The Single Market: A Neolberal Tool Of The Bosses
Fight for a socialist Brexit
Hundreds Evacuated After Labour Council Dismisses Cracks In Tower Blocks
Fight for safe homes for all
Walthamstow Save Our Square Occupation: 'This Land Is Our Land!'
“Who is Walthamstow for?” asked David Gardiner, secretary of the Save Our Square campaign, in his opening speech at the campaign’s protest and occupation event in east London on 24 February.
Three Major West Wales Hospitals Could Close
Corbyn and unions must fight Labour right
Newham: Teaching Workers And Parents Determined To Halt Academies
Teachers and teaching assistants, with the active support of students and the public, have been taking strike action in the east London borough of Newham against the forced academisation of schools. On 26 February a hundreds-strong noisy and vibrant demonstration, organised by the local National Education Union (NEU) branch, marched to the town hall in East Ham to demand support from the recalcitrant Labour council and mayor.At the full council meeting following the march, Newham Labour council voted to reverse its long-held position of support for academisation. Unfortunately many Labour councillors abstained or refused to accept the anti-academy motion.
Socialist Students Conference Highlights Successful Work And International Solidarity
Over 100 students at-tended the annual Socialist Students conference at Bir-mingham University on 24 February.
Sun 'Commie Spy' Smear Corbyn Didn't Collaborate With Stalinism - But With Trotskyists Against It
Jeremy Corbyn stands accused of collaborating with Czechoslovak Stalinism. But in fact, his public backing of a Trotskyist call for workers’ democracy shows the opposite.
Defuse The Consumer Debt Ticking Time Bomb: Nationalise The Banks!
Still recovering from the last crisis? Hold on to your wallet, Britain’s bankers are storing up another one. The Financial Conduct Authority has urged the government to tackle the explosion in consumer debt, now standing at £200 billion.
Strike To Save Our NHS!
Tories Retreat on Pay Cap - Nurses Demand More
Worried About Fake News? Start With Labour Councils Budget Lies
‘Fake news’ is in the headlines - and while Trump is the most obvious purveyor of what used to simply be called ‘lies’, the method is alive and well among Bristol’s Labour councillors and mayor.
Stand With The RMT
Unite against Southern Rail and the Tories.
Universal Basic Income What Do Socialists Say?
The idea of welfare benefits being replaced by a ‘universal basic income’ (UBI) has resurfaced in recent years - a welcome discussion because it raises the fundamental right of everyone to have an income that meets their basic needs. Exact proposals vary but they are all based on the idea of everyone in society receiving an unconditional, taxfree, regular payment, regardless of whether they are working or the composition of their household (see box).
Northern Ireland Divisive Election A Warning To The Workers' Movement
Socialist Party (Irish sister party of the Socialist Party in England and Wales)
Save Our NHS
Save Our NHS
Brexit Deal No Solution To Tory Rifts
– No divorce bill to subsidise capitalist elites of Europe– For a socialist, internationalist Brexit
Labour 'Purge' Furore Really Just Democracy
– Momentum leadership not put forward strategy to defeat Blairites– Communities won’t take any more excuses from councillors photo Paul Mattsson
Local Government Pay: Fight For The 5% Claim, Fully Funded
Local Government Pay: Fight For The 5% Claim, Fully Funded
Totnes MP Uses Coffin Controversy To Distract From Brutal NHS Cuts
Torbay and South Devon Socialist Party and chair Save Our Hospital Services South Devon (personal capacity)
No, Trumpism Is Nothing Like Leninism
Steve Bannon, chief strategist to US President Donald Trump, once called himself “a Leninist” - to the delight of Victor Sebestyen, a journalist for the Times, Spectator and Standard.
Fearful Tories Mull Borrowing To Build
For a mass programme of council house building!
1967 Abortion Act Reflected Social Changes
Fight for the right to choose when and whether to have children
Ireland: Fighting To Win The Right To Choose
On 28 October 2012, the barbarity of the Irish state’s attempt to ban abortion was exposed.
Tories Torn Bin Them Now
Fight for a socialist Brexit to bring the whole lot down
Schools 'Can't Go Any Further' - Stop The Cuts: Set Deficit Budgets Now
“With less and less money to run schools, we are suffering enormously. Cuts have been made but we can’t go any further.
No More Fire Deaths - Ensure Safety Now!
In the early hours of Sunday 1 October a fire broke out on the ground floor of a three storey block of flats in Ringland Close, Hanley.
Westminster Sexual Harassment Scandal Rotten Establishment Must Go
Westminster continues to be buffeted by new waves of the sexual harassment scandal. One Tory minister - Michael Fallon - has been forced out, with others barely clinging on.
Pay Cap Decisively Rejected By PCS Union Members In Ballot
In the run-up to the government budget, members of civil servants’ union PCS have delivered a stinging rejection of the Tories’ pay policy, and shown that they are more than willing to take action to overturn it.
Obituary: Derek Robinson, 1927-2017 Courageous Struggle Of Car Workers' Leader
Former British Leyland senior steward
Salford: Labour Mayor Needs To Stop All Cuts
Elected mayor of Salford City Council Paul Dennett has been seen by many as a welcome change. He is a self-described Corbyn supporter.
Birmingham Bin Strike Council Humiliated In Court Battle - But War Isn't Over Yet
A Tyseley bin worker summed it up nicely: “We’ve taken the lead, but it’s only half time.