Cloud- Driven Recovery
With digital transformation being an important catalyst for Malaysia’s inclusive economic recovery, cloud computing plays an important role that enables . the country to acquire the advantages that technology offers.
Live Werkz: Venturing Beyond Southeast Asia
Being forward-looking in its approach has enabled LiveWerkz Pte Ltd to survive the Covid-19 pandemic, says vice president Tricia Ng. Despite being a Singaporean company, the company does not focus its efforts in the Southeast Asia region. Instead, Greater China and the Middle East become the foundation for its businesses. Ng tells SME the company’s strategies in facing a challenging future.
Singapore's Go Digital Well Received
More than 78,000 of Singapore’s SMEs have participated in the country’s Go Digital programme since its 2017 launch, with more about 40,000 becoming participants last year, including 30,000 that received Covid-19 incentives from the government.

Accountants And SMEs: Creating A Sustainable World
For SME finance professionals, ‘sustainability’ is about achieving longevity. However, there is a confusion over different definitions of sustainability. They recognise the growing importance of tackling sustainability issues but lack the understanding of how doing this can be integrated into day-to-day practices within the finance function.

Rebuilding Our Mental Well-Being In Sales
Sue Barrett is a writer, training provider and entrepreneur who founded Barrett in 1995 to positively transform the culture, capability and continuous learning of leaders, teams and businesses.

Omicron: A Test Of Resilence
Global manufacturers have been facing a supply chain crisis since the start of the year. Just as it appeared that the situation was beginning to stabilise, the Omicron Covid variant reared its ugly head.

Silver Lining In The Cloud
Although RAS Security Pte Ltd’s business was adversely affected by the pandemic, there’s a silver lining in the cloud. The occurrence has necessitated the company to innovate its business model to remain viable and led to the discovery of new areas of security service provision. Managing director Tejdeep Singh shares his journey.
Accelerating Artificial Intelligence
Singapore is introducing two new public artificial intelligence (AI) programmes as part of the strategy to use technology for social and economic good, involving a total allocation of S$680 million to accelerate AI research. The latest initiatives require a funding of S$180 million.

Three Tips For Hiring Top Talents
BIG EGOS LOSE TALENTS First up, when it comes to hiring, you must put aside your ego.

The Economy Is Recovering, But What About People?
All signs are pointing towards a speedy recovery. Contrary to what this writer initially predicted, the economy seems to be genuinely recovering.

Tapping Global Value Chain
Infographics missing

Welcome To Thailand Again
Thailand is welcoming international tourists back following the announcement that fully vaccinated visitors from low-risk countries can travel quarantine-free to the Kingdom from Nov 1, after border closures for almost 18 months.

Tapping Vast Opportunities In Food Supply Business
Although Chew Agriculture Pte Ltd currently has the widest product range for eggs in the market, product improvement remains its top priority.

Two Questions That Will End Every Request For A Better Price
I was thinking about all the things we pay for that used to be free and are still free, yet we pay for them anyway.

Innovation, Expansion Keys For SMEs Survival
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected SMEs in Singapore for more than a year, with some having to face greater challenges more than others.

US$1 Trillion Internet Economy By 2030
Southeast Asia’s internet economy is expected to reach US$1 trillion by 2030, as online shopping and food delivery become more prevalent among the millions of customers in this region, an industry report says.

As the Covid-19 outbreak has caused a major shake-up across the economy, countries in the region are now seeking solutions to safeguard their employees while maintaining business continuity. Among the key issues are the reduction of the reliance on migrant labour.

Staying In Touch For All The Right Reasons
Prospecting is the function and ability to ignite opportunities with new and existing clients, new markets, within communities. Prospecting opens many doors if we are prepared to do it – consistently.

Jumping Into The ESG Bandwagon
When it comes to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment, Asian banks are still lagging behind their European counterparts. However,some are already taking concrete ESG actions, with Japan, Singapore and Malaysia slightly ahead of the other Asian markets.

New Challenges For Singapore SMEs
In navigating challenges from the pandemic, more than four in five Singapore consumers (84%) say that Covid-19 has permanently changed the way they pay.

For over 20 years, my column has been read each week by people around the world.

When Oregano Trading Pte Ltd director Bernard Li Jianhao saw the gap between what the food services needed and what the wholesalers could accomplish, he realized there’s a business opportunity that he could exploit by setting up one-stop food solutions for foodservice establishments.

Sales Strategy – More Than Tactics & Incremental Growth
Corporate, business, and marketing strategies are often too broad, or too focused on either financial or brand results only as to offer any clear direction to a sales team. Which means the support, focus, direction, standards, and mission of a sales operation is often reduced to little more than generating more business at better margins.

Singapore SMEs Urged To Build Own Digital Assets
SMEs in Singapore should avoid over reliance on free online services so as not to interrupt their online services. Instead, they should seriously consider building out their own digital assets to protect the integrity of their online presence.

Should Working From Home Justify A Pay-Cut?
The Covid-19 pandemic has proven widespread working from home (WFH) does not reduce productivity and potentially reduces costs for both employer and employee, so it would be just too good for employers if they could also reduce their wages bill.
Facing rejections early in his entrepreneurial journey has convinced Declarators Pte Ltd managing director Javier Yip that success would not come easy. However, through grit, perseverance and learning from mistakes, he managed to overcome this hurdle and build the firm to be one of the leading Custom declaration agents in Singapore. He shares his experience with SME.
Major Obstacles Impeding SMEs Digitalisation
The biggest impediments to digital T transformation for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore include high costs, insufficient skills, and a lack of understanding of government support.

Strengthening Singapore's Autonomous Vehicle Landscape
Autonomous vehicles are the next frontier in mobility, and Singapore wants to be at the forefront.

Reopening Singapore To Travel
From 8 September 2021, fully vaccinated travellers departing from Germany or Brunei Darussalam may enter Singapore without the need to serve the two-week quarantine period.
The Challenge Of Being An Excellent Board Member
When I started blogging in 2004, there weren't many Venture Capital (VC) bloggers. I followed Fred Wilson and David Hornik's lead and just started writing what was on my mind about, well, anything that was on my mind.