
10 Ways Of Destressing
It is important to understand that being stressed is not a shortcoming and is a normal human reaction to work or life pressure. Successful people garner help and support from their peers when there are excessive tasks at hand.

Co-Creating Learnings From Customers
When we seek to learn, we look for resources individually, and, if we are blessed to be working in an organisation which invests in employee learning, we seek to make the most of available opportunities.

The 5th IAF India Facilitation Conference
The 5th IAF India FacilitationConference was held on 7th-8th December, 2018 at the L&T Leadership Development Academy, Lonavala.

The Holy Grail Of HR
Organisation culture is a word much bandied about in HR circles.

5 Strategies For Tailoring A Technical Career Growth Path
While we focus on ensuring an attractive track for the "techies", it is also important to realise that with the changes brought in by the digital era, the requirement of "pure" management and managers is reducing.

Its All In The Game - Gamifying HR Experience
Human-focused design recalls that people have feelings, insecurities, and reasons for doing certain things, and optimises as per their feelings and motivations. From LinkedIn's skill endorsements to likes on Facebook, from badges at work to names on the leaderboard, gamification has sneaked into our lives unnoticed.

An Era Of Massive Transformation
Keeping pace with the ever-changing dynamic environment will become a way of work. The future belongs to those who are able to effectively deal with these disrupters, and adapt themselves and their strategies with the change.

The Curious Case Of Shared Economy And IR
The role of Technology would be beyond its deterministic capabilities, as its presence in human processes and interactions have huge implications on economics, culture, and politics.

One Size Does Not Fit All!
If HR managers can convert their HR function into one that loves people for who they are, they will in turn become the HR that the employees and managers love, for who they are.

Old Habits Die Hard!
In 1982, Ramachandra Shah, theManaging Director of GopalCotton Mills in Ranchipur, wentto Japan on a trade mission.

The 5 Pillars To Engagement
Organisations across the world are rapidly evolving, with new business models, fast moving technologies, and evolving workforce requirements. In such a dynamic environment, it is required that companies remain all the more cognizant and upkeep themselves with the changing times.

Top Hiring Mistakes To Avoid
The HR industry is now leveraging the power of new age technologies such as AI and ML for more accelerated and intelligent solutions. ML helps organisations to significantly improve their process efficiencies at reduced time and cost, without having to compromise on the quality of the outcome.

Getting Ready For The Ride
A successful HR transformation today is much akin to "creating land at sea", one that can be achieved via Advanced Analytics. With the underlying theme of 'transformation', this makes a case for HR organisations to find better ways to leverage advanced analytics, and use it to build an agile, responsive, and focused workforce.

Your Thinking In Your Hands
An incredible and implementable resource for thinkers, managers, leaders, collaborators, incubators and innovators, as well as anyone who wants the power of shaping ideas critically and creatively.

Workplace Happiness Bootcamp
Workplace Happiness Bootcampby Happiitude & Delivering Happiness was held from 7th - 9th June, 2018 at the Ramada Convention Centre, Mumbai.

Policies For Leave And Working Hours
Employees are most productive when they achieve work-life balance that enables them to meet their responsibilities outside work.

The Clairvoyant Leader
Manuel D'Souza, Chief Human Resources Officer, Intelenet Global Services, began his career as an Account manager and is today managing a 55,000 strong workforce in the company. He believes that evolving oneself according to the changing requirements of the business is the true hallmark of a leader and clarity in communication is integral for HR in times of such a transition.

Centre For Excellence?
The fact that Universities need to remain focussed on rendering quality education, and thereby, work towards becoming centres of excellence is quintessential. While the above remain as the guiding principles for the Founders when setting up an educational Institution, student requirements with respect to placement, industry demand for quality talent, and, the aspirations of the local community try to steer them away from the thought of setting up a centre of excellence.

The Questioning Quotient
In an increasingly chaotic world, interdependencies only keep increasing since technology generates and shares information in real time. At times, we are struck with many choices that appear to be right, and yet confused, as to which is right.

Digital Leadership - Leveraging The Uniqueness Of Digital
Human Capital interacted with HR professionals from various domains to gather an understanding on the impact of 'Digital' in the realm of leadership, and the role to be adapted by leaders of today in the wake of a perennial shift in the technology landscape as also the enhanced presence of a techsavvy and younger workforce in today's organisations.

Being Humble
Humble leaders possess the remarkable ability to sculpt strategic and integrative perspective plans. They rise from being myopic to being agile and adaptive in execution. They fathom past trends and shifts in the environment with openness and a systemic view.

The Talent Conundrum
During the SAP SuccessFactors Success Connect conference, Penny Stoker, Global Leader of HR Services at EY, unveiled "Onboarding Buddy", an onboarding AI chat bot that fully integrates with SAP SuccessFactors. The uniqueness of the bot is that it has answers to the otherwise mundane requests from the new employees. While this is definitely the way forward for the HR to rein in AI augmented talent management solutions, it does not exactly give a measure of the amount of penetration required by AI and the balance to be set forth by human intervention.

Empathy: An Essential Leadership Ingredient
Neuroscientists recognise Cognitive and Emotional empathy as relevant to executive effectiveness. Cognitive empathy is where you understand the other person's perspective while emotional empathy allows you to sense unspoken feelings.

The Millennials Guide To Work Life Balance
Work life balance is an imperative aspect towards ensuring one's wellbeing. With millennials on a constant quest for success, the ability to achieve harmony between work and life is proving to be increasingly difficult.

Building The Leadership Muscle
Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese philosopher once said "Know yourself and you will win all battles."

The Sum Total Of Change
It is common knowledge that organisations are a sum total of its people and their knowledge. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that organisational changes are handled with utmost care and empathy.

Theatre As A Learning Tool
A person who has done theatre in his/her life is likely to handle the HR role a great deal better because theatre would have taught him/her goal setting, communication, empathy, situational leadership, time management, and, diversity and inclusion.

Applicability Of Section 25 Of Industrial Disputes Act In Cases Of Voluntary Abandonment
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 ("Act") is a legislation which provides for certain safeguards for workmen, including cases of retrenchment. However, very recently, the Hon'ble Supreme Court has laid down the effect of Section 25F of the Act in cases of abandonment of services by the workman.

Bridging Experience And Engagement
Organisations have long realisedthat annual engagement surveysare passé, and that having a list of scores to various questions is not going to help them navigate the uncertain terrain in a nimble VUCA economy.

Tame those Workplace Bullies!
'Anush, what makes you think that the idea you just blurted out is any good?' Michael asked glaringly, right in front of his entire set of direct reports. 'I think you are better off not speaking for the rest of the meet' he added, rather aggressively.