Prebiotic production from Agrofood Wastes: An Opportunity to develop high value compounds and generate employment
Scientific India

Prebiotic production from Agrofood Wastes: An Opportunity to develop high value compounds and generate employment

Increase in agricultural production and their processing simultaneously generating a higher amount of by-products and wastes.

4 mins  |
September - October 2020
New malaria transmission patterns emerge in Africa
Scientific India

New malaria transmission patterns emerge in Africa

An international study reveals how future climate change could affect malaria transmission in Africa over the next century. Malaria is a climate sensitive disease; it thrives where it is warm and wet enough to provide surface water suitable for breeding by the mosquitoes that transmit it.

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September - October 2020
Most homemade masks are doing a great job, even when we sneeze
Scientific India

Most homemade masks are doing a great job, even when we sneeze

Aerosol particles are typically classified as less than 5 micrometers, and lie in the range of hundreds of nanometers. However, larger droplets – up to about 1 millimeter in diameter – can also be expelled when an individual speaks, coughs or sneezes. These larger droplets pose a problem because, with sufficient momentum, they can squeeze through the pores of some fabrics, break into smaller droplets and become airborne.

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September - October 2020
Why different immune responses among different individuals against COVID vaccine?
Scientific India

Why different immune responses among different individuals against COVID vaccine?

The Oxford vaccine trial at the centre of safety Concerns this week highlights the idea that people's immune systems respond to vaccines differently.

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September - October 2020
Effects of Sunscreen UV Filters on Marine species and in Food chain
Scientific India

Effects of Sunscreen UV Filters on Marine species and in Food chain

The organic ultraviolet filters T(UVFs) such as oxybenzone, avobenzone and octocrylene is a major contaminant which can cause effects to the aquatic systems and aquatic habitats.

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September - October 2020
Global Nanomedicine Market
Scientific India

Global Nanomedicine Market

Nanomedicine involves the use of nanoscale materials, such as biocompatible nanoparticles and nanorobots, for diagnosis, delivery, sensing or actuation purposes in a living organism

4 mins  |
September - October 2020
Developmental challenges and some solutions for the Front Runner Covid-19 Vaccines
Scientific India

Developmental challenges and some solutions for the Front Runner Covid-19 Vaccines

The emergence of SARS-COVID -19 pandemic has propelled Tthe biotech industry to accelerate the development of several biological modalities.

3 mins  |
September - October 2020
Collateral impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Tuberculosis burden and management
Scientific India

Collateral impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Tuberculosis burden and management

Tuberculosis (TB) is a deadly infectious disease that has been around for almost 3 million years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

5 mins  |
September - October 2020
A short commentary on Molecular diagnosis of COVID-19 using RT-PCR
Scientific India

A short commentary on Molecular diagnosis of COVID-19 using RT-PCR

In today's time, the coronavirus pandemic has caused havoc in the world. This is evidenced in the upsurge of research that is being conducted by both public and private sector laboratories. However, there is a lot of curiosity from the public and individuals are asking the question as to how COVID-19 is being investigated in the laboratories? Keeping this in mind, we have tried to provide information in this article about the detection of COVID-19, thus we hope this information will be helpful to understand the detection of the COVID-19 disease using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Therefore, we will first know what are PCR and the variations thereof between PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR, and RTqPCR and how they work. We will further explain how coronavirus is detected through RT-PCR.

7 mins  |
September - October 2020
WHO Also Considered Corona Virus Spreading In Air
Scientific India

WHO Also Considered Corona Virus Spreading In Air

The World Health Organization has acknowledged there is emerging evidence that the coronavirus can be spread by tiny particles suspended in the air.

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July - August 2020
Toxic hand sanitizer in India
Scientific India

Toxic hand sanitizer in India

We all are using hand sanitizers much more than ever before.

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July - August 2020
Locust attack in India
Scientific India

Locust attack in India

“This time the attack is by very young locusts who fly for longer distances, at faster speeds, unlike adults in the past who were sluggish and not so fast,” Indian Locust Warning Organization. In ecology, gregariousness is the tendency of animals to form social groups to hunt or eat together. It tends to induce hoppers to start coordinating their movements and form swarms. Gregarious hoppers are referred to as locusts.

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July - August 2020
Engineered llama antibodies neutralize COVID-19 virus
Scientific India

Engineered llama antibodies neutralize COVID-19 virus

Antibodies derived from llamas have been shown to neutralise the SARS-CoV-2 virus in lab tests.

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July - August 2020
Vitamin C and its Deficiency in Indian population
Scientific India

Vitamin C and its Deficiency in Indian population

Vitamins are essential nutrients that are required Vfor various biochemical and physiological processes in the body.

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July - August 2020
COVID-19 and Environment
Scientific India

COVID-19 and Environment

Environment is a topic very dear to each one of us for discussions and to be sympathetic about its deteriorating state.

4 mins  |
July - August 2020
The Hygiene Conundrum
Scientific India

The Hygiene Conundrum

Blind folded race to ensure the highest standards of hygiene may not be something without any flip sides. Do we actually need these levels of hygiene? Where lies the fine line?

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July - August 2020
Anti-viral fabrics to tackle COVID-19
Scientific India

Anti-viral fabrics to tackle COVID-19

Antibacterial treatment of clothing was already relatively widespread before the Covid-19 outbreak, marketed as a way consumers could critically reduce the frequency of washing their clothes but the pandemic has hastened demand for its protective qualities.

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July - August 2020
Scientific India

Air Filter that Can Kill the Coronavirus

Researchers from the University of Houston, in collaboration with others, have designed a “catch and kill” air filter that can trap the virus responsible for COVID-19, killing it instantly.

1 min  |
July - August 2020
10 simple tips to lower your blood pressure
Scientific India

10 simple tips to lower your blood pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the key controllable risk factors of chronic health problems such as heart disease and stroke.

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July - August 2020
Do Face Masks Work Against The Covid-19?
Scientific India

Do Face Masks Work Against The Covid-19?

Some states of India have recommended that people wear face masks when they go out – and even provide instructions for how to make one. Guidance on face masks varies wildly among international health bodies and governments.

1 min  |
May - June 2020
Is Artificial Salt A Healthy Option?
Scientific India

Is Artificial Salt A Healthy Option?

Humans have evolved to take more care of themselves. Salt and sugar being the basic ingredient of every Indian cuisine, people are curious to find a healthy substitute for them.

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May - June 2020
Indoor air Quality: A safety measure of airborne diseases in rural area
Scientific India

Indoor air Quality: A safety measure of airborne diseases in rural area

Amid ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, while trying to understand about this new SARS corona virus, scientists have found out correlation between prolonged exposure to air pollution and lethality of SARS Corona virus patients (Xiao et al. 2020 and Conticini et al. 2020).

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May - June 2020
Jamun – A Fruit Rich in Therapeutic Phytochemicals
Scientific India

Jamun – A Fruit Rich in Therapeutic Phytochemicals

Jamun (Syzygium cumini L.) commonly known as Indian blackberry is a minor and under-utilized fruit of Indian subcontinent.

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May - June 2020
Education & Prevention Project on Zika virus: Awareness through 'Ecoclub' network
Scientific India

Education & Prevention Project on Zika virus: Awareness through 'Ecoclub' network

This programme provides students worldwide with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process, and contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the earth system and global environment.

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May - June 2020
Use of non-nutritional feed additives against foodborne Salmonella infection with special reference to pork
Scientific India

Use of non-nutritional feed additives against foodborne Salmonella infection with special reference to pork

Foodborne diseases are serious public health, economic and food safety issues, among them the role of Salmonella in pork is one of major interest.

6 mins  |
May - June 2020
The race to develop coronavirus vaccines
Scientific India

The race to develop coronavirus vaccines

Defeating Covid-19 will call for-involve quarantines, social distancing, antivirals and other drugs, and healthcare for the sick.

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May - June 2020
Has Hydroxychloroquine divided the world's opinion?
Scientific India

Has Hydroxychloroquine divided the world's opinion?

Hydroxychloroquine is used to prevent or treat malaria caused by mosquito bites.

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May - June 2020
Cycas beddomei: A threatened living fossil of India
Scientific India

Cycas beddomei: A threatened living fossil of India

Cycads are prehistoric group of plants which are believed to be existed from Dinosaur's age.

3 mins  |
May - June 2020
COVID-19: Lifting the Lid off the Indian R&D in Health Sector
Scientific India

COVID-19: Lifting the Lid off the Indian R&D in Health Sector

The outbreak of coronavirus named COVID-19 has disrupted the global economy in the blink of an eye.

3 mins  |
May - June 2020
Potential Of Agro-Food By-Product's For Natural Food Additives
Scientific India

Potential Of Agro-Food By-Product's For Natural Food Additives

Nowadays, the agro-food industry generates high amounts of by-product's that may possess added value compounds with high functionality and bioactivity. Additionally, consumers' demand for healthier foodstuffs has increased over the last years, and thus the food industry has strived to answer this challenge.

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March - April 2020