How To Be Trump's Treasury Secretary
Bloomberg Businessweek

How To Be Trump's Treasury Secretary

If you want to understand U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, you have to know why he sometimes avoids Pebble Beach.

10+ mins  |
August 13, 2018
New York magazine

10 Years After The Crash, We Are Still Living In The World It Brutally Remade

Sometimes you don’t know how deep the hole is until you try to fill it. In 2009, staring down what looked to anyone with a calculator like the biggest financial crisis since 1929, the federal government poured $830 billion into the economy—a spending stimulus bigger, by some measures, than the entire New Deal—and the country barely noticed.  It registered the crisis, though. The generation that came of age in the Great Depression was indelibly shaped by that experience of deprivation, even though what followed was what Henry Luce famously called, in 1941, “the American Century.” He meant the 20th, and, to judge from our present politics, at least—“Make America Great Again” on one side of the aisle; on the other, the suspicion that the president is a political suicide bomber, destroying the pillars of government—he probably wouldn’t have made the same declaration about the 21st. A decade now after the beginning of what has come to be called the Great Recession, and almost as long since economic growth began to tick upward and unemployment downward, the cultural and psychological imprint left by the financial crisis looks as profound as the ones left by the calamity that struck our grandparents. All the more when you look beyond the narrow economic data: at a new radical politics on both left and right; at a strident, ideological pop culture obsessed with various apocalypses; at an internet powered by envy, strife, and endless entrepreneurial hustle; at opiates and suicides and low birthrates; and at the resentment, racial and gendered and otherwise, by those who felt especially left behind. Over the following pages, we cast a look back, and tried to take a seismic reading of the financial earthquake and its aftershocks, including those that still jolt us today.

10+ mins  |
August 6, 2018
Meet The New Pakistan, A Lot Like The Old Pakistan
Bloomberg Businessweek

Meet The New Pakistan, A Lot Like The Old Pakistan

Imran Khan brings a charismatic visage to the troubled country. But does he have a fresh vision?

6 mins  |
August 06, 2018
Facebook Finds ‘Sophisticated' Efforts To Disrupt Elections
Techlife News

Facebook Finds ‘Sophisticated' Efforts To Disrupt Elections

Facebook said it has uncovered “sophisticated” efforts, possibly linked to Russia, to influence U.S. politics on its platforms. 

3 mins  |
August 4, 2018
Trolls And Snowflakes: Once-Stuffy DC Embraces Tough Slang
Techlife News

Trolls And Snowflakes: Once-Stuffy DC Embraces Tough Slang

The House speaker dismissed the actions of a U.S. president as merely “trolling.” And the nation’s attorney general knocked America’s university students as a bunch of sensitive “snowflakes.”

2 mins  |
Techlife News #352
Sometimes It Rains Rockets In Russia
Bloomberg Businessweek

Sometimes It Rains Rockets In Russia

Inhabitants of tiny villages 250 miles north of a Russian launchpad transform fallen space metal into everyday necessities

2 mins  |
July 30, 2018
Elizabeth Warren, Leader Of The Persistence
New York magazine

Elizabeth Warren, Leader Of The Persistence

Elizabeth Warren’s full-body fight to defeat Trump.

10+ mins  |
July 23, 2018
Europe Is Right To Worry About The Trump-Putin Summit
Bloomberg Businessweek

Europe Is Right To Worry About The Trump-Putin Summit

The EU and NATO beware! Years before Trump became president, he and Putin were already simpatico.

8 mins  |
July 16, 2018
Facebook Faces U.K. Fine Over Its Privacy Scandal
Techlife News

Facebook Faces U.K. Fine Over Its Privacy Scandal

Facebook is facing its first financial penalty for allowing the data-mining firm Cambridge Analytica to forage through the personal data of millions of unknowing Facebook users.

2 mins  |
July 14, 2018
Facebook Faces U.K. Fine Over Its Privacy Scandal

Facebook Faces U.K. Fine Over Its Privacy Scandal

Facebook is facing its first financial penalty for allowing the data-mining firm Cambridge Analytica to forage through the personal data of millions of unknowing Facebook users.

2 mins  |
AppleMagazine #350
A Trade War's Collateral Damage For China
Bloomberg Businessweek

A Trade War's Collateral Damage For China

Beijing’s actions against American brands could hurt their mainland partners, too.

6 mins  |
July 16, 2018
Facebook: 800K Users May Have Had Bug Unblock Blocked People
Techlife News

Facebook: 800K Users May Have Had Bug Unblock Blocked People

Facebook says more than 800,000 users may have been affected by a bug that unblocked people they previously had blocked.

1 min  |
July 07,2018
Federal Facebook Probe Now Includes FBI, Sec

Federal Facebook Probe Now Includes FBI, Sec

A federal probe into Facebook’s sharing of user data with Cambridge Analytica now involves the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Justice Department, the Washington Post reported.

1 min  |
July 06, 2018
Reason magazine

How Not To Build A Jail

The D.C. jail has been a disaster for more than 100 years. Can a new jail avoid the mistakes of the past? 

10+ mins  |
December 2016
Why They Fight: US And China Brawl Over High Technology

Why They Fight: US And China Brawl Over High Technology

To understand why the United States and China stand on the brink of a trade war, consider the near-death experience of American Superconductor Corp.

4 mins  |
July 06, 2018
The U.S Needs More Immigrants
Reason magazine

The U.S Needs More Immigrants

Without young workers, the economy can’t grow. 

9 mins  |
August/September 2018
As America Guts Solar Programs, China Turns Up The Heat
Mother Jones

As America Guts Solar Programs, China Turns Up The Heat

As the Trump Administration guts America’s solar programs, China is turning up the heat.

10+ mins  |
July/August 2018
Taking Brexit To The Bank
Bloomberg Businessweek

Taking Brexit To The Bank

Private polls and a timely concession from the face of Leave allowed hedge funds to make millions off the collapse of the pound.

10+ mins  |
July 2, 2018
Applying Game Theory To The US-China Trade Kerfuffle
Bloomberg Businessweek

Applying Game Theory To The US-China Trade Kerfuffle

Gaming out how the trade spat between the U.S. and China could end.

3 mins  |
June 25, 2018
Foxconn Investing In $30 Million Water Recycling System
Techlife News

Foxconn Investing In $30 Million Water Recycling System

Foxconn Technology Group plans to invest in a $30 million recycling system that will significantly reduce the amount of water it has to draw from Lake Michigan for its proposed manufacturing complex in southeast Wisconsin, the company said this week.

1 min  |
June 23, 2018
The Inhumanity Of Trump's 'Toughness'
New York magazine

The Inhumanity Of Trump's 'Toughness'

For a would-be strongman, cruelty is the ultimate deterrent.

5 mins  |
June 25, 2018
After The Bombs Have Fallen
Bloomberg Businessweek

After The Bombs Have Fallen

With Islamic State on the brink of battle field defeat, the U.S. and Europe confront the threat at home.

5 mins  |
July 24, 2017 - July 30,2017
America's Children Need You
Reader's Digest US

America's Children Need You

The well-being of children shouldn’t be a political issue. Their success needs to be the common commitment of our national life.

4 mins  |
July/August 2017
Will White House Worries Hit Stocks?
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Will White House Worries Hit Stocks?

Forget parallels to Watergate. The economy is in much better shape today.

2 mins  |
August 2017
Goldman In The White House
New York magazine

Goldman In The White House

Watching a risky career move unfold in real time.

10+ mins  |
June 12–25, 2017
Americans Should Impeach Presidents More Often
Reason magazine

Americans Should Impeach Presidents More Often

We don’t do it nearly enough.

10 mins  |
August/September 2017
Russia's Global Anti- Libertarian Crusade
Reason magazine

Russia's Global Anti- Libertarian Crusade

How Vladimir Putin’s desire for domination and acceptance is scrambling American politics 

10+ mins  |
August/September 2017
Deportations Up Under Trump
Reason magazine

Deportations Up Under Trump

A round-up of immigrant round-ups

4 mins  |
August/September 2017
Can't Afford A Vacation? Blame The State!
Reason magazine

Can't Afford A Vacation? Blame The State!

With temperatures rising, your sweet summer getaway is just around the corner—if you can afford one.

3 mins  |
August/September 2017
Your Money Or Your Life
Reason magazine

Your Money Or Your Life

The immorality of insurance

5 mins  |
July 2017