Mother & Baby India

Monsoon Shots To Fight The Flu

While you’re excited to bask in the cool monsoon weather, there are certain precautionary measures, such as getting your little one vaccinated can protect them against diseases, that one needs to take. M&B gives you a low down on how you and your child can have a safe and happy monsoon

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July 2017
Mother & Baby India

Monsoon Woes: UTIs

Urinary Tract Infections in small children are much more common than you think. Here is what you need to know 

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July 2017
Mother & Baby India

How Parents Can Facilitate Their Child's Learning Process

When it comes to a child’s learning curve, parents tend to play a significant role in encouraging, fostering and enhancing their child’s abilities, says Richa Shukla, content expert, Sesame Workshop, India

3 mins  |
July 2017
Millennial Parenting
Mother & Baby India

Millennial Parenting

Ananta Goyal recaps some of the biggest parenting trends from 2017, and reviews how far we’ve come as parents, caregivers, and in a way, unwitting influencers

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January 2018
Mother & Baby India

Lessons In Love

…you could learn from your baby. He’s an expert on the subject already 

6 mins  |
May 2017
Mother & Baby India

Let The Games Begin

Ever think of parenting as a sport? Well, we have, and some of these incidents below, illustrate that very point

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May 2017
Mother & Baby India

Life Is Beautiful

28-year-old Freelance Journalist, Sabiha Ghiasi, shares a rather fascinating story about just how wonderfully-surprising life can be. 

7 mins  |
May 2017
Mother & Baby India

Signs You're Really In Labour

If you see labour in the movies, it’s often, well, dramatic. But most begin gently and gradually develop over hours—even days. Here are the signs it’s started…

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May 2017
Mother & Baby India

Crainosacral Therapy: A Gentle Support On Your Journey To Motherhood

Pregnancy can often be a rather trying time, particularly when things don’t go the way you imagined it to. Fortunately, there’s a rather simple and natural way to help you beat those blues

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May 2017
Mother & Baby India

The Business Of Being Born

Don’t look so surprised! Just like the wedding industry, babies have spawned a huge industry and business is booming. From baby products such as clothes, diapers and toys, to regular paediatrician visits and car seats, nobody accounts for the added expenses. And it may even be tempting to think that unless you spend on the best that is available, you’re a bad parent. Here’s a news flash: You can adopt budget-friendly options and methods without being accused of neglecting your child. We tell you how with simple solutions and tips.

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May 2017
Mother & Baby India

Of Cuts And Scrapes

Like it or not, children are prone to accidents, particularly when their summer vacations roll in, and they’re bursting with energy around the playground. And while children will be children, you do want them to be safe and have fun at the same time. This is perhaps where a simple life skill, like learning basic first aid, comes in handy 

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May 2017
Mother & Baby India

Keep Your Eye On It

Is it time for your toddler’s first eye test? Here’s how to help it go smoothly 

3 mins  |
May 2017
Mother & Baby India

Are You Aware Of The Danger Lurking In Toys?

Sarbajeet Mukherjee, General Manager, Consumer and Retail Services, South Asia – UL, gives us an insight into preventing playtime from turning deadly 

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May 2017
Mother & Baby India

10 Ways To Engage Your Child This Season

Come summer, and kids can’t wait to sit back, relax and do everything they weren’t allowed to till they finished their homework or cleaned their rooms. This much-awaited break from their routine school week does mean that most kids might just want to veg out in front of the telly. And while it’s okay to let them enjoy their free time, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re rendered unproductive. Here are some fun ways to keep your children engaged, and perhaps even learning, throughout their summer break.

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May 2018
Mother & Baby India

10 Ways To Raise Mentally Strong Children

We live in a dog eat dog world. Children today face far more competition than we did growing up. And while being sympathetic can help comfort them for a while, teaching your child to take failure and defeat in their stride will prove to be far more effective in the long run says Mr Narendra Goidani, founder, WOW Parenting.

8 mins  |
May 2018
Thinking of freezing your eggs? Here's everything you need to know
Mother & Baby India

Thinking of freezing your eggs? Here's everything you need to know

Egg freezing is the answer to the burning question: when do you want to have a baby? A combination of science and technology have now made a medical marvel possible. Women waiting to settle down or those in pursuit of a high-fl ying career, and want to postpone having a baby, have the option of freezing their eggs. Find out all about this new-age procedure.

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December 2016
Gestational Diabetes
Mother & Baby India

Gestational Diabetes

Pregnancy is so much more than morning sickness, swollen feet, back pain, and a host of other welcome and unwelcome changes. But when you’re growing another human being inside your body, and you’ve been told you’re suffering from a pregnancy complication, what do you do? Read on for an in-depth understanding of gestational diabetes (GD), it’s risk factors, how it’s detected, and what can be done to treat or manage it.

6 mins  |
December 2016
The Lavender Fields With The Lhoirs
Mother & Baby India

The Lavender Fields With The Lhoirs

Travel along with writer, filmmaker and mother, Arwa Mamaji, as she leaves her life in Mumbai behind, to jet set across the world and experience new things, all with her baby girl. Here are a few anecdotes from her experiences..

3 mins  |
December 2017
Reinventing Their World
Mother & Baby India

Reinventing Their World

Avantika Khan talks motherhood, love and the importance of appreciating life’s fleeting moments

9 mins  |
December 2017
Mother & Baby India


You’re doing an amazing job looking after your baby, but to be the best mum you can be, you need to look after yourself too.

7 mins  |
December 2017
Anaemia And Pregnancy: Everything You Need To Know
Mother & Baby India

Anaemia And Pregnancy: Everything You Need To Know

Chief pathologist and general manager National Technical Operations, Metropolis Healthcare Ltd., Dr Rajesh Bendre, tells us what it means to be anaemic, and exactly how to take care of yourself, especially during your pregnancy

3 mins  |
December 2017
Your New Superpower
Mother & Baby India

Your New Superpower

As your bump grows, your brain is busy forging a brand-new skill: the ability to read your baby’s mind

3 mins  |
December 2017
Designing The Perfect Family
Mother & Baby India

Designing The Perfect Family

For young mother Subah Bansal, a fashion designer, giving birth to her son Krishai, has turned her into the responsible individual she is today.

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February 2017
Mother & Baby India

Is IVF Really The Last Resort?

Experts weigh in on the method.

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February 2017
Teach Your Kids To Clean Up After Themselves
Mother & Baby India

Teach Your Kids To Clean Up After Themselves

Are you constantly running after your kids, tidying up their messes? Meenal Arora, executive director of Shemrock Preschools, and the founder-director of Shemford Futuristic Schools, gives you a few pointers to help your kids stay neat and tidy

3 mins  |
November 2017
When Is My Baby Ready For Chocolaty Treats?
Mother & Baby India

When Is My Baby Ready For Chocolaty Treats?

With the festive season in full swing, first-time mommies might just be wondering if their babies are ready for a little bit of indulgence, too. We give you the low down on the right time to introduce you baby to the food of the Gods—chocolate

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November 2017
Mother & Baby India

Understand Your Child's Potential

Learning is a concept which is unique to each person. Everyone processes and comprehends information in a different manner. This manner, referred to as a learning style, is distinct for each child. Their approach to learning is a reflection of their personality. Observing a child’s behaviours at an early age can indicate which learning style they will be most comfortable with says Mona Singh, VP, Sesame Schoolhouse

3 mins  |
June 2017
Mother & Baby India

How To Tackle That Preschool Interview

In this fast-paced world, as most of us have come to realise, it’s make or break. But if you think that you’re only expected to establish yourselves as adults, think again. Today, even children need to prove their caliber when it comes to securing an admission in that sought-after preschool. Of course, it’s only natural that as parents, you want the best for your child. And unfortunately, the key to success is perhaps the first most important thing yout toddler will be expected to do—tackle that preschool interview. Naturally, this spells panic and stress for parents causing them to put undue pressure on their children. However, there are ways around it. M&B brings you a few tips and tricks to effectively prepare both you and your child for that life-changing interview

6 mins  |
June 2017
Mother & Baby India

Clone Wars: Why Your Child Needs Her Own Identity

Children are little miracles. And for parents of very young ones, it can be a fascinating and sometimes overwhelming experience to witness tiny living, breathing, adorable versions of themselves. But it must be said, our children are individuals in their own right. As they grow and blossom into unique human beings, it is important for parents to ensure we don’t just force them to become mirror images of themselves

4 mins  |
June 2017
A Wonderful Start to Parenthood
Mother & Baby India

A Wonderful Start to Parenthood

Former fashion-stylistturned-stay-at-home mum, Priya Kochhar, has taken to motherhood with the rather powerful outlook of going back to the basics when it comes to raising her beautiful daughter, Taarini

8 mins  |
January 2017