A voice in the storm
Mysterious Ways

A voice in the storm

Your house is going to be struck by lightning today.

3 mins  |
October - November 2019
Mysterious Ways

'I Believe'

It was Christmas Eve morning, and I awoke with a mission: to find my lost cat, Baby-Girl. As I got ready, I could hear icy rain pelting the windows. I said a quick prayer for Baby-Girl. She was out there somewhere in the storm, I could just feel it. Sure, it had been six months since she’d gone missing, but I still had faith. It was the season for miracles, after all.

5 mins  |
Dec/Jan 2020
The Unexplained Visitor
Mysterious Ways

The Unexplained Visitor

Laurin Bellg has practiced medicine for more than 20 years, specializing in critical care.

8 mins  |
Dec/Jan 2020
Freedom Rings
Mysterious Ways

Freedom Rings

The night I had the dream began like most nights—with me lying awake on my prison cot, each excruciating detail of my arrest and sentencing running through my head. It had been years since I’d been convicted for a crime I did not commit, but the entire ordeal was still fresh in my mind. As soon as I lay down in my cell to try to sleep, the replay would begin. This particular night started out no differently….

6 mins  |
Dec/Jan 2020
The Lady With The Lamp
Mysterious Ways

The Lady With The Lamp

How many historic figures made positive impacts because they answered God’s call? Perhaps a call they’d heard during a mysterious experience such as having a vision or dream or hearing a voice?

5 mins  |
Dec/Jan 2020
The Beekeeper's Dream
Mysterious Ways

The Beekeeper's Dream


5 mins  |
Dec/Jan 2020
The Billboard
Mysterious Ways

The Billboard

Take a gun and end it all, Sheryl, said a dark, mocking voice in the back of my mind. End it and all this pain and worry will be over.

4 mins  |
Dec/Jan 2020
Cooking With Love
Heartfulness eMagazine

Cooking With Love

In this article, LLEWELLYN VAUGHAN-LEE ignites our sense of wonder with his personal experiences of a deepening relationship with food over the course of his life. He also offers us some valuable tips in “The Practice of Cooking with Love.”

4 mins  |
November 2019
Leadership From The Heart
Heartfulness eMagazine

Leadership From The Heart

PRAKASH SESHADRI takes the reader from survival mode to a mature leadership model, by sharpening Emotional and Spiritual Quotients through the practices of meditation, introspection and inquiry.

5 mins  |
November 2019
On The Go - From The Travel Bag Of A Solo Biker
Heartfulness eMagazine

On The Go - From The Travel Bag Of A Solo Biker

SUHAS RAMAKRISHNAN is a quintessential biker, who loves to venture on his beloved Harley. In one of his recent expeditions, he finds inspiration at the famous Uluru in Central Australia. Through one of the most punishing deserts on Earth, this expedition is as much about courage as it is about perseverance and unwavering self-belief. Suhas also shares some valuable tips, especially for those bitten by the solo travel bug.

3 mins  |
November 2019
Where History Intersects With Myth
Heartfulness eMagazine

Where History Intersects With Myth

ASHWIN SANGHI is an Indian author in the intersecting genre of mythology, fiction and thriller. Here he is interviewed by RUDY SINGH at Kanha Shanti Vanam about his formative influences, what brought him to writing, and the gray area intersecting mythology and history. In Part 2, the conversation will also move to his own work and in particular his latest books.

7 mins  |
November 2019
Heartfulness eMagazine

We Are What We Eat

LUKE COUTINHO is a holistic lifestyle coach, practicing in the field of Integrative Medicine. Here he shares his experiences and knowledge of how what we eat makes a difference to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

5 mins  |
November 2019
Verdades Acerca De La Navidad Que Todo Niño Debe Saber
Mensajero Ala Blanca

Verdades Acerca De La Navidad Que Todo Niño Debe Saber

Amo la belleza que se destaca durante la época navideña en los Estados Unidos: las luces, las decoraciones y la nieve que cae en muchos lugares.

5 mins  |
Noviembre/Diciembre de 2019
Step Up, Step Out, And Step In: You Can Hear From God
White Wing Messenger

Step Up, Step Out, And Step In: You Can Hear From God

Contrary to a popular saying, you cannot get more of God.

6 mins  |
November 2019
Misiones Mundiales
Mensajero Ala Blanca

Misiones Mundiales


6 mins  |
Noviembre/Diciembre de 2019
Hijo Nos Es Dado
Mensajero Ala Blanca

Hijo Nos Es Dado

“Porque un niño nos es nacido, hijo nos es dado, y el principado sobre su hombro; y se llamará su nombre Admirable, Consejero, Dios Fuerte, Padre Eterno, Príncipe de Paz. Lo dilatado de su imperio y la paz no tendrán límite, sobre el trono de David y sobre su reino, disponiéndolo y confirmándolo en juicio y en justicia desde ahora y para siempre. El celo de Jehová de los ejércitos hará esto”. (Isaías 9:6, 7)

4 mins  |
Noviembre/Diciembre de 2019
¡Dios Está Con Nosotros!
Mensajero Ala Blanca

¡Dios Está Con Nosotros!

Es la época más maravillosa del año. Los corazones están inundados de alegría y entusiasmo.

4 mins  |
Noviembre/Diciembre de 2019
Cristo Llama
Mensajero Ala Blanca

Cristo Llama

Regina Vick es co-fundadora del ministerio Prayer Shawl of Hope (Mantos de oración y esperanza), es sobreviviente de cáncer y autora del libro Dust to Grown, que trata sobre su batalla contra el cáncer. Ella asiste a la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía en Sterrett, donde también es maestra de escuela dominical.

5 mins  |
Noviembre/Diciembre de 2019
Gordon Macdonald, Writes An Amusing Story About His Daughter Kristy
White Wing Messenger

Gordon Macdonald, Writes An Amusing Story About His Daughter Kristy

The Christian author, Gordon MacDonald, writes an amusing story about his daughter Kristy when she was just a little girl.

3 mins  |
November 2019
We Can Trust The Shepherd
White Wing Messenger

We Can Trust The Shepherd

Carl Corser is an ordained bishop, serves as president of the Gideons Cleveland North Camp, board of directors and chaplain of the Peach State Tractor Club, and owner of Carser Enterprises.

8 mins  |
November 2019
Pursue The Holy Spirit: The Word Of God Shows The Way
White Wing Messenger

Pursue The Holy Spirit: The Word Of God Shows The Way

In the September issue of the White Wing Messenger, we published a powerful article by Stetson Harper entitled, “Pursue the Holy Spirit on Purpose.” This is part two of that article.

9 mins  |
November 2019
Holiday Angels - Cookies From Scratch
Angels on Earth

Holiday Angels - Cookies From Scratch

Cookies from scratch

6 mins  |
Nov/Dec 2019
Todavía Remueve Piedras
Mensajero Ala Blanca

Todavía Remueve Piedras

El libro de Max Lucado que lleva por título Todavía remueve piedras dice mucho en tan solo tres palabras. Veinte años atrás, leí este libro por primera vez y sus palabras me cautivaron, y desde entonces he meditado en ellas muchas veces.

10 mins  |
Septiembre/Octubre de 2019
El Primer Pecado
Mensajero Ala Blanca

El Primer Pecado

Melody Cates-Kinzer dice que su mayor logro es vivir la vida feliz como esposa, madre y abuela. Actualmente está matriculada en el Seminario Teológico Pentecostal a través del Departamento de Desarrollo Ministerial Acreditado (DMA), y está buscando su ordenación con la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía. Su pasión es el ministerio de damas y es la fundadora de un ministerio local para mujeres, que se llama “Overcomers” (Vencedoras). Ella disfruta compartir, enseñar, escribir y discutir temas sobre el cristianismo.

5 mins  |
Septiembre/Octubre de 2019
Dios, Mi Sanador
Mensajero Ala Blanca

Dios, Mi Sanador

Amanda Lovvorn es madre de tres niños: hijas, Lilagene y Harbor, e hijo, Easton. Ella está envuelta activamente en el ministerio de campamentos del estado de Tenesí, y en la actualidad estudia una licenciatura en Educación.

4 mins  |
Septiembre/Octubre de 2019
Dios Lo Ha Puesto En La Vitrina
Mensajero Ala Blanca

Dios Lo Ha Puesto En La Vitrina

El apóstol Pablo fue llamado y separado para llevar el Evangelio de Jesucristo a los gentiles. Pablo dijo: “Para que la multiforme sabiduría de Dios sea ahora dada a conocer por medio de la iglesia a los principados y potestades en los lugares celestiales” (Efesios 3:10).

5 mins  |
Septiembre/Octubre de 2019
Remedio Divino
Mensajero Ala Blanca

Remedio Divino

Caleb Rackard es ministro ordenado de la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía. Sirve como pastor de niños y jóvenes en la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía Harvest Center en Collinsville, Alabama. Estudia en el Seminario Teológico Pentecostal a través del Departamento de Desarrollo Ministerial Acreditado en busca de su diploma en Ministerio Pentecostal Wesleyano. Él vive en Crossville, Alabama con su esposa, Hannah, quien sirve en el ministerio con él, y su hija, Suzannah.

6 mins  |
Septiembre/Octubre de 2019
King-Size Christmas?
Angels on Earth

King-Size Christmas?

I was determined to replace our lumpy old mattress with one my parents would be comfortable sleeping on during their visit. I just had to get the thing home

4 mins  |
Nov/Dec 2019
It's All In The Details
Angels on Earth

It's All In The Details

Little did I know how big one person’s life could be

4 mins  |
Nov/Dec 2019
Full Circle, Full Heart
Angels on Earth

Full Circle, Full Heart

My baby brother’s special-needs school gave all of us an education

5 mins  |
Nov/Dec 2019