Health Benefits of Okra (Lady's Finger)
Scientific India

Health Benefits of Okra (Lady's Finger)

Ladies finger is a vegetable crop which can be basically grown in tropical and sub tropical areas.

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March-April 2017
How Brahmos Supersonic Cruise Missile Work?
Scientific India

How Brahmos Supersonic Cruise Missile Work?

National Security And Defense

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May-June 2018
Need A Long Term Conservation Action Plan For World Trafficked Animal Species Indian Pangolin (Manis Crassicaudata) In India
Scientific India

Need A Long Term Conservation Action Plan For World Trafficked Animal Species Indian Pangolin (Manis Crassicaudata) In India

Pangolin or the scaly insect eating animal is elusive, nocturnal, non-aggressive, burrowing mammalian species present under the family Manidae.

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May-June 2018
Micro-Organism In Environmental Clean-up
Scientific India

Micro-Organism In Environmental Clean-up

In the present environment urbanization and highly evolved have led to various significant advancements.

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May-June 2018
Electricity Generation From Pine Needles
Scientific India

Electricity Generation From Pine Needles

There was a time in hills when governments put all round efforts in taking forestation activities to new heights in general and in hills in particular.

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May-June 2018
Alcoholic Beverage: A Potion Or Poison Or Both?
Scientific India

Alcoholic Beverage: A Potion Or Poison Or Both?

Alcohol consumption is always considered a taboo in Indian society.

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May-June 2018
Effect Of The Spice Saffron (Crocus Sativus L.) Extract On Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Scientific India

Effect Of The Spice Saffron (Crocus Sativus L.) Extract On Type 2 Diabetic Patients

Saffron is a very costly spice, used to flavor and color food.

1 min  |
May-June 2018
Ginger For Type 2 Diabetes
Scientific India

Ginger For Type 2 Diabetes

Ginger is a popular herb known for its intense, spicy flavor and warming aroma and it used for medicinal purposes in cultures around the world.

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May-June 2018
Controversy Over Raw Milk Is A Superfood Or Serious Health Risky
Scientific India

Controversy Over Raw Milk Is A Superfood Or Serious Health Risky

Raw milk is increasing in popularity in the natural health community in current years.

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May-June 2018
Researchers Found 5000 year Old Beer Recipe In China
Scientific India

Researchers Found 5000 year Old Beer Recipe In China

We have work to do. A frenzy every four years won’t cut it.

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July - August 2016
Scientific India

Blueprint For Future Indian Cities

Researchers at the University of Birmingham worked with children, young people and their families living in a new urban development in India to understand the everyday experiences of urban transformation – with the results informing the future development of Indian cities.

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March-April 2017
Modern Electricity: A Gateway Of Modernity
Scientific India

Modern Electricity: A Gateway Of Modernity

Electricity defines modernity in the field of science and technology.

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September - October 2016
Renewable Energy Breakthrough: Solar-Powered Reaction 100 Times Faster
Scientific India

Renewable Energy Breakthrough: Solar-Powered Reaction 100 Times Faster

Researchers have developed a tough new catalyst that carries out a solar-powered reaction 100 times faster than ever before, works better as time goes on and stands up to acid.

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September - October 2016
World's Biggest Aircraft Airlander 10
Scientific India

World's Biggest Aircraft Airlander 10

Founded in 2007, Hybrid Air Vehicles is the company behind the innovative Airlander range of hybrid aircraft.

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September - October 2016
Land Sliding - A Most Common Disaster In Hilly Areas
Scientific India

Land Sliding - A Most Common Disaster In Hilly Areas

The sliding down of a piece of land under the force of the gravitational pull of a mountain or hillside is called the landslide.

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March-April 2019
Nano Drugs And Their Safety
Scientific India

Nano Drugs And Their Safety

Nano drugs or nano medicine is the medical application of nanotechnology.

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March-April 2019
New Era Of Herbal Drugs In India
Scientific India

New Era Of Herbal Drugs In India

Natural products and traditional medicines are of great importance. Such forms of medicine as traditional Ayurveda and Unani have been practiced in India and some areas of Asia.

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March-April 2019
Sources Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids And Their Health Benefits
Scientific India

Sources Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids And Their Health Benefits

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).

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March-April 2019
The Legacy Of Kerala Mathematics
Scientific India

The Legacy Of Kerala Mathematics

The renowned poet Kodungallur Kunjikkutan Thampuran in his work 'Keralaprathishta', comments that Kerala, with Kanyakumari as the southern part and Gokarna, a range of mountains as the northern part is a land of virtue blessed by Lord Siva and Lordess Parvathi.

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March-April 2019
20 Things You Didn't Know About ... Nanoparticles
Scientific India

20 Things You Didn't Know About ... Nanoparticles

Nanoparticle research is a fascinating branch of science. Nanoparticles are defined as particles with a diameter smaller than 100 nm, are increasingly used in different applications, including drug carrier systems and to pass organ barriers such as the blood-brain barrier. The strongly size-related properties of nanoparticles offer uncountable opportunities for surprising discoveries. Nanotechnology is helping to considerably improve, even revolutionize, many technology and industry sectors: information technology, homeland security, medicine, transportation, energy, food safety, and environmental science, and among many others. 20 importants facts about nanoparticles given below:

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November - December 2018
Will Climate Change Lead To More Rainfall, And Extreme Floods In India?
Scientific India

Will Climate Change Lead To More Rainfall, And Extreme Floods In India?

483 people, 2 tigers, 8,000 cattle, calves and buffaloes, 3,297 goats and 47 dogs died. Crop losses between 71 million to 101 million USD. One of the worst flood since 1924.

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September - October 2018
Consuming Milk At Breakfast Lowers Blood Glucose Throughout The Day
Scientific India

Consuming Milk At Breakfast Lowers Blood Glucose Throughout The Day

A change in breakfast routine may provide benefits for the management of type 2 diabetes, according to a new study published in the Journal of Dairy Science.

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September - October 2018
A Zero Earning Wasteland Converted Into Aquaculture: A Rescue Mission
Scientific India

A Zero Earning Wasteland Converted Into Aquaculture: A Rescue Mission

On the land of five rivers known as Punjab (only 1.57%geographical area of India) has famous for their agriculture and milk production which cover the large portion of the state economy.

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September - October 2018
ancient chinese malaria remedy fights tb
scientific india

ancient chinese malaria remedy fights tb

a centuries-old herbal medicine, discovered by chinese scientists and used to effectively treat malaria, has been found to potentially aid in the treatment of tuberculosis and may slow the evolution of drug resistance.

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jan-feb 2017
Kerala Shows The Risk Of Severe Floods Is Still Evolving
Scientific India

Kerala Shows The Risk Of Severe Floods Is Still Evolving

The Indian state of Kerala has been devastated by severe floods. More than 350 people have died, while more than a million have been evacuated to over 4,000 relief camps. Tens of thousands remain stranded.

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September - October 2018
Chitosan Based Nanoparticles In Agriculture
Scientific India

Chitosan Based Nanoparticles In Agriculture

Chitosan is an abundant and versatile biopolymer which is derived from chitin. It is composed of repeating unit glucosamine and Nacetyl glucosamine linked by N-glucosidic linkage.

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September - October 2018
Formalin Laced Fish Selling Across India: Human Health Concern
Scientific India

Formalin Laced Fish Selling Across India: Human Health Concern

Over the decade, the adulteration activities are surprisingly increasing such as water in milk, papaya seed mixed with black pepper, injectable/chemical and preservative used for vegetables, fruits and other food items to maintain their freshness, increase the market value, and earn more profit.

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September - October 2018
Keep Cool And Carry On
Scientific India

Keep Cool And Carry On

Dr. Poonam Singh House No. 889 Second Floor New Delhi, India-110068.

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September - October 2018
Sleeping Five Hours Or Less A Night Is Associated With Doubled Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease
Scientific India

Sleeping Five Hours Or Less A Night Is Associated With Doubled Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease

Middle-aged men who sleep five hours or less per night have twice the risk of developing a major cardiovascular event during the following two decades than men who sleep seven to eight hours, according to research.

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September - October 2018
Main Reasons Of Higher Blood Pressure
Scientific India

Main Reasons Of Higher Blood Pressure

New research suggests that the hormone insulin plays a primary role in raising blood pressure and therefore food and medications which cause higher insulin levels may be key root factors in high blood pressure.

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September - October 2018