एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट्स- वृद्धावस्था में उपयोगी
एंटी-ऑक्सिडेंट्स खाद्य पदार्थ में मौजूद वे पोषक तत्व हैं, जो शरीर में ऑक्सीकरण संबंधी नुकसान की गति को कमजोर करने या उसे पूरी बेअसर करने में सक्षम होते है। ऑक्सीजन का इस्तेमाल करते समय शरीर की कोशिकाओं से ऐसे बाय-प्रोडक्ट उत्पन्न होते हैं, जो शरीर के लिए नुकसानदेह होने के साथ-साथ कई बीमारियों का जन्मस्थान बन सकते हैं। एंटी-ऑक्सिडेंट्स को हम सफाई करनेवाले समर्पित कर्मचारी कह सकते हैं।
इम्यूनिटीवर्धक रसायन चिकित्सा
व्यस्त जीवनशैली, आहार का गिरता स्तर, प्रदूषित जल व वायु के संपर्क में सतत रहना, व्यायाम का अभाव आदि के कारण व्यक्ति के शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य का स्तर व निरंतर चलने वाले चलचित्र, कुसंगति व दुर्व्यसनों के कारण व्यक्ति के मानसिक स्वास्थ्य का स्तर दिन प्रतिदिन गिरता जा रहा है। इस हालत में ऐसी प्रभावशाली व गुणकारी दिव्य औषधि की आवश्यकता है, जो व्यक्ति को शारीरिक व मानसिक रूप से पूर्ण स्वास्थ्य की उपलब्धि करा सके। आयुर्वेद में ऐसी प्रभावशाली दिव्य औषधि अर्थात् रसायन औषधि का वर्णन है। आज के कोरोना काल में यह औषधि इम्युनिटी वर्धन का काम करती है।
आयुर्वेद द्वारा इम्युनिटी वृद्धि
आज संपूर्ण विश्व में कोरोना वायरस से त्राहि-त्राहि मची हुई है। भारत में कोरोना वायरस के दस्तक देने के साथ ही ये बहस शुरू हो गई कि इस वायरस का उपचार आधुनिक चिकित्सा पद्धति में तो नहीं है सिर्फ लाक्षणिक चिकित्सा दे सकते हैं। विचार किया गया कि क्या इस वायरस से निपटने के लिए कोई वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा पद्धति हो सकती है? प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने आयुष मंत्रालय के तहत आयुर्वेद तज्ञों की मीटिंग बुलाकर चर्चा की कि जिनकी इम्युनिटी मजबूत है वे इस वायरस से मुकाबला कर सकते हैं । जबकि इम्युनिटी बढ़ाने के लिए आयुर्वेद में वनौषधियों व जीवन शैली का वर्णन है । अतः आयुर्वेद तज्ञों ने इम्युनिटी बढ़ाने में आयुर्वेद की भूमिका को लेकर चर्चा की। हमारे रसोई घर में उपलब्ध अनेक खाद्य वस्तुओं व मसालों से इम्युनिटी बढ़ सकती है ऐसा निष्कर्ष निकाला गया।
Yuga of the youth: A time for transformation
Maitreya Dadashreeji explains to Rishi Rathod that we are at the threshold of a new yuga cycle and have the opportunity to ensure lasting peace on Earth in the New Age if we courageously choose love over fear
त्वचा रोग में प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा
व्यक्ति की त्वचा से उसके सौन्दर्य, व्यक्तित्व एवं सुन्दरता का ही दर्शन नहीं होता बल्कि उसकी आन्तरिक शक्तियों का भी आभास होता है । प्रकृति एवं परमात्मा द्वारा दी गई शक्तियों का दर्पण त्वचा का तेज होता है । व्यक्ति का रंग कैसा ही क्यों न हो, उसका आन्तरिक आकर्षण प्रत्येक नर नारी को अपनी ओर खींच लेता है । इसलिए त्वचा की देखभाल करना प्रत्येक स्त्री पुरुष का धर्म है । त्वचा प्रकृति की अमूल्य भेंट है, जिसको स्वच्छ रखे बिना व्यक्ति का जीवन अधूरा है । ईश्वर ने त्वचा को आन्तरिक विकारों के निष्कासन का ऐसा द्वार बनाया
Merging into the Ocean
Sit back and surrender yourself to this inspirational article by Barbara Ann Briggs. Her words, augmented by quotes from the masters, throw light on the joy and true nature of surrender.
Sri Aurobindo: The doctor for all times
Sri Aurobindo was unique among spiritual masters in taking the goal of spirituality further from individual salvation to making the world a place free from misery and suffering. Written by Dr. Ramesh Bijlani this article is the first in a series that celebrates the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo, which falls in 2022.
Milk of human kindness
Today, consumers all over the world are divided into three categories: non-vegetarians, vegetarians, and vegans.
Feluda's Next Case
It’s been almost a year now since the novel coronavirus has plunged the whole world into darkness.
Annesha Banerjee believes that your conviction should be your life’s Rock of Gibraltar if it embraces inclusivity and is life-affirming. However, this very same desirable asset, if built on the sands of intolerance and discrimination, can wash away your life as well as those of others.
We might need to redefine our approach to drug discovery and approval to be prepared for the future
Hitesh Windlass, MD,Windlas Biotech gives an overview of the changes bought by COVID-19 pandemic in the pharma industry, his organisation’s plans for future growth and more, in an interview with Lakshmpriya Nair
We help our customers create future-ready pharma manufacturing and biotech facilities
Sanjay Sudhakaran, VP, Digital Energy, Schneider Electric India expands on the value proposition of digital energy systems for the pharma sector, giving some examples of how companies achieved RoI on this investment, in an interaction with Viveka Roychowdhury
Virtual clinical trials would have a tremendous advantage in expanding the reach of clinical trials
Suneela Thatte, VP and Head - R&D Solutions India, IQVIA speaks on the challenges faced by CROs due to the pandemic, the subsequent learnings in clinical research/trials, emerging trends in this arena and more, in an interaction with Viveka Roychowdhury
Waters Corporation appoints Pearl S Huang to Board of Directors
She has significant scientific expertise in the discovery of biologics, small molecule and nucleic acid-based therapies, as well as in drug discovery and the development of clinical trials
Fighting counterfeiting requires a long-term battle and we need to start somewhere
Globally, incidents of fake, counterfeit pharma products are on the rise and recent cyber attacks on some pharma companies involved in the development of COVID-19 vaccines are raising further alarm. Nakul Pasricha, President, Authentication Solution Providers’ Association (ASPA) talks about the need for a phygital approach to secure supply chain integrity and facilitate easy identification of genuine COVID-19 vaccines, with Usha Sharma
FDI in brownfield pharma projects - Critical analysis
Arvind Sharma, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co informs that the extant regulatory regime for FDI in brownfield projects follows a balanced approach as it safeguards supplies for domestic consumption and ensures foreign investments as well as technological advancement for the pharma sector
Effective effluent management: Key to tackle AMR
Dr Jyoti Joshi, Head-South Asia,The Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP); Adjunct Professor,Amity Institute of Public Health emphasises that the government and the pharma industry need to establish strategic partnerships to address the issue of growing AMR due to pharma plant effluents
CIMS Medica organises Business Excellence Awards 2020
The award ceremony was held at the The Leela Palace Hotel, New Delhi to honour companies who contributed to the growth and development of the healthcare and pharma industry
Experts and veterans examine and explore strategies for India Pharma Inc to implement the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic as we enter a new year and a new decade
Who Gets The Vaccine?
While framing the rules, the government has to keep in mind that health is a fundamental human right, which has as its prerequisites social justice and equality. It should be accessible to all. Legal provisions are in place
Reverse Brain Drain: Accelerated By Covid-19
Ankit Goyal, Healthcare and Lifesciences Leader India, Heidrick & Struggles finds that leadership hiring is attracting ‘returnee Indians’ in healthcare companies due to growing opportunities in India, and more recently, the impact of the pandemic
Eating For A Healthy pH
Naini Setalvad educates us on how to include certain foods in our diet to maintain the body’s acid-alkali balance
તડકો અને વરાળની ભાઈબંધીથી હેલ્થને સુધારો
વિન્ટર કેર
પ્રથમ શૈક્ષણિક સત્રની બેચનો વિડીયો કોન્ફરન્સથી E-પ્રારંભ કરાવતા મુખ્યમંત્રી રૂપાણી
AIIMS જેવી ખ્યાતિપ્રાય મેડીકલ એજ્યુકેશના ઈન્સ્ટીટયુટ રાયના હેલ્થકેર સેકટરમાં નવા પ્રાણ ફૂંકશે
મ્યુકોરમાઇકોસીસ નવો રોગ નથી....મ્યુકોરમાઇકોસીસ ચેપી રોગ નથી....
ડાયાબિટીસ, કિડની કે કેન્સરની લગતી બિમારી ધરાવતા દર્દીઓમાં મ્યુકોરમાઇકોસીસનું પ્રમાણ વધુ જોવા મળે છે.
યુનિસેફ-ગુજરાત અને માહિતી ખાતા દ્વારા સંયુક્તપણે યોજાયો પ્રતિષ્ઠિત
કોવિઝ-19ના રસીકરણ જનજાગૃતિ સંદર્ભે લગભગ 18થી વધુ ફએમ રેડિડ્યો જોકીઝ સાથે યુનિસેફના આરોગ્ય અધિકારી, માહિતી ખાતાના નિયામકશ્રી અને સ્ટેટ ઈમ્યુનીકેશન ઓફિસર, ગુજરાત સરકારે સાધ્યો સંવાદ
શિયાળાની ઋતુમાં પેટને સંભાળો
બાગાયતી ખેતીનું યુનિક ગામ મહીસાગર જિલ્લાનું મગનપુરા
મહીસાગર જિલ્લાના મગનપુરા ગામના ખેડૂતો બાગાયતી પાકોની ખેતી ઉદાહરણરુપ સામૂહિક નિર્ણય પદ્ધતિની ખેતી અપનાવી પ્રેરાણા સ્ત્રોત બન્યા મગનપુરા ગામના પ્રગતિશીલ ખેડૂતો બાગાયતી ખેતી કરી આત્મનિર્ભરતા તરફ અગ્રેસર બન્યા
શિયાળામાં પ્રદૂષણથી આંખોમાં બળતરા થવાની સમસ્યા
સેલ્ફ કેર
સગર્ભાની અત્યંત જોખમી પ્રભૂતિ ળતાપૂર્વક કરતા સિવિલ ક્ષેમ્પિટલના તબીબો
બાળકનો વિકાસગર્ભાશયમાં નક્કપરંતુ પેટના ભાગમાં થયો હતો