Ease Fireworks Anxiety
What to know and do to keep your horse from panicking and possibly hurting himself at the sound of Fourth of July celebrations.
Youth Riders Should Know...
Kids and horses make the perfect pair for valuable life lessons.
Change It Up!
This creative exercise is easy, fun, and guaranteed to get you focused on your riding—instead of your nerves.
Barrel Arc and Counter-Arc
Improve your horse’s position going around the first and second barrel.
Get Ready To Win
Winning doesn’t come easily. Use my advice to prepare yourself and your horse to win.
The ‘Man of Trail' SHARES HIS TIPS
I’ve designed some of the toughest trail courses for the top shows. Now I’ll help you navigate them.
Meds or Management?
Use good old-fashioned horsemanship to minimize the need for medication and help keep your horse healthy.
Bits That Go Ouch!
Do you have a thorough understanding of how your it acts on your horse’s mouth? Here you’ll learn exactly how your bit and its configuration work on your horse’s mouth in response to rein pressure.
Dad, The Driver
Larry Weatherford describes himself as his daughter’s driver—to shows, clinics, and competitions. But he’s much more than that when it comes to helping her chase her horse dreams.
The Facts Of Headshaking
Learn what we really know about this complex, confusing, and often frustrating condition.
In For The Long Haul
Make the post-ride experience a positive one to end your trail ride on a high note.
Meet Your Challenge
Meet Your Challenge
reading radiographs
the images appear in black and white, but answers lie in shades of gray. learn why your horse’s radiographs may mean different things to different people
10 tips for ranch logs
here are 10 hints for practicing over logs and poles to help you perform better in ranch riding and ranch trail classes.
seniors that still have it
age is just a number, at least when it comes to these six senior horses.
Electrolyte Primer
Does your horse need extra electrolytes during these hot summer months? If he’s sweating a lot, he probably does. Read on.
Is It You? Or Your Horse?
The responsibility for problems between a horse and rider rarely lies solely with one or the other.
Aged Quarter Horse Geldings
Evaluate and place these aged Quarter Horse geldings. Then see how your choices compare to our expert judge’s.
Why Won't He Move?
Balky horses have reasons for their behavior. Here’s how to recognize root causes and overcome the different varieties of balkiness.
Minor Tack Changes, Major Results
Learn how minor adjustments to your tack can help you see major results at your next barrel race.
Discover A Desert Diamond
California’s Joshua Tree National Park offers spectacular trail riding through unique desert ecosystems.
Parasite Patrol
Fecal tests for parasite eggs have become a crucial part of any effective deworming program. Here’s how to ensure that those tests are accurate and meaningful.
Secrets To Stop The Spin
A precise end to a set of spins keeps you out of the penalty box and prevents your horse from developing bad habits.
Good Everyday Gear
Use quality tack in your day-to day riding to keep your horse comfortable and performing well.
Black, White, or Shades of Gray?
Learn details about five-panel genetic testing and its positive influence on breeding decisions.
Blind Horse TLC
A horse with little or no vision can live a fully satisfying life if you make just a few tweaks to your horsekeeping routine.
My Collection
The Collector:Bob Avila Temecula, California
Create A Confident Mindset
When you feel uneasy on your horse, these strategies will help you ‘fake it ’til you make it.’
Aged Paint Horse Mares
Evaluate and place these aged Paint Horse mares. Then see how your choices compare to our expert judge’s.
Standing Leg Wraps
Precise application of wraps ensures the protection of your horse’s soft tissues for healing an injury or sweating inflammation.