Miser or Wiser!
Explore the master key, which will unravel the mystery of the biggest treasure, thus helping us become truly rich, a rich-king instead of a rich-beggar.
Earthquake: Nature's Backlash
Negative thoughts have the power to shake us and also others from within, leading to mental quakes of consciousness, violent emotional outbreaks, and disturbances of sensory and motor functions.
Connect to the Hub of the Wheel!
The following incident is mentioned in the pages of Tthe Kaushitaki Upanishad. Pratardana, the son of the famous king of Kashi, Divodaasa, had attained expertise in the science of logic, hetu vidya.
Check The Status Of Your Friendship!
A friend is one who stands to share; Your every touch of grief and care…
Salute To The 'Father Of The Nation (India)'!
If we grasp the fact that there is a divinity within us which witnesses everything we think or do and which protects us and guides us along the true path, it is clear that we shall cease to have any other fear on the face of the earth…
Over and Out!
July 2, 1881… Morning hours…
When you are my Master, then why should I listen to the knowledge from any other God? I crave that the Supreme Knowledge be bestowed upon me only by my God, my Master.
Check, How Fit Are You!
When one thinks of the word 'health', then two foremost questions that come in our mind are- Am I underweight, normal or overweight as per my body structure? Am I taking the right diet and quantity as per my age?
How To Tie Knots In Relations?
When we try to place ourselves above the other person in any relation, then, we are actually tying a weak knot in our relations.
Keep Your Desire Alive...
The Guru is like a touchstone that can transform iron into gold! Even if you are incapable and incompetent, he will take you to the peaks of success for sure!
The Demon of Ignorance
There are so many aspects in our lives, where the darkness of ignorance overpowers us and the sun of knowledge remains set. With no fire, no light, no glow in our lives, we continue to live with this demon and compromise our lifestyle adopting the ignorant ways.
Salute to their Heroism and Patriotism!
Either I will come back after hoisting the tri-colour, or I will come back wrapped in it; but I will be back for sure.
PINEAL GLAND the Epicentre of Enlightenment
The Third Eye remains enshrouded with ignorance and vicious proclivities as per the enlightened sages. However, when this blanket is pierced, a being beholds the magnificent Supreme Lord within.
Samarth Ramdas– Who Worried for the World!
Only that heart can sing the melodies of transformation in the world, which has tuned itself to the Supreme Lord.
Insightful Experiments to Make Wonderful Youngsters!
From personal to social lifestyle, every bit of our being is becoming 'crowd driven'.
Battery Cells of the Vedic Era
Those people were amazing whose hearts dived into the sea of the inner world and whose minds travelled through the heights of space. Can't this communion be established today?
Significance Of Vedic Chanting
The vibrations of Vedic Chants release pleasure-causing endorphins, stimulate the immune system, and restore holistic health. These vibrations increase the learning ability, enhance creativity, sharpen memory and the power of concentration.
Guru Guru Guru... Says My Heart!
There was a boy whose name was Gaavbaa. People also used to call him 'Paagla-Paagla' (Mad-Mad). Tales of his mischiefs were famous in distant towns.
Real Answers for the Real Inquisitives
Suppose you are asked to write your Sdesires in a wish list. Just answer with a true heart, where will God be in this list?
Discipleship Directory
Albert Einstein once quoted– “Two things are Ainfinite: the universe and human stupidity.”
Ayurvedic Cure For Pandemics
The word 'pandemic' is derived from the Greek term 'pandemos', where 'pan ' means inclusive of all and 'demos' depicts people i.e. an outbreak of a disease covering global proportions. The struggle of the world to deal with such unanticipated eruptions has always been a challenge due to a number of reasons, such as, the novelty of causative organisms, its unexpected virulence, delayed detection, rapid widespread, lack of treatment, and many more. As a result, consequences are devastating i.e. manifold rise in morbidities and mortalities.
From The Age Of Spiritual Emptiness To Spiritual Fullness!
In the current context, besides the ghastly dance Iof death that we are seeing today, wherein heaps of dead bodies are swelling further every day, do we see deadness or lifelessness in some other terms as well? Perhaps yes.
Lockdown: Let's Sit Down And Look Around!
Flying under the clear sky, Rejoicing with a relieved sigh, You can hear me chirping after a long time, Because now, it's all placid, everywhere, every time…
Productify Your Loneliness!
Do you know, as per the latest sources, besides the severe catastrophes caused by the latest pandemic among the nations, there is a chance of another blow to the mankind with one more impending epidemic.
Nature and its Devastating Dance!
Nature and its Devastating Dance!
My Quarantine Days
Life is unpredictable, we all have heard and experienced it, but this year the most unexpected happened.
Corona… One More Instalment!
Global Maladies, spiritual Remedies.
Journey to the Temple Inside...
Once upon a time, there was a great saint and scholar, Nathamuni in the southern parts of India.
It was my brother's birthday and we decided to go out for dinner to a fine-dining restaurant.
Incredible Coincidences!
Here's a quick exercise. Take out your Hthinking hats; and as you wear them, just imagine how would you react if all that you're about to read were true? Think!