South Africa's Dynamic Pork Industry Stays On Course In Testing Times
Many South Africans simply love a bit of bacon. Good news amid all the COVID-19 doom and gloom, is that the country’s pork industry continues to operate as usual, building up supplies with no issues expected in terms of shortages in the foreseeable future.
A Chain Is Only As Strong As Its Weakest Link
My knowledge of farming stems from a long generational line. Our farm has been in the family for 114 years. My father and I farm with cattle and sheep 15km east of the small town of Reitz in the NorthEastern Free State. After more than a century of farming, our family still carries the consequences of both the good and bad management decisions taken by my grandfather and great-grandfather decades before.
How Coronavirus Impacted Agriculture Worldwide
Just as the South African agricultural sector started to win the fight against the 2019 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak, the coronavirus jumped in to change society in ways we could not imagine.
The good and the bad of debt
I think part of my dislike in debt stems from the house I grew up in. I believe for many other Afrikaans families it was much the same. We were warned against debt from a very young age. If you cannot afford something, you have to save until you can buy it. You simply do not borrow money to buy it. In fact, you do not borrow anything – you save until you can purchase it on your own.
The importance of soil sampling
During a visit to the Agricultural Research Council’s (ARC) Vegetable and Ornamental Plants campus at Roodeplaat, Farmbiz caught up with Michael Kidson, a soil scientist at the Institute for Soil, Climate and Water (ISCW).
The bottom line of healthy soil: Sustaining a habitable life on Earth
Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, people will no longer take the air they breathe for granted. Moreover, mankind still does not seem to fully grasp that the soil we walk and live on, also counts as an essential natural resource of life.
The role of agritourism in the agricultural economy
I am writing this article amid the Covid-19 lockdown.
Legalising South Africa's commercial cannabis production
Bound for many decades by international treaties that established prohibition across the world, the cannabis industry is coming into its own.
The Pros And Cons Of Free-Range Poultry Production
Free-range poultry production has been enjoying the benefits of a niche market until now.
Livestock Theft: The Short End Of The Stick
Three elements are necessary for a crime to be committed: a willing criminal, a suitable target (property) and the absence of a competent guardian (owner). The current depopulation of rural areas in South Africa is also increasing the opportunity for crime.
A Solid Strategy Against Rising Input Costs
Had it not been for out-of-the-ordinary conditions that made his onions very sought after and expensive in 2000, he probably would not have owned his Soutpansberg farm today.
Smart Farming Set To Revolutionise Agriculture
A team of researchers are set to uncover the secrets in the microbiomes that inhabit the rhizosphere – the area around a plant root inhabited by a unique population of micro-organisms – of soil. This research will enable farmers to reduce input costs and maintain or even increase yields.
Rooibos Continues To Enjoy GI Protection Post Brexit
Press release by the South African Rooibos Council
Two Ways To Grow Potatoes At Home
With the recent disruption of our day-to-day lives, which affected global buying patterns and created fears of limited access to food, there could be no better time to start growing vegetables at home. Potatoes are nutritious and easy to grow, even if you do not have much of a garden. In addition to two easy ways to grow your own potatoes at home, we share a recipe for a hearty meal you can prepare with your harvest.
The Sernick story: A truly South African one
What are the traits of a great farmer? What makes an award-winning farmer? According to Santam Agriculture, one of the main sponsors of the Agricultural Writers SA Farmer of the Year competition, it is the ability to envision the business as a crucial link in the food value chain – and then to put your money where your mouth is. This is exactly what Nick Serfontein and his team did.
Obligations regarding activities involving an alien or invasive species
The Alien and Invasive Species Regulations (the Regulations) were published on 1 August 2014 (GN R598 in GG 37885 of 1 August 2014, with effect from 1 October 2014) and are aimed at controlling alien and invasive species in South Africa.
Controlling grain insects in bulk soya bean storage
Insect pests do not only wreak havoc on crops in the field, they can also cause major damage to grain stored in silos.
A toast to Hopewell's first harvest
A pilot vineyard project at Hopewell Conservation Estate on the outskirts of Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape, has achieved its goal of bottling its first harvest.
Simple Strategies For Restoring Productive Veld
Each year, clearing invasive alien plants costs South African farmers thousands.
Tunnel Irrigation: The Key To Success
A successful tunnel irrigation system must be designed to deliver the correct amount of water to crops in an agriculturally and technically sound way. In most cases, micro-irrigation (drippers or micro-sprinklers) is used to achieve this outcome.
Gain Agribusiness Acumen Through Targeted Training
Henley Business School Africa (Henley Africa) is a branch of Henley Business School UK, which is the business school of the University of Reading. The university boasts the world-class Department of Agriculture, Policy and Development, with experts in research and teaching in this sector.
Charting A New Course For Agricultural Financing In Zimbabwe
In September 2019, Zimbabwean minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement, Perrance Shiri, announced that government would no longer finance commercial agriculture directly. This announcement was met with much apprehension by the country’s agricultural sector.
The Wheel Is Turning For Wine Grape Producers
South African wine grape producers’ financial viability is looking up following a long downward cycle.
The Role Of Input Costs When Determining Feed Prices
South Africa has an established animal feed industry that is around 90 years old.
Food Price Trends In 2020
According to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), South Africa is food secure at a national level. However, there is a high prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies at the household level in both urban and rural areas, especially among children. These deficiencies can be attributed to socioeconomic factors.
This Is How People Can Help Conserve Insects
For humanity’s sake, people need to change their attitudes towards insects.
Measuring the resilience of female smallholders in South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa, is afflicted by climate variability and high levels of rain-dependency.
Help me, honey!
The plight of bees in South Africa
Nestlé Tackles Child Labour For 100% Sustainable Cocoa
Nestlé is investing $45 million a year in its sustainability programme and making progress reducing child labour in West Africa’s cocoa-growing communities, which form part of the Swiss confectionery giant’s cocoa supply chain.
A Chicken That Ticks All The Right Boxes
It is no secret that the African climate can be very unforgiving, especially when it comes to farming. Luckily for many farmers the Boschveld chicken, a hardy breed from Limpopo, has found its way to no less than 19 African countries and it is flourishing.