
Yoga and Mental Health
The many benefits of yoga

No Pain, No Gain
Lessons from pain

Different Planets
From astrology to office politics

Transformation Through Yoga
When pain pushes you in the right direction

Karma Yoga
Are you Ram or Shyam?

Falling Into Yoga
Positive impact of the Yoga Teacher Training Course in my life

Getting Into a Peaceful State of Mind
Mastering Nispanda Bhava

The Three Vipakas
Influence what you can and accept what you cannot

The Agony and Ecstasy of Writing
Many a time while writing, I suffer miserably. I find it to be mediocre. Self-doubt plagues me when I reread what I have written. There are days when I look at the blank screen for long periods of time in frustration. During the long breaks from writing, I roam around the house, feeling guilty and annoyed at myself.

Chaupatiya/Marsilea Quadrifida
Chaupatiya, Chatupatri, Jalkapasia, Swastik, Sunishannaka, European water-clover (Marsilea quadrifida).

The Three Areas of Learning
Integrating practice, theory and experience in one's life From a Parisamvada by Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra

The Significance of Rebirth
The purpose and values of this concept

स्मार्टफोन - एक जिनी
हर साधारण शख्स अपने आप को एक्स्ट्रा ऑर्डिनरी मानता है ह स्मार्टफोन हाथ में लेकर अपने आप को कूल, वेरी कूल समझता है अब कोई भी इंसान ऐरा गैरा नथ्थू खैर नहीं कच्चा बादाम, कच्चा बादाम गाकर मूंगफली वाला भी प्रसिद्ध हो रहा है।

भरोसा उसी पर जो तर्क में खरा उतरे
तमाम विचारों पर संदेह करें, लेकिन इसको अपनी आदत न बनाएं, क्योंकि संदेह लोगों को अलग कर देता है, यह एक ऐसा जहर है जो मित्रता और हमारे जीवन के सुखद संबंधों को भी खत्म कर सकता है - गौतम बुद्ध

The best things in life are free

To Err is Human; and to Course Correct is also Human
Not to go wrong once in a while means not to go at all

वृक्ष हमें सिखाते जीवन दर्शन
संयोगवश एक छोटा सा बीज धरती में पनाह लेता है, धरा भी उसे अपनी ममतामयी गोद में हौले से समेट लेती है, धीरे-धीरे उपयुक्त माहौल पाकर बीज अपनी जड़ें ज़मीन में फैलाकर अपनी पकड़ मजबूत कर लेता है।

When Life Throws You Attitude, Keep Cool
Upeksha in action

मैं कौन हूँ ?
हमें स्वयं को जानने के लिये खुद पर कड़ी नज़र डालनी होगी और कुछ समय निकालना होगा।

From Reaction to Action
A little step every day goes a long way

A Tribute to Dr Jayadeva Yogendra
An exceptional Yogi

Meditation and Asana in the Gita
Stable and comfortable

Greeting and Salutations from the Far Side of the World
Heeding the call of yoga

Mr. One Percent
Who had a cure for all maladies

Sleeping on the floor on a thin cloth, walking barefoot from one city to another, facing harsh weather without any modern amenities like an umbrella and surviving on donated food sounds like ascetic living.

Rediscovering Balance in Hyperconnected World
Yoga and digital detox

Stress and Gastrointestinal Problems
How to keep the digestive system healthy

A Brahmin in Kerala
When a dwarf became a giant

About Dharma Desires and Interconnectedness (Part 3)
Finding one's way back to the original meaning

Reevaluating a lost skill