Star Impex Beverage Launches CANCRO
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Star Impex Beverage Launches CANCRO

Star Impex Beverage, a globally known, homegrown brand with a legacy of 35 years, launches CANCRO, a revolutionary product in the field of fitness and well-being.

1 min  |
December 2022
Global Food Safety Initiatives
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Global Food Safety Initiatives

Sufficient nutritious and safe food is the basic element for good health and sustained life.

4 mins  |
December 2022
FSSAI Issues Direction for Re-Operationalisation of licensing Norms
Food Marketing & Technology - India

FSSAI Issues Direction for Re-Operationalisation of licensing Norms

The food authority has issued a direction for re-operation-alisation of Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Amendment Regulations, 2021.

1 min  |
December 2022
Quantifying the Long-Term Stability of Food Formulations
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Quantifying the Long-Term Stability of Food Formulations

Foodstuffs are often mixtures of different ingredients and are therefore liable to separate. It is important to quantify these separation processes to optimize food product formulations. The MultiScan MS 20 dispersion stability analysis system, developed by DataPhysics Instruments, can reliably and efficiently analyze food dispersions regarding their destabilization and aging. The following use case evaluates five milk substitutes and compares the occurring destabilization mechanisms.

5 mins  |
December 2022
Homogeneous Conveying - a Strong Solution for More Hygiene
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Homogeneous Conveying - a Strong Solution for More Hygiene

Solution for More Hygiene Homogeneous belts from Forbo. For businesses that can't take risks

2 mins  |
December 2022
Semi-active Hygienic Wheel and Sole Cleaning
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Semi-active Hygienic Wheel and Sole Cleaning

The cleaning fields presented as a fair novelty at Anuga FoodTec and IFFA in 2022 optimize hygiene conditions in all areas of food production and processing.

1 min  |
December 2022
Prebiotic Effect Evidenced for Chicory Root Fibers by the First Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Prebiotic Effect Evidenced for Chicory Root Fibers by the First Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses

Intake of chicory root fibers increases Bifidobacteria and supports bowel function

2 mins  |
December 2022
Reducing Natural Resource Consumption in Manufacturing
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Reducing Natural Resource Consumption in Manufacturing

Soaring energy costs in the last year are significantly affecting many manufacturers’ bottom lines.

6 mins  |
December 2022
जीएम फसल और तकनीक
Farm and Food

जीएम फसल और तकनीक

भारत में ही नहीं, बल्कि पूरे विश्व में खाद्यान्न फसलों का उत्पादन एवं उत्पादकता एक गंभीर चुनौती बनी हुई है.

4 mins  |
December Second 2022
पोटाश गेहूं को बनाए दमदार दिलाए अधिक पैदावार
Farm and Food

पोटाश गेहूं को बनाए दमदार दिलाए अधिक पैदावार

भारत में गेहूं की खेती तकरीबन 3 करोड़ हेक्टेयर भूमि पर होती है. विश्व के गेहूं के कुल क्षेत्रफल और उत्पादन का तकरीबन 12 फीसदी भारत में ही है.

5 mins  |
December Second 2022
किसान कैसे करें फसलों की पाले से सुरक्षा
Farm and Food

किसान कैसे करें फसलों की पाले से सुरक्षा

सर्दी का मौसम शुरू होते ही हर किसी के सामने ठंडक एक समस्या बन कर खड़ी हो जाती है.

9 mins  |
December Second 2022
कम जोत वाले किसानों के लिए मिनी रोटावेटर
Farm and Food

कम जोत वाले किसानों के लिए मिनी रोटावेटर

इस मशीन से किसान खेत की जुताई से ले कर कटाई तक का काम आसानी से कर सकते हैं. इन्हें इस्तेमाल करने के लिए छोटे ट्रैक्टर से काम लिया जा सकता है.

2 mins  |
December Second 2022
छात्रों में आत्मविश्वास जगाते हैं विज्ञान प्रोजैक्ट्स
Farm and Food

छात्रों में आत्मविश्वास जगाते हैं विज्ञान प्रोजैक्ट्स

भारत में हर साल 28 फरवरी को 'राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान दिवस' मनाया जाता है, क्योंकि साल 1928 में इसी दिन महान वैज्ञानिक चंद्रशेखर वेंकट रमन ने अपनी खोज 'रमन इफैक्ट' की घोषणा की थी. वे पहले भारतीय थे, जिन्हें विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में 'नोबल पुरस्कार' मिला था. उन्हें साल 1954 में 'भारत रत्न' से भी सम्मानित किया गया था.

2 mins  |
December Second 2022
शिमला मिर्च की वैज्ञानिक विधि से खेती
Farm and Food

शिमला मिर्च की वैज्ञानिक विधि से खेती

पहले इस की खेती ठंडे जगहों पर ही होती थी, लेकिन अब इस की खेती मैदानी क्षेत्रों में भी की जाने लगी है.

5 mins  |
December Second 2022
किसान की आय चपरासी से भी कम
Farm and Food

किसान की आय चपरासी से भी कम

वर्ष 2022 भी चला गया, पर नहीं हुई किसानों की आय दोगुनी

6 mins  |
December Second 2022
Eat Right Campus; an Initiative Towards a Healthier Nation
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Eat Right Campus; an Initiative Towards a Healthier Nation

It has been rightly said, \"If it is not is not food; if it is not is not food, and if it is not good for the environment... it is not food.\"

3 mins  |
November 2022
Solving the QSR Production Puzzle
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Solving the QSR Production Puzzle

Case Study

3 mins  |
November 2022
Insoluble Fibres Consumption Still in Nascent stage in India?
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Insoluble Fibres Consumption Still in Nascent stage in India?

Insoluble fibres are a type of dietary fibres (also called roughage) which is the indigestible part of the plant. Because of this property of indigestibility, dietary fibres are included as a part of our food for the normal functioning of our digestive system. These comprise indigestible carbohydrate polymers and lignin.

4 mins  |
November 2022
Marel in India: Helping Processors Seize New Opportunities in a Growing Market
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Marel in India: Helping Processors Seize New Opportunities in a Growing Market

The rapid emergence of Asia's consumer class has created many opportunities for food processors in the region. In India, the organised food and grocery retail market is expected to reach $60 billion by 2025, with driving factors including higher incomes and changing consumer preferences.

4 mins  |
November 2022
Challenge Accepted: Heat Stable Plant-Based Salami
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Challenge Accepted: Heat Stable Plant-Based Salami

The news that plant-based diets are growing in popularity is no great surprise. The appetite for alternatives free from animal products began years ago with substitutes for nuggets and patties. However, mimicking the firm and rough texture of an Italian salami, for example, presents manufacturers with a major technological challenge. Fed up with plant-based salami that tastes and feels like dark-colored mortadella, German wheat ingredient specialist Loryma has now developed concepts using special binding agents, texturates and starter cultures to make salami that tastes great not only on bread but also pizza and other hot food.

4 mins  |
November 2022
Accelerating Impact Together
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Accelerating Impact Together

Swiss technology group Bühler is bringing together over 1,000 decision makers from the food, feed, and mobility sectors at its Networking Days in Uzwil on June 27-28 to \"accelerate impact together.\" This unique, convening event was created by Bühler in 2016 and is held every three years. At the center of the many keynotes, panels, and technology demonstrations is the question: How can we enable 10 billion people (by 2050) to live a good life within the boundaries of our planet? The event focuses on leadership, technology, education, inspiration, and action across international industry boundaries. It highlights examples of companies that provide tangible impact on mitigating climate change, eradicating poverty, creating employment, protecting and restoring nature, and improving food security.

2 mins  |
November 2022
Bikaji Foods International Limited Initial Public Offering to open on November 03, 2022, sets price band at ₹285 to ₹300 per Equity Share
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Bikaji Foods International Limited Initial Public Offering to open on November 03, 2022, sets price band at ₹285 to ₹300 per Equity Share

Bikaji Foods International Limited is the third largest ethnic snacks company in India with an international footprint, selling Indian snacks and sweets, and the second fastest growing company in the Indian organised snacks market has fixed the price band at ₹285 to ₹300 per Equity Share for its maiden public offer.

1 min  |
November 2022
Automated Handling of Plant-based Proteins, Fibers, Cellulose and Binders
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Automated Handling of Plant-based Proteins, Fibers, Cellulose and Binders

The automated handling of T bulk materials: What sounds trivial, can quickly become an enormous challenge. Namely, when the raw material used turns out to be sticky, building bridges, lumpy etc.

6 mins  |
November 2022
Simplifying Complex Processes
Food Marketing & Technology - India

Simplifying Complex Processes

Sustainability, safety, energy efficiency - the list of requirements when building a machine is long. When it comes to the automation of packaging systems such as FFS machines, for example, engineers need to ask themselves what the ideal solution might look like. Configuring individual components takes a lot of time. SEWEurodrive's StarterSET, however, offers a fully comprehensive automation solution that covers everything from the hardware and software to the cloud.

5 mins  |
November 2022
High-Purity Coconut Oil
Food Marketing & Technology - India

High-Purity Coconut Oil

Ensuring quality from the plantation to the end product

6 mins  |
November 2022
पोटैटो डिगर आलू खुदाई यंत्र
Farm and Food

पोटैटो डिगर आलू खुदाई यंत्र

आलू की खेती अगर अगेती की जाए, तो जल्दी ही आलू की खुदाई कर उसे मंडी में बेच कर अच्छा मुनाफा लिया जा सकता है. साथ ही, खाली हुए खेत में गेहूं की फसल भी ली जा सकती है.

4 mins  |
December First 2022
गेहूं की नई किस्मों से लें अधिक उत्पादन
Farm and Food

गेहूं की नई किस्मों से लें अधिक उत्पादन

गेहूं की खेती हमारे देश में 31.88 मिलियन हेक्टेयर पर की जाती है. देश में गेहूं उत्पादन में लगातार बढ़ोत्तरी हुई है.

5 mins  |
December First 2022
बढ़िया औक्सीजन देंगे ये पौधे
Farm and Food

बढ़िया औक्सीजन देंगे ये पौधे

आज के समय में यह सूझबूझ बहुत काम आ सकती है कि घर के भीतर कुछ ऐसे पौधे हों, जो फेफड़ों को औक्सीजन देने में सहायता करें. बहुत ही कम खर्च पर यह काम हर कोई कर सकता है.

1 min  |
December First 2022
आर्गेनिक खेती और देशी बीज का प्रशिक्षण संपन्न
Farm and Food

आर्गेनिक खेती और देशी बीज का प्रशिक्षण संपन्न

इस कार्यक्रम के मुख्य अतिथि प्रकाश सिंह रघुवंशी ने किसानों को जैविक खेती और उन्नत बीज उत्पादन का प्रशिक्षण दिया.

1 min  |
December First 2022
दिसंबर महीने में खेती के काम
Farm and Food

दिसंबर महीने में खेती के काम

जिन किसानों ने गेहूं की समय से बोआई की है, वह गेहूं में नाइट्रोजन की बाकी बची मात्रा दें और 15-20 दिन के अंतराल से सिंचाई करते रहें.

9 mins  |
December First 2022