Desde niños nos enseñan la verdad del Evangelio a través de una sencilla canción: Cristo ama a los niños, cuántos en el mundo están. No le importa el color a Jesús, el Salvador. Cristo ama a los niños por doquier.
El significado del liderazgo Pastoral
Andrew Stone ha sido el pastor de la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía Blue Hills por 19 años. En abril de 2020 fue nombrado supervisor de las Islas Turcas y Caicos. Andrew tiene una licenciatura en Ingeniería y actualmente está haciendo una maestría en Consejería del Seminario Teológico Pentecostal. Él y su esposa, Glenna, tienen tres hijos adultos.
Amar a los que dirigimos
Hace tres años, adopté un perro de rescate. Había estado aislado la mayor parte del tiempo que estuvo en el refugio de animales, sin socializar con ninguno de los demás perros.
The Beauty of TEAMWORK
RANGA SAI TEJA D. challenges our perception of teamwork by looking at it as an evolutionary imperative, as well as a platform for differences, independence, and sharing a collective vision.
Do you dream of becoming a positive force and a beacon of hope in your community? What does it take to become that person? The key lies within you. The first step is to prepare yourself – to create an inner state of contentment and steadiness – and this month DAAJI offers a very practical approach to doing just that.
What Is the Future of Management? Part 2
"On the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2021, Dr. Ichak Adizes shared his experience on the future of management with members of the Heartfulness Institute, USA. In part 2, he highlights the need for differences, integration, and complementary teams based on mutual trust and respect."
Vulnerable Leaders
"Scott Shute is a pioneer in creating workplace mindfulness programs and advancing the discussion around compassion at work. He is at the intersection of the workplace and ancient wisdom traditions, blending his experience as a Silicon Valley executive with his lifelong practice and passion as a wisdom seeker and teacher. In his recent role at LinkedIn, Scott was the Head of Mindfulness and Compassion programs. He is the author of the highly acclaimed book, The Full Body Yes: Change Your Work and Your World from the Inside Out. In part 2 of this interview with Emilie Mogensen, he explores vulnerability as a leadership quality, expanding consciousness, and wisdom practices at work."
Life Around Us Is a Hologram
"Dr. Zach Bush inspires us with hope for the future, and the paradigm shift that is happening right now. He reminds us to focus on beauty, and our capacity to hold the light."
Everything You Need Is Already Within You
"Nate Morell celebrates the healing beauty of the dawn and a beautiful sunrise. Through this connection with nature, he also discovers the purpose of our human existence."
RAJESH MENON is a wildlife photographer and environmental conservationist living in North India. Here he shares some ideas for solutions to the animalhuman conflicts that are apparent in all regions of the world today.
You Deserve Bold New Beginnings
Most resolutions fail because they aren't compelling enough. This year, choose goals that keep inspiring you. One treasure trove of inspiration is the Bhagavad Gita, so DAAJI will be sharing this timeless wisdom and offering us practical tools for new beginnings to move forward.
Surviving Widowhood
Mindful Vulnerability
Scott Shute is a pioneer in creating workplace mindfulness programs and advancing the discussion around compassion at work. He blends his experience as a Silicon Valley executive with his lifelong practice and passion as a wisdom seeker and teacher. In his recent role at LinkedIn, Scott was the Head of Mindfulness and Compassion programs, and he is the author of the highly acclaimed book, The Full Body Yes. Here, he is interviewed by Emilie Mogensen.
I feel healthy! I feel happy! I feel terrific!
Root & Ritual
Timeless Ways to Connect to Land, Lineage, Community, and the Self
I was fortunate enough to sail to perhaps the original, and certainly the most famous, ancient healing retreat—the Temple of Asclepius at Epidaurus, on the Argolid Peninsula in Greece.
It's Time for Shedding
The Chinese Zodiac suggests that while snake people may be seductive and slightly dangerous, at the same time they are intelligent, wise, and the most intuitive of all personalities.
How to Embody Kindness
Lessons from a lifetime of spiritual adventure
Taking It Home
"Hang on to the positive effects of your retreat"
The Shamanic Bones of Zen
"Revealing the Ancestral Spirit and Mystical Heart of a Sacred Tradition"
The Grieving Brain
The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss
The Art & Practice of Spiritual Herbalism
Transform, Heal, and Remember with the Power of Plants and Ancestral Medicine
Romancing Your Dosha
The secret to improving your relationship? Enhance your understanding of yourself and your partner.
I take laughter for granted
MAMATA VENKAT looks back over the last year, which has been full of tragedy, and finds the moments of light and laughter that bring joy and celebration to life.
Love, Non-violence, and Truth
DR. PRAKASH TYAGI is the Executive Director of Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS), an NGO dedicated to working in impoverished rural regions of India, including the Thar Desert, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, and Bundelkhand. In part 1 of this interview with KASHISH KALWANI, he speaks about applying the Gandhian principles of love, non-violence, and truth to support communities in need.
Lunch, Dinner, and a Loving Baker Dressed in White
By the end of the 1960s, Westerners were traveling to visit the spiritual teacher, Babuji, in India. Among the first were the Danes, who all fell in love with Babuji and were instrumental in bringing the spiritual practices of Heartfulness to the West. One of these pioneers was THOMAS MOGENSEN, who first visited Shahjahanpur in 1971 with his wife and some friends. They filmed their conversations with Babuji, took many photos, and Thomas later wrote two books about these precious experiences. Here is a small vignette from one of his books, written with his signature humor, joy, and tenderness.
The tempo 1 was ready to depart. It was a short 30-minute journey from Bhatkal to Uppunda, a sleepy village in coastal Karnataka, India. My father, sister, and I were traveling together.
Rediscovering MY PURPOSE
SHELLY BURGESS is a high school physics teacher and a meditation trainer. Here, she tells her story about losing sight of her purpose in the midst of the Covid pandemic, and how positive intention renewed her focus and allowed her to accept the last year through a lens of selfcompassion, grace, and optimism.
Self- acceptance
ELIZABETH DENLEY has been a student of both science and spirituality all her life. Trained as a scientist, she turned her field of inquiry and research skills to the field of meditation and spirituality after starting the Heartfulness practices in the late 80s. Here she shares some thoughts on the importance of selfacceptance.
DAAJI continues his series on refining habits, this month sharing his insights on the final Niyama known as Ishwar Pranidhan, which is often translated as “surrender to God.” What does it mean? How can we understand both God and surrender? And why is surrender to God the ultimate habit?