Sin inclusión laboral no hay inclusion social
Marie Claire España

Sin inclusión laboral no hay inclusion social

Nueve de cada diez personas con discapacidad intelectual y grandes necesidades de apoyo no trabajan. En la mayoría de estos casos, no acceden al mercado laboral por falta de oportunidades, no de capacidad.

7 mins  |
Marzo 2022
BBC Earth



10+ mins  |
Volume 14 - Issue 1
Could We Cool The Oceans To Snuff Out Storms?
BBC Earth

Could We Cool The Oceans To Snuff Out Storms?

Ever used a straw to blow bubbles in a drink? One company is scaling up that idea in the hopes of stopping hurricanes in their tracks

2 mins  |
Volume 14 - Issue 1
BBC Earth

How Broken Is James Bond's Body?

Would 007 pass a physical ahead of new movie No Time To Die?

2 mins  |
Volume 14 - Issue 1
More Me, Now: Is Narcissism On The Rise?
BBC Earth

More Me, Now: Is Narcissism On The Rise?

Are we becoming more narcissistic? And is social media behind the seemingly growing me crowd?

4 mins  |
Volume 14 - Issue 1
Breathe In… And Out
BBC Earth

Breathe In… And Out

Deep breathing isn’t just for yogis. Evidence suggests it can soothe anxiety, help you sleep and even ease your pain

2 mins  |
Volume 14 - Issue 1
Give Your Home The Probiotic Makeover
BBC Earth

Give Your Home The Probiotic Makeover

Bacteria aren’t always bad. Some, like the billions that live in our guts, are vital for our health. So should we make our homes and cities more hospitable to these beneficial microbes?

9 mins  |
Volume 14 - Issue 1
Hydrogen Power: Will The Government's Strategy Help Us Get To Net-Zero Carbon?
BBC Earth

Hydrogen Power: Will The Government's Strategy Help Us Get To Net-Zero Carbon?

The government plans to provide the UK with low-carbon energy derived from hydrogen. But will it help really us reach our emissions targets?

4 mins  |
Volume 14 - Issue 1
Loneliness: Is It Inevitable In A Modern World?
BBC Earth

Loneliness: Is It Inevitable In A Modern World?

Young or old, rich or poor, many of us will experience a longing for social contact at some point in our lives. But loneliness doesn’t have to be inevitable

4 mins  |
Volume 14 - Issue 1
Muy Interesante España

10 cosas que no sabías de la Guerra Fría

Durante 42 años, el mundo vivió bajo la amenaza del enfrentamiento entre dos bloques poseedores de un devastador arsenal nuclear. Entre la Doctrina Truman (1947) y la caída del Muro de Berlín (1989) hubo muchas crisis. He aquí los secretos de algunos momentos clave.

10+ mins  |
Febrero 2022
BBC Earth


The deep sea is Earth’s last unexplored domain. For the longest time, this enigmatic ecosystem has held within it answers to some of the most important questions in science. Now, a new wave of technologies are powering discoveries that will help us put together the story of Earth’s final frontier

10 mins  |
Volume 13 - Issue 6
Mental Health: How Can We Help Elite Sports Competitors Stay Well?
BBC Earth

Mental Health: How Can We Help Elite Sports Competitors Stay Well?

Elite Olympic athletes recently highlighted the mental health issues they faced. A psychologist explains how we could help them

3 mins  |
Volume 13 - Issue 6
What Happens When We Die?
BBC Earth

What Happens When We Die?

While we don’t know if anything happens afterwards, we do know exactly what happens in the moments leading up the end. DR KATHRYN MANNIX leads you through the last few steps on your body’s journey

2 mins  |
Volume 13 - Issue 6
Should We Look For Aliens?
BBC Earth

Should We Look For Aliens?

Even if all we learn is that we’re alone, the search is worth the risk, argues Lord Martin Rees. Besides which, anyone we do end up finding probably knows about us already

2 mins  |
Volume 13 - Issue 6
How Can We Deal With All The Dead?
BBC Earth

How Can We Deal With All The Dead?

More people die every day, but our graveyards aren’t getting any bigger. So what happens when we inevitably start running out of places to put the bodies? JULES HOWARD takes you through the options

4 mins  |
Volume 13 - Issue 6
How Did Life On Earth Begin?
BBC Earth

How Did Life On Earth Begin?

Earth is unlike any other planet we know of by virtue of hosting life – and not just in a single form, life is present in a rich variety of species. But, as MICHAEL MARSHALL explains, we still don’t know what got it started

2 mins  |
Volume 13 - Issue 6
The Secret Lives Of Honey Bees
BBC Earth

The Secret Lives Of Honey Bees

Colonies of feral bees, thought to have died out decades ago, are generating a buzz in Germany’s ancient beech forests…

6 mins  |
Volume 13 - Issue 6
Hitler And Stalin's Utopian Dreams
BBC Earth

Hitler And Stalin's Utopian Dreams

Laurence Rees argues that, despite their many differences, the leaders of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were united by a common passion: to create their own warped version of a paradise on Earth

10+ mins  |
Volume 13 - Issue 5
Could You Cope Without Natural Light For 40 Days?
BBC Earth

Could You Cope Without Natural Light For 40 Days?

The Deep Time project saw 15 volunteers sign up to spend over month in a cave beneath the Pyrenees with no access to natural light or clocks. Most of them want to go back…

6 mins  |
Volume 13 - Issue 5
Last Of The Jungle Rhino
BBC Earth

Last Of The Jungle Rhino

Concealed within Java’s dense tropical forest, the world’s rarest rhino remains a mystery to most. With only a few dozen left, the race is on to learn more about these seldom seen creatures.

9 mins  |
Volume 13 - Issue 5
The Women In History We Don't Talk About
BBC Earth

The Women In History We Don't Talk About

Beyond the exceptional talents of Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin and Ada Lovelace, it’d be easy to think that women didn’t used to participate in science. But as science historians Leila McNeill and Anna Reser reveal to Sara Rigby, women have contributed to our understanding of the world, stretching all the way back to antiquity

7 mins  |
Volume 13 - Issue 5
Los juicios de Núremberg – El inicio de la justicia universal
Muy Interesante España

Los juicios de Núremberg – El inicio de la justicia universal

Hace 75 años, los aliados sometieron a los dirigentes nazis a un proceso inédito. Por primera vez, los acusados de iniciar una guerra de agresión se sentaron en el banquillo con la posibilidad de defenderse; por primera vez, se habló de genocidio. Pese a sus fallos, los juicios de Núremberg marcaron un antes y un después en la historia.

10+ mins  |
Septiembre 2021
Installing A New Age Of Humanity
BBC Earth

Installing A New Age Of Humanity

From reality-enhancing implants to brain-controlled exoskeletons, breakthroughs in bio-tech have fuelled a new fusion of machinery and organic matter. Here we speak to the Cyborgs who are helping humanity transcend its biological limits, one device at a time

7 mins  |
July - August 2021
Sahara The Forgotten Ecosystem
BBC Earth

Sahara The Forgotten Ecosystem

Journeying into the fickle and ever-changing Saharan landscape reveals the hidden lives of the desert’s most-endangered species.

8 mins  |
July - August 2021
A Giant Leap For Animal Kind
BBC Earth

A Giant Leap For Animal Kind

As we look to set up permanent bases on the Moon, Mars and beyond, we’ll need to bring other forms of life with us...but how will they cope with life in space?

10 mins  |
July - August 2021
Going Back To The Moon
BBC Earth

Going Back To The Moon

The next few years will see an explosion of lunar explorers. But what will they be looking for when they get there?

8 mins  |
July - August 2021
Hide And Seek In Cyberspace
BBC Earth

Hide And Seek In Cyberspace

A puzzle that remained unanswered for more than 14 years has now been solved, thanks to technological leaps in image searching

2 mins  |
July - August 2021
BBC Earth

Inside The World's First Airport For Drones And Flying Cars

Plans to build the world’s first off-grid transport hub for drones and air-taxis have just received government funding. The Urban Air Port, located in Coventry, will offer flying electric vehicles a place to charge and load up. The project aims to lay the groundwork for a web of transport hubs that could provide a green, clean remedy to our cities’ groaning infrastructure. Daniel Bennett talks to Ricky Sandhu, the founder and CEO of Urban Air Port, to see if the idea could take off.

5 mins  |
May - June 2021
BBC Earth

Pumas In The Peaks

Living secretive lives against the spectacular backdrop of Chile’s Torres del Paine, Patagonia’s pumas are proving a conservation success.

4 mins  |
May - June 2021
Waste Not, Want Not
BBC Earth

Waste Not, Want Not

Meet the communities forging the way to a trash-free future, by reshaping unwanted by-products into valuable resources

5 mins  |
May - June 2021