information.

5 mins  |
February 2024
Hey Kids! Let's Put on a Show!
Cat Talk

Hey Kids! Let's Put on a Show!

Getting Your Show on the CFA Schedule

4 mins  |
February 2024
What if You Could "C" it Coming?
Cat Talk

What if You Could "C" it Coming?

“There you are in the ER waiting room, waiting for the vets to assess a queen who is having birthing troubles.

10 mins  |
February 2024
What You Don't Know About American Wirehairs
Cat Talk

What You Don't Know About American Wirehairs

Wired For Sound! (Specifically, Purrs!)

6 mins  |
February 2024
UP CLOSE AND, Purr-sonal
Cat Talk

UP CLOSE AND, Purr-sonal

Northwest Region Judge Wendy Heidt stumbled upon CFA completely by accident while out with friends at a Harvest Festival.

3 mins  |
February 2024
Library Cats felis cattus bibliotheca
Cat Talk

Library Cats felis cattus bibliotheca

Introduction - The Middle Ages, sometimes referred to as “The Dark Ages,” spanned approximately one thousand years, between 479 AD and 1450 AD. This time period is not generally considered to have been friendly to anyone, human nor animal, but it was especially hostile toward felines. Ignorance of knowledge and science was rampant among the majority of the population, with the ability to read limited to clerics and the wealthy. Myths, legends, and galliard songs spread widely throughout Europe as people migrated from place to place, searching for food and a safe habitat. Fear of the unknown and the unexplainable, particularly of witches and their cat familiars, was spread not only by the stories and songs, but by the Popes themselves. Without touching on the atrocities of medieval times, let us just say it was not the best time to be a cat.

5 mins  |
February 2024
Is Dental Care for Cats Important?
Cat Talk

Is Dental Care for Cats Important?

The simple answer to this question is YES

4 mins  |
February 2024
Staying Safe "On the Road Again"
Cat Talk

Staying Safe "On the Road Again"

Safety Tips for You and Your Cat at Hotels

7 mins  |
February 2024
Move Over, St. Patrick
Cat Talk

Move Over, St. Patrick

St. Patrick’s “Sister Saint”

3 mins  |
February 2024
Odontiasis: The Gnashing of Baby Kitten Teeth
Cat Talk

Odontiasis: The Gnashing of Baby Kitten Teeth

February is National Dental Month for veterinarians across the US as healthy teeth translates to healthier pets. Cat Talk takes a look at how owners can care for teething kittens and how ongoing dental care helps adult cats live healthier lives.

4 mins  |
February 2024
Pennsylvania governor seeks billions for schools and development in budget that envisions legal weed
Scoop USA Newspaper

Pennsylvania governor seeks billions for schools and development in budget that envisions legal weed

Governor Josh Shapiro presented his 2024-25 budget proposal to the General Assembly and to the people of Pennsylvania - sharing his 'get stuff done' approach and vision to create more opportunity and continue deliveringreal solutions to the most pressing issues Pennsylvanians face. By prioritizing economic opportunity and access to higher education, making historic investments in public education, supporting law enforcement and public safety, ensuring people receive the care they need, and funding critical initiatives to help Pennsylvanians from our cities to our farmlands - this budget will deliver real results for the Commonwealth.

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ScoopDigital, Vol. 4, No. 52
Are Americans financially educated on retirement savings?
Scoop USA Newspaper

Are Americans financially educated on retirement savings?

Financial education helps people learn about savings, credit, and loans.

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ScoopUSA, Vol. 64 - No. 7
Urgent need to address health equity at intersection of American Heart Month and Black History Month 2024
Scoop USA Newspaper

Urgent need to address health equity at intersection of American Heart Month and Black History Month 2024

Black Americans have the highest incidence of cardiac arrest outside of the hospital and are significantly less likely to survive.[1]

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ScoopDigital, Vol. 4, No. 52
An up close look at how the City Commissioners Office operates
Scoop USA Newspaper

An up close look at how the City Commissioners Office operates

Just a few weeks ago, it was announced that there will be a new Chair for the Philadelphia City Commissioners, Commissioner Omar Sabir.

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ScoopUSA, Vol. 64 - No. 7
The Child Tax Credit: Moving Forward
Scoop USA Newspaper

The Child Tax Credit: Moving Forward

On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bipartisan tax package that included elements of the historic 2021 Child Tax Credit (CTC) expansion.

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ScoopDigital, Vol. 4, No. 52
School District of Philadelphia Leadership delivers Inaugural State of Public Education Address
Scoop USA Newspaper

School District of Philadelphia Leadership delivers Inaugural State of Public Education Address

January 30, 2024—School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Tony B. Watlington, Sr., Ed.D., delivered the first State of Public Education address.

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ScoopUSA, Vol. 64 - No. 7
Prisoners in the US are part of a hidden workforce linked to hundreds of popular food brands (pt. 2)
Scoop USA Newspaper

Prisoners in the US are part of a hidden workforce linked to hundreds of popular food brands (pt. 2)

Calvin Thomas, who spent more than 17 years at Angola, said anyone who refused to work, didn’t produce enough, or just stepped outside the long straight rows knew there would be consequences.

10+ mins  |
ScoopDigital, Vol. 4, No. 52
Fearless Fund continues the fight against Defenders of White Supremacy
Scoop USA Newspaper

Fearless Fund continues the fight against Defenders of White Supremacy

“Honestly, I actually have the same belief as the plaintiff. I would like a world where race-based things do not matter.

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ScoopUSA, Vol. 64 - No. 7
Let's Celebrate Our Heritage
Scoop USA Newspaper

Let's Celebrate Our Heritage

Black History Month is when we (African Americans) tell who we are as individuals and as a race.

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ScoopUSA, Vol. 64 - No. 7