50 Years Of Trusting The Leaf
Nature’s way thrives on bringing wellness to the world.
Top Companies Already Planning For Olympia Weekend
While much of the focus during Olympia Weekend will center on the chiseled physiques and world class athletes set to invade Sin City in mid-September, in the middle of it all are the most influential brands in nutrition, supplementation, exercise equipment, and fitness apparel.
The World Of Nootropics
Is better brainpower simply a food, pill, vitamin, or supplement away? We introduce you to the world of nootropics—a world that’s still very much a work in progress.
Maybe It's Lyme
What happens when illnness becomes an identity?Among the symptoms that chronic-Lyme patients describe, “brain fog” is the one everyone talks about: trouble thinking and focusing, forgetfulness, confusion. There’s fatigue, the kind of exhaustion that might make it feel too arduous to get out of bed. Then there’s pain—headaches, joint pain, muscle pain, pain that won’t go away. Or maybe the pain does go away—it comes and goes. Or maybe there’s nausea. Or your eyes hurt. Or you’ve got panic attacks, or bladder issues
Battle The Band
IT band syndrome can hobble strength and endurance athletes. Here’s how to fight back.
Take The (P) Lunge
Leg day is a time for variety, so get creative by implementing these new lunge variations into your next leg workout to spark new results.
Recipe For Success
In his quest to create a healthier planet, chef Robert Irvine built a massive global brand. Now 53 and still ripped, he tells us how he maintains his impressive physique while running a business empire.
Get Integrated (And Stay That Way All Day)
In just 15 minutes, you can work every muscle in your body to achieve the ultimate goal in Pilates: full-body connection throughout your daily life.
Instagram Expands Hiding ‘Likes' To Make You Happier
The Facebook-owned photo-sharing service has been running the test in Canada since May.
Fluid Facts
Do you have to lug gallon jugs of water around the gym to stay properly hydrated?
Are Treadmill Calorie Counters Accurate?
There’s a lot more to it than just numbers on a screen.
Muscle And Flow
Build strength, burn fat and increase mobility in record time with this combination of innate bodyweight movements and kettlebell training.
Making Magic
They’ve never won an NBA championship, but with fresh blood, a revitalized strength and conditioning program, and plenty of grit, the Orlando Magic are looking to turn things around.
She Will Rock You
Alice Cooper guitarist NITA STRAUSS talks fitness, sobriety, and her acclaimed first solo album, Controlled Chaos.
Tactical Muscle
Actor DAVID LIM shares secrets from the set of S.W.A.T. and explains why it’s important to look like the real deal.
Up Your Protein Routine
MusclePharm’s Combat Protein Powder offers a blend of muscle-building ingredients.
Vincent Rodriguez III
The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend star used superhero dreams and strategic proteins to get lean and strong.
Why David Morin Suddenly Fighting For His Life?
David Morin was one of the most successful models in the fitness industry. So why was he suddenly fighting for his life?
Your Questions Answered!
Ketotarian and the OMAD diet are two terms with a ton of buzz, but what do they mean?
Everything You Need To Know Before Starting A Fitness Program, Part 1
Professional bodybuilder, contest prep coach, and gym owner Eric “Merlin” Broser answers reader questions about starting a fitness program.
Maintain Without Regain
Now that you’ve lost it, you’ve got to keep it off. Use these strategies to shift gears into maintenance mode and stay the course with your new, fit physique.
Get Freakin' Started
This time of year, everybody loves to make wildly ambitious fitness resolutions. But the truth is, converting your body from a doughy blob of fat to a sexy slab of muscle is far easier said than done. As much as it takes discipline and hard work, it also requires a solid game plan. Here’s yours.
Need Help Asking For Help?
Get the assistance you need without feeling helpless.
Discover The Health Boosting Magic Of Mushrooms
Move over bone broth, ancient grains and kimchi — a not-so-new food is stealing your crown.
4 Must-have Ingredients Are For Every Active Woman
Maintaining or improving joint health is the key to longevity as an athlete. These four ingredients are must-haves for every active woman.
Fast-Track Fitness
If you’ve been an oxygen fan for a while, chances are you’ve seen Chady Dunmore a time or two.
The 11-Minute Boxer's EMOM
Get into fighting shape — fast! — with this boxing-themed workout.
What Would Happen If We Focused On All The Amazing Things Our Bodies Could Do
What would happen if we focused on all the amazing things our bodies could do—hit a baseball, hike Machu Picchu, do a Teaser—versus obsessing about what they look like?
Silver-Fagan's Playbook
Renowned trainer and model Alex Silver-Fagan spreads a gospel of functional fitness, facing life head-on, and embracing every moment.
How To Push Beyond Your Limits
Build bigger pecs, delts, and triceps with these unique variations of a classic military move.