Country Diary
Shooting Times & Country

Country Diary

Every lead cartridge illegally fired blows a hole in the defence of shooting so all those who shoot must be aware of their responsibilities

3 mins  |
December 6,2017
Accidents Can Happen
Shooting Times & Country

Accidents Can Happen

The shooting field can be a dangerous place for working dogs, says David Tomlinson, with vehicles the biggest threat to their safety.

4 mins  |
December 6,2017
Shooting Times & Country

Days Of Deep Pleasure

A day at High Park brings together good friends and good sport — and who cares if the bag is smaller than hoped for, says Laurence Catlow

5 mins  |
December 13,2017
Shooting Times & Country


Christmas Day means a welcome break for the keepering team, with hopes for snow and some thermal-imaging equipment on the wish list

3 mins  |
December 13,2017
Shooting Times & Country

Gold Star For This HPR

As a Hungarian wirehaired vizsla wins the HPR Championship for a second year in a row, David Tomlinson looks at the breed’s rise

4 mins  |
December 13,2017
Just My Imagination…
Shooting Times & Country

Just My Imagination…

As another season comes to an end, what better than to relive some of the finer days on the grouse moor, even if one of them didn’t go quite to plan

4 mins  |
February 1,2017
Culture Clash
Shooting Times & Country

Culture Clash

With the fallow buck season well under way across the UK, Iain Watson tells how unnatural causes led to a fatal entanglement

4 mins  |
August 24,2016
Labour Party Proposes A Ban On 'Intensive Rearing'
Shooting Times & Country

Labour Party Proposes A Ban On 'Intensive Rearing'

A new policy proposal by the Labour Party has set its sights on game birds, the Hunting Act and the badger cull as it seeks to improve animal welfare in the UK

2 mins  |
February 21,2018
Shooters Oppose Unjust Airgun Law
Shooting Times & Country

Shooters Oppose Unjust Airgun Law

The Home Office airgun licensing review has closed and shooters are set against any unnecessary new legislation being introduced

1 min  |
February 21,2018
Badger Culls May Expand, Then End
Shooting Times & Country

Badger Culls May Expand, Then End

“No one wants to be culling badgers forever,” says minister as Defra launches review to ensure bovine TB strategy is on track

2 mins  |
February 28,2018
Shooting Times & Country

The Villain Of The Piece

Birds of prey do pose a problem for gamekeepers, but are we looking at the right culprit, asks Matt Cross

5 mins  |
November 29,2017
Shooting Times & Country

Pheasants, Fellowship And Fine Ale In Dorset

At Daggans the bag is second to camaraderie, as Dominic Prince discovers when he spends a day with this close-knit syndicate

4 mins  |
November 29,2017
Shooting Times & Country


A visit to the Scottish colleges reveals that young keepers need a little more respect for the old ways in order to appreciate the new ones

3 mins  |
November 29,2017
Shooting Times & Country

Lincolnshire GPs Seek Licence Fees

Shooters voice displeasure after Lincolnshire Police and the Local Medical Committee announce plans to charge for licensing checks

2 mins  |
November 1,2017
Shooting Dropped From Birmingham 2022 Games
Shooting Times & Country

Shooting Dropped From Birmingham 2022 Games

Birmingham’s successful Commonwealth bid has been tempered by reports that there will be no shooting at the Games for the first time in over half a century

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January 10,2018
Shooting Times & Country

Euro Conservation Award For GWCT

The GWCT has received a prestigious award, in what it says is a fitting legacy to the work of the late conservationist Dick Potts

2 mins  |
September 6,2017
Shooting Times & Country

Attracting Game Until The Cows Come Home

Patrick Laurie explains how a personal project to encourage more wildlife on to his land is drawing snipe and woodcock as well

6 mins  |
September 6,2017
Shooting Times & Country

Dog Season, As Good On Three Legs As Four

While enjoying the calm of the late summer evenings, those at High Park begin to wonder what the coming pheasant season might bring

4 mins  |
September 6,2017
Shooting Times & Country

The Lynx Effect

With proposals put forward to reintroduce the Eurasian lynx to the UK, Liam Stokes looks at the impact they would have on our countryside

5 mins  |
September 6,2017
Shooting Times & Country


It really was a Glorious Twelfth this year with young grouse speeding through the butts and raising smiles all round — despite the rain

3 mins  |
September 6,2017
Shooting Times & Country

Home And Away

Pheasants will roam but if they wander over the boundary from next door’s shoot to yours is it OK to add them to the bag, asks Will Martin 

5 mins  |
November 8 2017
Shooting Times & Country

A Lovely Little Brown Job

As spring arrives, the moors and moorland fringe become home for a number of LBJs.

3 mins  |
November 8 2017
Shooting Times & Country

The Point Of A Report

Being recognised as a writer can be a double-edged sword, especially if people don’t agree with what you say, discovers David Tomlinson

3 mins  |
November 8 2017
Shooting Times & Country

Protecting Exmoor's Very Special Emblem

Will Martin accompanies the Devon and Somerset Staghounds on their opening meet amid glorious scenery and excellent company

5 mins  |
October 4,2017
Shooting Times & Country

Why We Relish What The Winter Brings

As October begins and November teases with its bright promise of good sport, there is much to look forward to at High Park

5 mins  |
October 4,2017
Shooting Times & Country

Border Line Brilliance

Ellena Swift gives the top dogging in award to the humble sheepdog

5 mins  |
October 4,2017
Shooting Times & Country


Bored with “feathering”, Paul Quagliana looks at “shore jigging” for mackerel — a different method for landing this marvellous and remarkable sea fish

6 mins  |
August 31,2016
Fowlers need an Echo
Shooting Times & Country

Fowlers need an Echo

Labradors may be by far the most popular wildfowling dogs but the powerful Chesapeake Bay retriever is tailor-made for the job.

4 mins  |
August 31,2016
Shooting's a Jamboree Hit
Shooting Times & Country

Shooting's a Jamboree Hit

Up to 7,500 scouts and guides had a go at breaking clays this summer, as Graham Downing reports

6 mins  |
August 31,2016
A Walk through Woburn
Shooting Times & Country

A Walk through Woburn

Charles Smith-Jones takes a group of game keeping students for a look behind the scenes at one of the world’s foremost deer parks with one of its experts

5 mins  |
August 31,2016