Researchers Say Amazon Face-Detection Technology Shows Bias

Researchers Say Amazon Face-Detection Technology Shows Bias

Facial-detection technology that Amazon is marketing to law enforcement often misidentifies women, particularly those with darker skin, according to researchers from MIT and the University of Toronto.

2 mins  |
AppleMagazine #379
Antarctica Is Losing Ice 6 Times Faster Today Than In 1980s

Antarctica Is Losing Ice 6 Times Faster Today Than In 1980s

Antarctica is melting more than six times faster than it did in the 1980s, a new study shows.

1 min  |
January 18, 2019
Grocery Robots Detect Spills - With Some Far-Off Human Help

Grocery Robots Detect Spills - With Some Far-Off Human Help

A wheeled robot named Marty is rolling into nearly 500 grocery stores to alert employees if it encounters spilled granola, squashed tomatoes or a broken jar of mayonnaise.

1 min  |
January 18, 2019
Facebook Merging Instagram and Whatsapp

Facebook Merging Instagram and Whatsapp

With Facebook announcing plans to merge its Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram messaging services, we take a closer look at the giant’s stronghold on the ways in which we communicate, and explore whether the new changes will bring us closer together, or give Facebook access to more data to sell advertising and increase its dominance in the market.

6 mins  |
AppleMagazine #379
Jason Momoa Swims But ‘Aquaman' Sinks

Jason Momoa Swims But ‘Aquaman' Sinks

Superheroes who travel by sea horse never get any respect.

4 mins  |
December 14, 2018
Follow Your Heart: Apple Watch ECG Changing Lives

Follow Your Heart: Apple Watch ECG Changing Lives

THE BEATING HEART OF APPLEDespite being announced back in June, it wasn’t until the launch of watch OS 5.1.2 earlier this month that the long-awaited ECG app finally dropped.

6 mins  |
December 14, 2018
A Year Of Data Scandal

A Year Of Data Scandal

Why Apple is setting a shining example on user privacy

5 mins  |
December 21, 2018
New Cinema: From Box Office To Your iPhone

New Cinema: From Box Office To Your iPhone

With movie admissions in the US at a ten-year low, we take a closer look at how technology is transforming the way we consume Box Office content, from the Big Screen to the Small Screen in our pockets, explore how Netflix is changing the game with multi-million dollar film productions, and consider the impact of Apple’s upcoming streaming service on the sector…

6 mins  |
March 01, 2019
China Drafts Rules On Biotech After Gene-Editing Scandal

China Drafts Rules On Biotech After Gene-Editing Scandal

China has unveiled draft regulations on gene editing and other potentially risky biomedical technologies after a Chinese scientist’s claim of helping to create gene-edited babies roiled the global science community.

2 mins  |
March 01, 2019
Real Or Artificial? Tech Titans Declare AI Ethics Concerns

Real Or Artificial? Tech Titans Declare AI Ethics Concerns

The biggest tech companies want you to know that they’re taking special care to ensure that their use of artificial intelligence to sift through mountains of data, analyze faces or build virtual assistants doesn’t spill over to the dark side.

5 mins  |
April 12, 2019
Univision Unloads Gizmodo, The Onion To Private Equity Firm

Univision Unloads Gizmodo, The Onion To Private Equity Firm

Univision has sold tech site Gizmodo, satirical-news hub The Onion and other Englishlanguage sites to the private equity firm Great Hill Partners. Terms were not disclosed.

1 min  |
April 12, 2019
Brain Zaps Boost Memory In People Over 60, Study Finds

Brain Zaps Boost Memory In People Over 60, Study Finds

Zapping the brains of people over 60 with a mild electrical current improved a form of memory enough that they performed like people in their 20s, a new study found.

2 mins  |
April 12, 2019
737 Max The Questions Behind Automated Systems

737 Max The Questions Behind Automated Systems

Negotiating the divide between man and machine.

5 mins  |
April 12, 2019
Before Moon Landing, Astronauts Learned Geology In Arizona

Before Moon Landing, Astronauts Learned Geology In Arizona

Before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin knew they would be the first to walk on the moon, they took crash courses in geology at the Grand Canyon and a nearby impact crater that is the most well-preserved on Earth.

3 mins  |
July 12, 2019
40 Countries Agree Cars Must Have Automatic Braking

40 Countries Agree Cars Must Have Automatic Braking

Forty countries led by Japan and the European Union — but not the U.S. or China — have agreed to require new cars and light commercial vehicles to be equipped with automated braking systems starting as soon as next year, a U.N. agency said Tuesday.

2 mins  |
February 15, 2019
Twitter Profit Rises As Trump Demands ‘Fairer' Social Media

Twitter Profit Rises As Trump Demands ‘Fairer' Social Media

Twitter Inc. trumpeted strong quarterly growth in earnings and users while President Donald Trump tweeted criticism of the social media site for allegedly discriminating against him politically.

2 mins  |
AppleMagazine #391
British Cyber Expert Pleads Guilty To Creating Malware

British Cyber Expert Pleads Guilty To Creating Malware

A British cybersecurity researcher credited with stopping a worldwide computer virus has pleaded guilty to developing malware to steal banking information.

2 mins  |
AppleMagazine #391
Mars Lander Picks Up What's Likely 1st Detected Marsquake

Mars Lander Picks Up What's Likely 1st Detected Marsquake

NASA’s InSight lander has picked up a gentle rumble at Mars, believed to be the first marsquake ever detected.

1 min  |
AppleMagazine #391
Facebook Drone Could One Day Provide Global Internet Access

Facebook Drone Could One Day Provide Global Internet Access

A solar-powered drone backed by Facebook that could one day provide worldwide internet access has quietly completed a test flight in Arizona after an earlier attempt ended with a crash landing.

1 min  |
July 7,2017

Here Come Smart Stores With Robots, Interactive Shelves

Tomorrow’s retail stores want to take a page from their online rivals by embracing advanced technology - everything from helpful robots to interactive mirrors to shelves embedded with sensors.

5 mins  |
January 06,2017

Avoid Dull Snapshots: Tips For Taking Stunning Pictures

Smartphone cameras have seen dramatic improvements, but technology alone won’t produce shots that grab attention.

4 mins  |
January 06,2017

How Amazon Echo Listens And What It Stores

Can Amazon’s Echo speaker really be a witness to a murder?

3 mins  |
January 06,2017
Apple For All:

Apple For All:


6 mins  |
AppleMagazine #343
Consumer Reports Raises Concerns Over Tesla Model 3 Braking

Consumer Reports Raises Concerns Over Tesla Model 3 Braking

Long emergency stopping distances, difficultto-use controls and a harsh ride stopped Tesla’s Model 3 electric car from getting a recommended buy rating from Consumer Reports.

2 mins  |
AppleMagazine #343
From Airlines To Pizza Parlors, Eu Businesses Adopt Data Law

From Airlines To Pizza Parlors, Eu Businesses Adopt Data Law

Lisa Meyer’s hair salon is a cozy place where her mother serves homemade macaroons, children climb on chairs and customers chat above the whirr of hairdryers.

4 mins  |
AppleMagazine #343
‘Jurassic Park' Dinosaur Expert's Next Big Thing: Holograms

‘Jurassic Park' Dinosaur Expert's Next Big Thing: Holograms

Forget the gray, green and brown dinosaurs in the “Jurassic Park” movies. Paleontologist Jack Horner wants to transport people back in time to see a feathered Tyrannosaurus rex colored bright red and a blue triceratops with red fringe similar to a rooster’s comb.

2 mins  |
AppleMagazine #343
Why Multiple Mac Screens Are Better Than One

Why Multiple Mac Screens Are Better Than One

How Extra Screens Can Help Creative Professionals.

5 mins  |
AppleMagazine #266
Pressured By Government, Uber Agrees To Protect Rider Data

Pressured By Government, Uber Agrees To Protect Rider Data

Ride-hailing service Uber has agreed to protect data and audit use of rider information to settle a complaint from the federal government that it deceived customers. 

2 mins  |
August 18 2017
Tyson's Solar Eclipse Tip: Don't Video It, Experience It

Tyson's Solar Eclipse Tip: Don't Video It, Experience It

Prominent astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson has a suggestion for anyone with a view of next week’s solar eclipse: Put down your smartphone and take in the phenomenon yourself.  

1 min  |
August 18 2017
New Facebook Data Center A Boost To Ohio's Technology Sector

New Facebook Data Center A Boost To Ohio's Technology Sector

Facebook will spend $750 million on a new data center in central Ohio, the company announced this week - marking another boost for the state’s growing technology sector. 

2 mins  |
August 18 2017