Plants grown on the soil of the moon for the first time
Scientific India

Plants grown on the soil of the moon for the first time

Creating a human colony on the moon can now be easy.

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May - June 2022
Significance of Rudraksha
Scientific India

Significance of Rudraksha

Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Or Rudraksha is an evergreen traditional medicinal Plant that is commonly found in South East Asia.

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May - June 2022
Indoor Air Pollution in India & Its Neglected Outcomes
Scientific India

Indoor Air Pollution in India & Its Neglected Outcomes

Certainly, air pollution remained most serious health Cthreat globally for decades. It has caused substantial harm to human health, nature (environment) and economy.

4 mins  |
March - April 2022
How The Human Brain Separates, Stores, And Retrieves Memories
Scientific India

How The Human Brain Separates, Stores, And Retrieves Memories

Researchers have identified two types of cells in our brains that are involved in organizing discrete memories based on when they occurred. This finding improves our understanding of how the human brain forms memories and could have implications in memory disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

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March - April 2022
Scientific Principle Of Beneficial Effects Of Yoga Practices In Covid19
Scientific India

Scientific Principle Of Beneficial Effects Of Yoga Practices In Covid19

A virus is a sub-microscopic infectious particle that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses are present almost everywhere and all living creatures including humans are getting infected with them on daily basis.

5 mins  |
March - April 2022
Biosensors: A New Era of Agriculture
Scientific India

Biosensors: A New Era of Agriculture

The use of biosensors in agriculture has been a major development of human civilization, including the production of crops and raising livestock to achieve people's sustainable goals for food.

3 mins  |
March - April 2022
How Many Nuclear Warhead Exist, And Who Has Them?
Scientific India

How Many Nuclear Warhead Exist, And Who Has Them?

Since Russia first invaded Ukraine nearly three weeks ago, the threat of nuclear weapon use has risen. The bombs get their energy from either splitting atoms or joining the tiny particles inside the atoms together.

2 mins  |
March - April 2022
Good News For Coffee Lovers: Daily Coffee May Benefit The Heart
Scientific India

Good News For Coffee Lovers: Daily Coffee May Benefit The Heart

Drinking coffee particularly two to three cups a day is not only associated with a lower risk of heart disease and dangerous heart rhythms but also with living longer, according to studies being presented at the American College of Cardiology's 71st Annual Scientific Session.

4 mins  |
March - April 2022
5 Ancient Indian Foods Still Eaten Today
Scientific India

5 Ancient Indian Foods Still Eaten Today

From Ladoo to saag, Insian ancient ancestors were consuming some of our favorite foods well before we may have realized.

1 min  |
March - April 2022
Silicon for the sustainable agriculture
Scientific India

Silicon for the sustainable agriculture

Silicon, a metalloid with bluish-grey metallic shine, is known for its semiconductor properties. Since silicon is being widely used for computers and many other semiconductor-based devices, many technological hubs worldwide received the name like Silicon Valley.

10 mins  |
March - April 2022
Antimicrobial Resistance In Post-Pandemic Era
Scientific India

Antimicrobial Resistance In Post-Pandemic Era

Over the years microorganisms have developed Oresistance to antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, antimalarials, and anthelmintics by a phenomenon known as antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

7 mins  |
March - April 2022
Top 10 Science Stories Of 2021
Scientific India

Top 10 Science Stories Of 2021

Thrilling Science and technology discoveries, hurdles in the fight against Covid and Tadvancements in space exploration defined the past year

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January - February 2022
Non-antibiotic growth promoter for monogastric farm animals
Scientific India

Non-antibiotic growth promoter for monogastric farm animals

Feed additives assist in boosting the monogastric Fanimal immune system through maintaining homeostasis of the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract is a vital immune organ that encompasses roughly 70% of the total immune cells of the body. Apart from the above, feed additives regulate gut flora, reduce weaning stress and other environmental challenges on piglets and pigs respectively.

8 mins  |
January - February 2022
Warm milk at bed time help you fall asleep
Scientific India

Warm milk at bed time help you fall asleep

When heading to bed, people often do a variety of rituals to help Wthem prepare for a restful night's sleep, such as taking a warm bath or doing nighttime yoga.

1 min  |
January - February 2022
Nuclear Power Plant at Moon
Scientific India

Nuclear Power Plant at Moon

Electricity has revolutionized the world like nothing ever has, and it's impossible for humanity to imagine a life on Earth without it. Now, if we could generate electricity in space that can revolutionize the space travel as well as living on other destinations than earth.

3 mins  |
January - February 2022
Microgreens: A nutrient-dense food for improved health and well-being
Scientific India

Microgreens: A nutrient-dense food for improved health and well-being

In recent years, the attention towards microgreens is increasing due to the rise in public awareness of healthy eating worldwide. “Microgreens" are a young, immature, and tender edible seedling of edible plants harvested at 2-5 inches tall, 6 to 15 days post sowing when the cotyledonary leaves start to emerge or just before the fully developed first true leaves.

3 mins  |
January - February 2022
Global Warming: Biggest Menace to Our Existence!
Scientific India

Global Warming: Biggest Menace to Our Existence!

If someone is truly worried about the fate of the world, it would be a climate scientist. After testing all his climate theories, when he would look at the world, he would see only devastation in the future.

3 mins  |
January - February 2022
Atom's energy can keep the world powered and the Nature calm
Scientific India

Atom's energy can keep the world powered and the Nature calm

Humanity would never wish to face calamities, at the same time it won't choose to live in darkness either. But, I am afraid we are well on our way to one of these.

9 mins  |
January - February 2022
4-Fluorouridine is an oral antiviral that blocks SARS-CoV-2 replication
Scientific India

4-Fluorouridine is an oral antiviral that blocks SARS-CoV-2 replication

According to a research paper published in science journal, 4′fluorouridine (4′-FlU, EIDD-2749), a ribonucleoside analog that inhibits RSV, related RNA viruses, and SARSCoV-2 with high selectivity index in cells and human airway epithelia organoids.

1 min  |
January - February 2022
Bedtime Linked With Heart Health
Scientific India

Bedtime Linked With Heart Health

Going to sleep between 10:00 and 11:00 pm is associated with a lower risk of developing heart disease.

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November - December 2021
Mushroom Consumption May Lower Risk Of Depression
Scientific India

Mushroom Consumption May Lower Risk Of Depression

Mushrooms have been making headlines due to their many health advantages. Not only do they lower one's risk of cancer and premature death, but new research led by Penn State College of Medicine also reveals that these superfoods may benefit a person's mental health.

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November - December 2021
Visiting Viruses
Scientific India

Visiting Viruses

Are viruses good or bad? Should we really visit one? AWell, given the present times, the instant answer would be: viruses are bad and there is definitely no need to visit them. There is a reason why we are urgently following social distancing. The evidence? SARS-CoV-2, of course! We all know that this virus causes the novel coronavirus disease, wreaking havoc across the world since the end of 2019. It has turned our lives upside down because of its rapid infection spree. Not only COVID-19, but viruses also cause illnesses like Ebola, smallpox, influenza, SARS, MERS, and dengue. But, did you know that if it was not for some viruses, there would be no humans? They probably played a crucial role in human evolution. For the last few years, scientists around the world have been exploring these agents of change to unravel several mysteries associated with them.

4 mins  |
November - December 2021
PUSA spray: a breakthrough to reduce air pollution in Delhi NCR
Scientific India

PUSA spray: a breakthrough to reduce air pollution in Delhi NCR

Bengaluru-based firm “” is providing technology to aid farmers to spray decomposers over an unprecedented 5 lakh acres which proves to be a boon to the National Capital Region (NCR). The firm is offering a microbial bioenzyme “Boom spray” developed by Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI) to help farmers across India to dispose stubble (crop residue) on their farms responsibly. The company is giving free service to farmers where spraying the bioenzyme, named “Pusa Decomposer”, and gets converted into manure, thereby improving the quality of soil. A technologyled solutions provider for sustainable agriculture, has signed up with more than 25,000 farmers, mostly in Punjab and Haryana, covering an area of over 5,00,000 acres. Thanks to IARI and for this innovative solution to poor air quality index.

6 mins  |
November - December 2021
Plastic and microplastic in marine environment
Scientific India

Plastic and microplastic in marine environment

Modern lifestyles and Malmost all product categories incorporated plastic. It is one of the most widely used materials on earth. In contrast to metals, plastic is lightweight, strong, malleable material that is cheap. As useful as these characteristics are when plastics are used in everyday life, they can also be very hazardous when they are discarded into the environment. Because plastics are nearly indestructible and contain toxic material, plastic can seriously damage the environment (UNEP, 2005).

3 mins  |
November - December 2021
Fish exposed to Microplastics pollution since 1950s
Scientific India

Fish exposed to Microplastics pollution since 1950s

Plastics is an avoidable thing for modern Pcivilization, it is impossible to picture a future without it. Plastics are ubiquitous and it is included in food packaging, automobiles, clothes, fishing gear, and medical devices. Plastics are highly used because of its features such as lightness, strength, durability, and low cost, among other alternatives. Plastics benefits are overshadowed by their drawbacks, such as their strong resistance to deterioration and the real fact that they get accumulate in nature due to poor management of waste in many parts of the world. This can be particularly noticeable on beaches and in oceans, where currents and wind carry plastic trash.

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November - December 2021
Use of Insects as a protein source for broiler production under Indian conditions
Scientific India

Use of Insects as a protein source for broiler production under Indian conditions

Poultry meat contributes more than 50% Pof total meat market in India (DAHD, 2019).

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November - December 2021
The Importance of Evidence in Medicine
Scientific India

The Importance of Evidence in Medicine

Experience is a person's biggest asset. Often in our Edaily life, our actions are dictated by the way our previous decisions panned out. With experience, we can estimate the consequences of our actions, making it easier to decide the manner in which we carry out a certain task. While two people can have similar experiences, identical experiences are hard to come across. There is always a variation in the way different people carry out their tasks, which is owed to the difference in their experiences. Therefore, while one person may be able to carry out a task perfectly, the other may make errors causing a delay in completion of the task. This is where 'science' or 'evidence' becomes crucial.

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November - December 2021
Egg: good source of choline supplement
Scientific India

Egg: good source of choline supplement

The egg is one Cof the rich sources of choline. The importance of choline is tremendous in the body during the different physiological processes. Choline is necessary for the normal functioning of all cells in our body.

3 mins  |
November - December 2021
Era of large air purifiers
Scientific India

Era of large air purifiers

Pollution is nothing but some un-wanted or un-acceptable level of Pan item. Pollution in all its forms in air, water and land have reached to alarming levels and people are feeling its harmful health effects. Though, sound pollution, corruption, loss of humanity due to changing thoughts/mind sets, growing population, growing unemployment, increasing hunger/malnutrition, widening economical, academic & digital divide/gap of society, and many more are no way less than air, water and land pollution which are affecting the mankind severely. The present way of civilization/modernization based on technology is said to be the root cause of all these various types of pollution. Though, we all at individual level are responsible for each type of pollution but we always prefer to point fingers towards others and rest hope on others to find the solution for all the evils including pollution. Developing technology to tackle or control pollution is way behind than the need to “nip the evil in the bud”. Thus, there is great need to control, minimize or stop all such activities which leads to the generation of pollution but without scarifying our comforts based on technological development, we want to develop pollution control solutions either towards post mitigation of pollution or making pollution controlled technological assisted development.

6 mins  |
November - December 2021
Why Do Tortoises Live So Long?
Scientific India

Why Do Tortoises Live So Long?

The term longevity is sometimes meant to refer only to especially longlived members of a population, whereas life expectancy is always defined statistically as the average number of years remaining at a given age.

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September - October 2021