
Why Vertex 2020 rocked!
Better together Networking and learning opportunities were endless as Vertex, our 2D and 3D art event, returned for a third triumphant year at London’s Olympia
Pernille Ørum
Visual boost The Danish artist on why she needs to be surrounded by items that inspire her in her new workspace

First Impressions
This US artist reveals she has a strong affinity with nature…
From being headhunted out of school to moving to New York to work on new animation titles, this artist’s career is on the up

Artists pay tribute to Qinni
Mourning star The art community is left reeling as a bright, young talent is lost to the world. Here, illustrators acknowledge the impact Qinni had on their lives

What Traits Do Successful Artists Have In Common?
Bigger picture Besides skill and talent, Tom May asks what other qualities you need to make it as an artist

Harryhausen: The Lost Movies
STOP PRESS Explore the archive of the stop-motion pioneer and discover his feature films that didn’t make it to the big screen

Painter 2020
FRESH COAT With its version number also being shorthand for perfect vision, does this mean Corel has delivered its best-ever version of Painter?

Artist Portfolio: John Burton
Garrick Webster meets the traditional painter who’s now creating sci-fi concept art

KEEPING IT REAL This is Adobe’s attempt at blurring analogue and digital mediums, but does it do enough to challenge similar art tools?

Ciaran Lucas
Iterating imperfection This Irish artist shows the evolving successes and mistakes in his nexus of inspiration, experimentation and procrastination

Artist Portfolio: Djamila Knopf
The artist tells Gary Evans about practising in secret, losing her artistic voice and being told to try “proper art”

Use Reference To Design A Boss Character
Tancred Dyke-Wells walks through the process of concepting and painting an endgame character for his new video game, Skeleton Crew

Paint Video Game Character Art
Oliver Ödmark reveals his process for tackling a character-focused illustration, as he paints Jesse Faden from acclaimed video game Control

The Camera Always Lies
Artist and painter Patrick J Jones shows why working from photographs is so risky – and explains to how make photos work for you

Paint A Chinese Fantasy Figure
Yangtian Li explains her research and design process as she illustrates a fantasy character with armour based on authentic Chinese costume.

Dawn Carlos
Sound & vision This San Francisco concept artist’s compact workspace enables her to sketch, synthesise and create in her small downtown apartment.

Cintiq 22
CREATIVE SPACE With the lowest price we’ve seen for a Cintiq of this size, Wacom’s drawing display could change the way you create art

Photoshop Paint Vibrant Portrait Art
Daniel bolling Walsh reveals how he makes use of custom brushes and a range of Photoshop layer modes to create a painterly portrait piece

First Impressions
Game of Thrones first drew a blank with this artist and educator…

Andrew Hem
Gang signs and agriculture: the Cambodian-American artist tells Gary Evans how his art was shaped by growing up between two very different cultures…

Photoshop Create A Card Art Portfolio
Illustrator Noah Bradley shares the fundamental principles for creating strong, dynamic and impactful artwork for card games

Alex Konstad
The American illustrator and concept artist reveals to Gary Evans how hard times got him where he is today…

How To Succeed As A Concept Artist
Bright ideas top concept artists tell Gary Evans how to get educated, get employed, and get better in art’s most misunderstood field

Everything You Need For The Creation And Automatic Optimisation Of 3D Content
Easily achieve more than 10x in cost-savings when creating new assets or optimising existing data with revolutionary workflows

Happy 10th Birthday Inktober!
Visible ink As the art challenge celebrates a milestone year in 2019, we get the low-down from the founder and contributors on just how Inktober has become so popular

Tor Frick: Design Without Limits
Modo’s Flexible Modelling Tools And Amd’s Powerful Hardware Help The Leading Games Artist Meet The Punishing Production Schedule At His Start-up Studio, Neon Giant

Learn Your Way Around Krita
Sara Tepes Continues Her Series On The Free Painting Program By Taking A Tour Of Krita’s Tools And Its Pared-back Workspace

Ian McQue
Garrick Webster Learns How The Boyhood Fan Of Ralph Mcquarrie Made His Name In Video Games And Is Now Living His Dream As A Hollywood Concept Artist

Get To Grips With Pencil Shading
Timothy Von Rueden Continues His Series On Drawing Techniques By Covering A Range Of Shading Methods And How To Execute Them