Communicating With Aliens
Scientific India

Communicating With Aliens

Concept of Alien existence in the universe and to establish contact (physical or communicable) with them has always fascinated mankind. The topic has been an integral part of science fiction in movies all over the world.

7 mins  |
September-October 2015
Aquaponics: A System For Food Security
Scientific India

Aquaponics: A System For Food Security

By 2050, the world population will reach nearly 9.5 billion, which effectively means that we have to produce 70% more food for over two billion additional mouths.

4 mins  |
March-April 2017
The CRISPR Revolution In Crop Improvement
Scientific India

The CRISPR Revolution In Crop Improvement

New technologies for enhancing crop productivity and improving crop quality have always been eagerly pursued by scientists worldwide.

4 mins  |
March-April 2017
Getting Kids Used To Vegetables
Scientific India

Getting Kids Used To Vegetables

Getting children to eat their vegetables might not be an endless battle if parents follow some research based advice from a nutrition expert at Kansas State University.

2 mins  |
March-April 2017
Soft Robot Helps The Heart Beat
Scientific India

Soft Robot Helps The Heart Beat

Harvard University and Boston Children's Hospital researchers have developed a customizable soft robot that fits around a heart and helps it beat, potentially opening new treatment options for people suffering from heart failure.

2 mins  |
March-April 2017
People Who Prefer To Stay Up Late And Sleep Late Have 10 Percent Higher Risk Of Dying Sooner
Scientific India

People Who Prefer To Stay Up Late And Sleep Late Have 10 Percent Higher Risk Of Dying Sooner

Night owls" people who like to stay up late and have trouble dragging themselves out of bed in the morning have a higher risk of dying sooner than "larks," people who have a natural preference for going to bed early and rise with the sun, according to a new study from Northwestern Medicine and the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom (UK).

1 min  |
May-June 2018
Paints, Pesticides, Perfumes Cause As Much Air Pollution As Vehicles
Scientific India

Paints, Pesticides, Perfumes Cause As Much Air Pollution As Vehicles

Chemical products that contain compounds refined from petroleum, like household cleaners, pesticides, paints and perfumes, now rival motor vehicle emissions as the top source of urban air pollution.

1 min  |
May-June 2018
Staying Cool Without the Air Conditioner and Energy
Scientific India

Staying Cool Without the Air Conditioner and Energy

A team of University of Colorado Boulder engineers has developed a scalable manufactured metamaterial - an engineered material with extraordinary properties not found in nature - to act as a kind of air conditioning system for structures. It has the ability to cool objects even under direct sunlight with zero energy and water consumption.

1 min  |
March-April 2017
Is Breakfast Most Important Meal of the Day?
Scientific India

Is Breakfast Most Important Meal of the Day?

Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - that's where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!

1 min  |
March-April 2017
New Class Of Fuel Cells Offer Increased Flexibility, Lower Cost
Scientific India

New Class Of Fuel Cells Offer Increased Flexibility, Lower Cost

A new class of fuel cells based on a newly discovered polymer-based material could bridge the gap between the operating temperature ranges of two existing types of polymer fuel cells, a breakthrough with the potential to accelerate the commercialization of low-cost fuel cells for automotive and stationary applications.

1 min  |
September - October 2016
First Human Genetic Editing Trial In China
Scientific India

First Human Genetic Editing Trial In China

A team of Chinese scientists will be the first in the world to apply the revolutionary gene-editing technique known as Crispr on human subjects.

1 min  |
September - October 2016
Indian Food Which Kill Cancer Cells Better Than Chemotherapy 
Scientific India

Indian Food Which Kill Cancer Cells Better Than Chemotherapy 

Cancer remains one of the trickiest medical conditions to treat, with no clear solution or completely effective treatment.

4 mins  |
July-August 2018
Vitamin D Supplementation As Preventive Strategy For Tuberculosis
Scientific India

Vitamin D Supplementation As Preventive Strategy For Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious worldwide health concern.

3 mins  |
July-August 2018
Marriage May Protect Against Heart Disease/stroke And Associated Risk Of Death
Scientific India

Marriage May Protect Against Heart Disease/stroke And Associated Risk Of Death

Marriage may protect against the development of heart disease/stroke as well as influencing who is more likely to die of it, suggests a pooled analysis of the available data, published online in the journal Heart.

2 mins  |
July-August 2018
Food Allergy: Top 12 food allergens in India
Scientific India

Food Allergy: Top 12 food allergens in India

If a person suffers from symptoms such as skin rashes, swelling of tongue, unconditional sneezing, breathing problems, etc. it is generally assumed to be caused due to seasonal change or pollen allergy or sun allergy etc., without considering another common possibility i.e. response to food allergy or food hypersensitivity.

9 mins  |
July-August 2018
Food Addiction
Scientific India

Food Addiction

Food addiction is a significant issue and a crucial reason why some people can't avoid themselves around certain foods-no matter how much effort they put.

3 mins  |
July - August 2019
Digital Education – A Step Up for Traditional Education in India
Scientific India

Digital Education – A Step Up for Traditional Education in India

The increasing popularity and apparent benefits of digitization have forced all sectors to invest in this domain. Recent government initiatives like Digital India have steered significant efforts of embracing digital means for efficient functioning of key sectors. While traditional forms of teaching work in a generic manner, technology-enabled solutions allow customization of traditional approaches to suit individual student needs.

3 mins  |
March-April 2019
Edible Coating And Film- Edible Biopolymers And Food-Grade Additives
Scientific India

Edible Coating And Film- Edible Biopolymers And Food-Grade Additives

Food is a vital product for the survival of human beings and with passage of time quality concerns of consumers are rising.

3 mins  |
March-April 2019
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Awards
Scientific India

Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Awards

Science and technology has its special role and space in every society and India is also in front of recognizing the talent of its young scientists and technologists by bestowing on them with Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) awards every year.

3 mins  |
March-April 2019
Staphylococcus Pseudintermedius: A Bacteria On The Rise
Scientific India

Staphylococcus Pseudintermedius: A Bacteria On The Rise

Bacteria are grossly categorized into gram positive and gram negative based on certain cellular characteristics.

3 mins  |
May - June 2019
Nut Consumption May Aid Colon Cancer Survival
Scientific India

Nut Consumption May Aid Colon Cancer Survival

Nut Consumption May Aid Colon Cancer Survival

1 min  |
March-April 2018
Hidden Poisons In Your Mouth
Scientific India

Hidden Poisons In Your Mouth

Hidden Poisons In Your Mouth

2 mins  |
March-April 2018
Why copper vessel was used in India ?
Scientific India

Why copper vessel was used in India ?

We have work to do. A frenzy every four years won’t cut it.

2 mins  |
July - August 2016
Eating more whole Grains may reduce the Risk of Premature Death
Scientific India

Eating more whole Grains may reduce the Risk of Premature Death

Bottega Veneta is celebrating its 50th anniversary this fall—and designer Tomas Maier, his 15th at its helm. As Holly Brubach discovers, for Maier, understatement is not just a design philosophy but also a way of life.

1 min  |
July - August 2016
Most Bread Brands in India contain Cancer-Causing Chemicals
Scientific India

Most Bread Brands in India contain Cancer-Causing Chemicals

The potential for higher muscle activation and heightened metabolic stress provides a logical basis for increasing anabolism through a variety of mechanistic factors.

1 min  |
July - August 2016
Money really does Matter in Relationships
Scientific India

Money really does Matter in Relationships

Bottega Veneta is celebrating its 50th anniversary this fall—and designer Tomas Maier, his 15th at its helm. As Holly Brubach discovers, for Maier, understatement is not just a design philosophy but also a way of life.

1 min  |
July - August 2016
Bird flu alert in Delhi
Scientific India

Bird flu alert in Delhi

Avian influenza (AI), commonly called bird flu, is an infectious viral disease of birds.Most avian influenza viruses do not infect humans; however some, such as A(H5N1) and A(H7N9), have caused serious infections in people.Outbreaks of AI in poultry may raise global public health concerns due to their effect on poultry populations, their potential to cause serious disease in people, and their pandemic potential.Reports of highly pathogenic AI epidemics in poultry, such as A(H5N1), can seriously impact local and global economies and international trade.

2 mins  |
November - December 16
Aluminum in vaccines
Scientific India

Aluminum in vaccines

Children are born with a systemic aluminum body burden, which is increased throughout life by the inhalation and dietary intake of aluminum compounds as well as by injections of vaccines and allergy treatments containing aluminum adjuvants.

3 mins  |
November - December 16
Role of Lizards: A Social and Ecological Perspective
Scientific India

Role of Lizards: A Social and Ecological Perspective

Reptiles are a group of tetrapod, cold-blooded animals found in almost all the parts of the world comprising three living orders- Crocodylia (crocodiles), Testudines R(turtles and tortoises) and Squamata (lizards and snakes).

5 mins  |
November - December 16
Exercise After Revision Can Help Students Retain Information
Scientific India

Exercise After Revision Can Help Students Retain Information

Ever worried that all the information you've crammed in during a study session might not stay in your memory? The answer might be going for a run, according to a new study published in Cognitive Systems Research.

2 mins  |
November - December 16