A Different Kind of Quail
The Upland Almanac

A Different Kind of Quail

The fact I have never been on a “classic” quail hunt was rubbed in again last October by a gentleman with some obvious Southern roots. He had pulled up his pickup behind mine as I exited a tangle of wild blackberries that loosely followed a small creek into a steep, rocky canyon.

3 mins  |
Autumn 2020
The Upland Almanac

Still Smokin'?

On a chukar hunt 35 years ago, my wife issued a challenge: She could last longer without nicotine than I.

4 mins  |
Summer 2020
Shooting for “Successful Beginnings”
The Upland Almanac

Shooting for “Successful Beginnings”

Listed among a handful of women as a National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA) Level III Shooting Instructor, Elizabeth Fennell is an all-around lover of wing shooting, clay shooting and fostering other women into recreational shooting sports.

5 mins  |
Summer 2020
Quail Shooting
The Upland Almanac

Quail Shooting

We hear a great deal in these days about abundant physical exercise as a necessary factor in the maintenance of sound health and vigor.

5 mins  |
Summer 2020
Fields of Dreams
The Upland Almanac

Fields of Dreams

Eastern Shore Conservationists hope if they build it, the bobwhite quail will come (back)

5 mins  |
Summer 2020
Deciphering Dog Food Labels: Good Luck with That!
The Upland Almanac

Deciphering Dog Food Labels: Good Luck with That!

“There’s no way anyone can look at a label and tell anything about the quality of the dog food.”

10+ mins  |
Summer 2020
Day's End: Big Running Dog
The Upland Almanac

Day's End: Big Running Dog

“Where is your dog, Joe?”

3 mins  |
Summer 2020
Bird Dogs - Health Matters
The Upland Almanac

Bird Dogs - Health Matters

Bird Dogs - Health Matters

4 mins  |
Summer 2020
The First Bird After
The Upland Almanac

The First Bird After

I was returning from town with groceries when I saw the spiral of smoke from five miles away.

4 mins  |
Spring 2020
High Times In Haddeo
The Upland Almanac

High Times In Haddeo

Into this landscape is woven a sporting tradition dating to the 11th century.

9 mins  |
Spring 2020
Upland Chef
The Upland Almanac

Upland Chef

Woodcock in Two Courses

3 mins  |
Spring 2020
The Incredible, Edible Rail
The Upland Almanac

The Incredible, Edible Rail

Imagine hunting a certified, managed, abundant, controlled game bird that requires no trees, no brush, no dogs, no walking, no experience, and no skill. Welcome to the world of rail hunting, where the daily bag limit is 25 birds, and missing even one shot is considered a laughable offense.

8 mins  |
Spring 2020
The Check Cord
The Upland Almanac

The Check Cord

Proper Etiquette

3 mins  |
Spring 2020
The Upland Almanac


When I got to the place I’d marked, the pheasant wasn’t there. Neither was Jack.

7 mins  |
Spring 2020
Flushes & Noteworthy Points
The Upland Almanac

Flushes & Noteworthy Points

Reader Steve Lavalle of Manchester, New Hampshire, submitted this photo of a grouse he found while hunting in central Wisconsin.

3 mins  |
Spring 2020
Fire Away!
The Upland Almanac

Fire Away!

Fabarm Elos D2

2 mins  |
Spring 2020
Classic Upland Guns
The Upland Almanac

Classic Upland Guns

E. Remington & Sons: Remington- Whitmore Lifter-Action

3 mins  |
Spring 2020
Bird Dogs - Health Matters
The Upland Almanac

Bird Dogs - Health Matters

Field Restraint and Skin Stapling

3 mins  |
Spring 2020
Dr. Hank's Genuine Alabama Elixir To Cure Your Midwest Winter Ruffed Grouse Blues
The Upland Almanac

Dr. Hank's Genuine Alabama Elixir To Cure Your Midwest Winter Ruffed Grouse Blues

You boys go ahead, and make as much noise as you want,” chortled Dr. Hank Clemmons. “We’re gonna’ have ourselves a good ol’ Alabama Shake ’n Bake.”

7 mins  |
Winter 2019
From: “Brave Hunter, Stout Woodcock”
The Upland Almanac

From: “Brave Hunter, Stout Woodcock”

I’m not sure I want to know why I’m attracted to bird hunting. But I will try to make sense of the matter.

9 mins  |
Winter 2019
Colorado Blues And Bobs Mike Gnatkowski
The Upland Almanac

Colorado Blues And Bobs Mike Gnatkowski

A chance meeting set the stage. Returning from a trade show in June, I was taking the shuttle back to the extended parking lot at Denver International Airport. Eventually, the passengers dwindled down to a guy sporting a Browning cap and me.

8 mins  |
Winter 2019
Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon: Quail Unlimited Covey Model
The Upland Almanac

Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon: Quail Unlimited Covey Model

My sons and I arrive at the abandoned homestead site and make ready for the hunt.

2 mins  |
Winter 2019
Chukar Hunting For Prunes
The Upland Almanac

Chukar Hunting For Prunes

When I was in high school, a man or woman over the age of 60 was a “Prune” – an individual with wrinkles who was obviously in his declining years.

6 mins  |
Autumn 2017
Classic Upland Guns
The Upland Almanac

Classic Upland Guns

Gerbruder Merkel ‒ Suhl, Germany.

2 mins  |
Winter 2016
Grouse Cooked In Creamy Wild Mushroom Soup
The Upland Almanac

Grouse Cooked In Creamy Wild Mushroom Soup

Grouse cooked in creamy wild mushroom soup.

3 mins  |
Winter 2016
Alarms, Tolls And Jingles
The Upland Almanac

Alarms, Tolls And Jingles

For nearly two decades, I’ve wrestled out a living as a beat cop.

4 mins  |
Winter 2016
The Puppy Is In The House!
The Upland Almanac

The Puppy Is In The House!

I am a strong believer in raising puppies in the house to help teach proper socialization, house breaking and manners.

3 mins  |
Summer 2017
You Can't Not Do It
The Upland Almanac

You Can't Not Do It

Some of my finest shots have been made with my finger on diving seagulls at the local beach.

4 mins  |
Autumn 2016
Prime Cuts
The Upland Almanac

Prime Cuts

Editor’s Note: American poet and writer Jim Harrison, died on March 26, 2016. In a career spanning more than 50 years, he produced 21 volumes of fiction, 14 books of poetry, two books of essays, a children’s book and a memoir. Harrison remains popular among sportsmen who both appreciate his fine writing and identify with any number of his indulgences, of which he partook as if ignorant of the word moderation. The essays in Just Before Dark give a taste of his appetites. Here are some excerpts from a few of them.

8 mins  |
Autumn 2016
Classic Upland Guns
The Upland Almanac

Classic Upland Guns

Westley Richards 12-Gauge Scalloped Boxlock.

2 mins  |
Autumn 2016