Flat Lapping Basics
Rock&Gem Magazine

Flat Lapping Basics

Lapidary Mike Hahn Shares His Tips and Tricks.

4 mins  |
January 2017
Rock&Gem Magazine

The Stone That Strikes Fire

Pyrite Is a Common Sulfi de Mineral And a Collector Favorite.

7 mins  |
November 2016
The Games Miners Play
Rock&Gem Magazine

The Games Miners Play

Contests Display Drilling, Mucking & Spike-Driving Skills.

10 mins  |
November 2016
Collecting Minerals In Estonia
Rock&Gem Magazine

Collecting Minerals In Estonia

Calcite Crystals from the Kukersite Oil Shale.

7 mins  |
November 2016
An American Carver In China
Rock&Gem Magazine

An American Carver In China

Seattle Native Nathaniel Cook Receives a Special Invitation.

3 mins  |
December 2016
Rock&Gem Magazine

Silver-Rich Cobalt, Canada

An Accidental Discovery Opened Up Mining in the Canadian Shield.

10 mins  |
March 2017
Rock&Gem Magazine

UCLA Meteorite Gallery Is Out Of This World

Within their collections, many a rockhound has at least one sample of a space rock, better known as a meteorite. Meteorites are truly rare. One meteorite researcher has been contacted by 2,100 people who claimed to have discovered one. Of the 2,100, only seven had found a true meteorite. The rest of the specimens mailed in were hematite or magnetite (iron ores), heavy minerals such as galena, slag from smelting, or just common rocks.

7 mins  |
March 2017
Rock&Gem Magazine

Colorado's Great Sand Dunes

Visit North America’s Tallest Dunefield

10+ mins  |
March 2017
On The Rocks
Rock&Gem Magazine

On The Rocks

Uncommon Minerals

6 mins  |
February 2017
Bench Tips- A Fanciful Project
Rock&Gem Magazine

Bench Tips- A Fanciful Project

Sometimes, when I am sorting through my slabs and trim saw cutoffs, I come across a particular piece that I know I want to make something with, but at that time I can’t picture exactly what.

2 mins  |
December 2017
Rock Science
Rock&Gem Magazine

Rock Science

Udate: The Carbon Mineral Challenge

3 mins  |
December 2017
Rock&Gem Magazine

Little Eagle Butte Sun Stone

A New Opportunity for Fee Digging in Oregon

9 mins  |
October 2017
Rock Science
Rock&Gem Magazine

Rock Science

Petroglyph National Monument

3 mins  |
October 2017