Mechanisation Of Farming Equipment Boosts The Economy
Rural infrastructure is essential for improving the quality of human life in India’s rural hinterlands and for accelerating the process of agricultural development. According to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, agricultural infrastructure can be categorised into three broad categories.
Falling rupee and widening current account deficit
Falling rupee and widening current account deficit
Electrification Of Village Households
Electrification Of Village Households
Encouraging Disagreements At Your Workplace Could Lead To More Innovations
Encouraging Disagreements At Your Workplace Could Lead To More Innovations
Block Administration Links The Government To Rural Masses
The government is focusing on rural development by better enabling the rural governance institutions. The block administration performs an important role in this process. BE’s Saptarshi Deb spoke to Shubho Sinharoy, Block Devlopment Officer, Durgapur Faridpur Block, Paschim Bardhaman to understand the role that the block administration plays in the developmental process of rural India.
Hungry India
Twelve-year-old Asha residing in a small village of Bankura, West Bengal, was seen eating leaves and twigs to curb her hunger.
The Hungry World
The world produces enough to feed its entire global population of around seven billion people.
Why They Go Hungry?
Food waste has become a complex phenomenon attracting the attention of scientists, consumers and activists alike. The fact that emphasis is given to increasing agricultural produce and then a third of all the food produced ends up as waste is being termed as a global paradox.
It Is Not Famine But Hunger Which Is The Problem
People suffering from severe hunger is not a thing of the past despite progress in many other fronts.
Loyalty Programmes Across The World To Woo Customers
Loyalty programmes are the perfect retention tools for businesses.
Emerging Needs Of Organic Farming
As the demand for healthy food rises in India, organic farming is experiencing a surge.
Undergoing Surgery For Diabetes?
If I were a diabetic, would I go for a surgery that promises to halt the disease even for a few years and lasts an hour with a hospital stay of one day? A surgery that would leave four tiny scars on my belly and allow me to eat grilled fish?
Mother Earth Temple-Promotes Harmony With Nature
The idea of Mother Earth was originated in 1970 by Gay Lord Nelson, a Senator of the USA.
TED Talks India: An Innovation In 'positive' News
The 15-20 minute discussions on international TED Talks have been instant hits worldwide.
Dog Walkers In Argentina
Shreyas: Hum Sa So hum, So hum humsa
This basically means “I am That, That is me.” And to me, in many ways, this phrase defined my Shreyas experience.
Indian Oil - The Energy Of India
Indian Oil Corporation (Indian Oil) is India’s largest commercial enterprise with a sales turnover of ₹4,38,710 crore ($ 65,391 million) and profits of ₹19,106 crore ($ 2,848 million) for the year 2016-17.
Technology: Bbattle Of Machine Versus Man
Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or applications, whether in industry or in our everyday lives.
Business Ethics And Spiritual Values
The concept of business ethics denotes what is right or wrong in the workplace and doing what’s right.
Who Threatens The Media?
Afghanistan, according to a global survey, is the most dangerous place for journalists. Eight journalists were killed last year. World over, democracy is at stake; so are the journalists. In India, too, death of a journalist is becoming common.
Message Of India
The Earth is a specific planet of the universe, which is stupendous –beyond imagination and governed by the one eternal and universal law. Man, endowed with extraordinary virtues like intellect and creativity, is the top-notch creature on the Earth.
Cars That Kill
When you buy German cars you have given your consent to them for all the monkeys and humans they have maimed and killed. It has now been discovered that German automakers funded studies that had humans and monkeys inhaling diesel fumes.
Solar Charkha- Training Centre To Enable Women To Earn - A Step Taken By Dr. H. P. Kanoria
The hands that used to wash dishes once are now cutting the threads to be independent by getting hold of the ‛charkha’
Can renewable energy be the answer to the crisis in India's power sector?
The demand for energy depends on the rate of a country’s industrial growth as well as residential and commercial demands. India is the world’s fourth largest energy consumer. According to market insiders, India’s coal industry is failing to meet its mark under the NDA government.
Macneill Engineering Diversifying Into Polypropylene Bags
Pradip Churiwal, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Macneill Engineering Ltd. (MEL), the 65 crore Kolkata-based company in manufacturing and rendering services in the materials handling equipment sector, outlined his company’s future in a detailed interview with BE’s Kingshuk Banerjee.
Firecracker Industry Showing Signs Of Revival
Historically, fireworks and pyrotechnic shows existed as a form of royal entertainment in India.
Non-state Actors Have A Role To Play In Waste Management
India generates around 62 million metric tonnes of waste every year.
Delhi Enveloped In Toxic Air
The festival of Diwali has been identified as a major pollution trigger in New Delhi, the Indian capital.
Yoga Is An Invaluable Gift Of Our Ancient Tradition
For thousands of years before the Industrial Revolution, per capita incomes of humanity were largely stagnant with only some small variations.
Four Traits Of Successful People
What is it that takes you to the heights of greatness? Here’s something to think about.