
What is Rare?
It would be accurate to say that many breeders and fanciers are currently concerned about their particular breed in terms of how it is regarded officially, and some may be unaware of who is looking after their interests as far as protection measures go in the face of any government-imposed cull.

Our Life with La Fleche (Part1) - Cherry Tree Rare Breeds
Our story with poultry started in 2006 when Chloe then ten, announced “can we keep chickens?’’ That simple question has taken us from a collection of 4 hybrid layers to an established flock of rare breed La Flèche within ten years.

Red Mite
The Poultry Keeper's Nightmare

Poultry Club News
Poultry Club News

Victoria answers more of your questions… (

Staffordshire County Show
“At last a show to report on!”

Vorwerk Bantams
Having won ‘Best Bantam Vorwerk’ at the National show every year since 2011, it is clear that breeder Jane Freeman has a real passion for the breed - the bantams in particular. We caught with her to find out more about them…

Poultry At The Rutland County Show
The LPCG moved last year to The Rutland County Show after its previous location and funding was lost.

A Visit To The Dutch Poultry Museum In Barneveld
Brinsea’s Fiona Browne and Marc Braddock have been planning a visit to the Dutch Poultry Museum since the beginning of the year. Friday 14th October was world egg day and since the museum was celebrating this over the weekend it seemed a great time to visit.

BWA Championship Show
Driving towards this year’s BWA Championship Show in Stroud, I remembered with fondness the same show in previous years.

Zade Shakeshaft and Asian Game
A relative newcomer to the Asian Game scene, youngster Zade Shakeshaft has an undeniable passion for her birds and has been securing a few wins of note in recent years. Fancy Fowl caught up with her to discover how she got started in Asian Hardfeather and what fuels her interest for these unique varieties of poultry...

Are You Prepared?
The Bird Flu situation in late December last year really rocked fanciers’ worlds, no doubt affecting their breeding plans for 2017. And poultry keepers around the country were wondering why after several years without a problem it suddenly reared its ugly head again. It is cited as being due to ‘migrating birds’ but there has been a lot of migrating birds since 2005, seemingly without issue. One thing is certain - the fear in people’s minds won’t disappear easily, and it might take a while for confidence to return. There are, however, potential upsides, in that it has forced some people to reduce stock and focus on quality, and if the surge of interest in poultry is anything like it was in the years that followed the 2005 Bird Flu, then there is cause for optimism. While we hope there are no such outbreaks in the months to follow, we think it is important to be prepared, and spoke to some prominent fanciers to get their thoughts and feelings on the upcoming 2017 show season...

And On That Farm There Were Some Silkies
An interview with Silkie Specialist John McDonald

Royal Cornwall Show
8th - 10th June 2017

Memory Of Dr W. C Carefoot
Memory of Dr W. C. Carefoot honoured with Donation of 2 Memorial Trophies at National Show: 1 for the Best Marked Wyandotte and 1 for Best Barred Rock.

Breeding Birds
Many seasoned breeders can recognise a valuable bird in their flock that won’t necessarily look good in the show pen.

Armagh County Agricultural Show
The annual Armagh County Agricultural show held this year on Saturday 11th June was staged in the glorious location of Gosford Forest Park at the edge of the town of Markethill in County Armagh.

Adele Stanley On: Cayugas
Fancy Fowl asked the questions...

Buff Laced Polands (Chamois)
Starting over with the Large Fowl...

Into ‘The Fancy'
So, needing a new wheelbarrow we head off to a farm sale in the hills, where a wide assortment of goodies availed and then to my surprise a quantity of fowl - right at the end of the sale.

Rose-combed Anconas
The Ancona Club has approximately 70 members and always enjoys good numbers of entries at both the National and the Club Show at the Federation.

It's easy they said….. It'll be fun they said….
Firstly I must say that it is both an honour and a privilege to be a Breed Club Secretary especially for such an old and high profile Club as The Silkie Club which has been in existence since 1886.

Standard Colours
The need for consistent terms...

Federation Poultry Show 2016
The 2016 Federation show was approached with some trepidation after hearing the news that there had been an outbreak of Avian Influenza in Lincolnshire on the afternoon of the day before the show. This caused a social media frenzy with very mixed opinions and a percentage of people opting not to show.

The Poland Breed - What's Your Experience? Pt. 1
We spoke to two Poland breeders this month: one an experienced Fancier, Stephen Hodge (who shows with his brother Graham), and Martin O’Hara, a newcomer to the breed. Stephen and Graham won the Best Soft Feather Light Bantam award at the National Show 2016 with a White Crested Black bantam female. We put the following questions to him...

A Small Word...
As you may be aware I have been involved in showing various species of livestock all my life, and I find it amazing just how many fellow ‘fanciers’ also show other livestock.

The Rouen Duck
Rouen ducks are visibly giant Mallards which originated in France.

The Poor Relation?
When putting the Alan James feature together, I was touched by one of his comments. So much so that I posted it on Social Media to an overwhelming and immediate response. I posted: "I have just done an interview with a breeder and one of his answers struck a chord with me. He said: "Many people think that the bantams are the 'be all and end all' of the breed and the large are the poor relation. What are your thoughts concerning your breed? Is that the case?” Below are some of your replies...

Alan James On Large Moderns
Alan James is a quitely spoken chap but is straight-talking nonetheless. I can relate to his passion for the Pile colour, and it was good to catch up with him at the 2016 National show, where he won the award for Best Large Modern and got onto Championship Row. I put the following questions to him...

Royal Cheshire Show
From Judge Colin Clark… Poultry Section