
When Depression Strikes Teenagers
It can be difficult to imagine that those in the carefree days of youth can be hit by such a somber illness. However, the numbers don’t lie: a significant number of young people suffer from depression and this figure is on the rise. Our contributing psychiatrist reveals the facts about teenage depression and how to spot the signs.

5 Things You Should Know About Probiotics
If you haven’t heard of probiotics or have been wondering what they are, here are some basics on the topic to get you started.

Internet Safety For Children
There’s nothing more comforting than to have your chicks safely back in the roost as they unwind on their gadgets in the solace of their rooms. But are they truly alone in their rooms and are they truly safe? Online gadgets are windows to another world, and no one is looking out for your child there. So how do we shield them from the unwarranted possibilities that lie in that realm?

A Cuppa Joe, Anyone?
Coffee, one of the most widely consumed drinks in the world, is derived from the beans of Coffea canephora (best known as robusta) and C. arabica. Coffee is unique in terms of its perceived and actual effects on the body and is also loved for its distinct aroma and taste. Our general perception about coffee is that it can keep us awake. However, its benefits go beyond the “wake-me-up” action and it can be categorized as a health drink.

Emilia Clarke - Conquers Real-life Adversities
Her on-screen character, Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones was meant to be a blend of Napoleon, Joan of Arc and Lawrence of Arabia—courageous heroes of the past. But when illness struck actress Emilia Clarke, she had to channel some of that strength and bravery into her real-life situation.

The Fertility Revolution
A pioneer in Malaysia's fertility treatment offers his insight on two revolutionaryadvances that made a big difference in bringing hope to many couples who are unable to conceive naturally.

6 Skin Myths Debunked
A pimple has erupted on your nose (oh, horrors). Family members and friends are quick to give you well-meaning advice, while the internet abounds with ‘effective’ tips and solutions. But how do you know if any of that information is true?

Addiction: What You Don't Know
Addictive behaviours have been described as one of the greatest scourages of humankind. In order to treat it, we have to first understand what courses it.

Hello, Hunky Hemsworth!
With the third Thor movie, Thor: Ragnarok set to open in just a few weeks, we turn our attention to the big, blond, easy-on-the eyes star – Chris Hemsworth.

Battling Two Cancers
Being diagnosed with liver cancer was bad enough, but as he was fighting for recovery, Mohd Salleh Yusof was struck by lung cancer as well. Determined to enjoy life to the fullest, Salleh shares his experience with HealthToday.

Allies Against Dengue
New partners in an anti-dengue coalition aim to help more communities feel prepared to combat the epidemic.

Professor Dr Winnie Chee Siew Swee
Dietitian and Dean of the School of Health Sciences, International Medical University (IMU)

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away, Really?
But does it really?

A Dish Of Abundance And Colour
Chinese New Year is known for family, fireworks and food. Lots of food. Our contributing chef and dietitian gives you tips on how to manage your diet this festive season. He’s also thrown in a recipe for healthy yee sang that you can indulge in without guilt!

In The Mind Of A Psychiatrist
Dr Gurdeep Singh Grewal has a wacky sense of humour and is not afraid to tell it like it is. In a laughter-filled, expletive-laden conversation, we learn about how he unwinds after a hard day’s work, his pet peeves (be warned, there are many) and what he hopes for the future of psychiatry in Malaysia.

Brain Tumor Is Not Avenger Mark Ruffalo's Endgame
Mark Ruffalo may be the incredible Hulk on screen. But in real life, he proves himself just as remarkable with the many obstacles he overcame. In the past, he has battled with depression, ADHD and suffered a brain tumour which left him deaf in one ear. Despite all that, he still hulks through and continues to find success as an established actor.

7 Tips To Plan A Wedding (Without Losing Your Mind)
Ahh… weddings. Such a joyous occasion of celebrating love, family and romance. But anyone who has ever planned a wedding knows, that before the laughter and the happily ever after, comes budgeting, handling RSVP’s and other complicated stuff.

What Goes In, Must Come Out In Due Time Understanding Constipation…
Pooping may seem like a normal everyday thing, but as easy as this may be for some children, many do not have the smooth morning ritual of pooping before starting their day due to constipation. The root cause of constipation is dryness of stool and what causes it is dependent on several factors such as diet, intestinal transit time, and the gut-brain connection.

ABA And Autism
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is a therapy for autism, which applies the principles of learning and behaviour, to help reduce negative behaviour and increase positive ones in those with autism. Through the ABA, individuals with autism may improve in their language, social and living skills. Gan Huey Sien, a BCBA certified special education specialist tells us more.

A Brie-lliantly Marvellous Super Hero
Through winning an Oscar just before her 27th birthday, Brie Larson instantly became a household name. The best is yet to come; Brie is excited to bring female empowerment to the silver screen and that’s exactly what she’ll be doing when Captain Marvel – Marvel Studio’s first standalone female superhero movie – hits our cinemas.

Smallfoot: Cute, Colourful And Filled With Lessons To Be Learnt
Bigfoot, also known as the Sasquatch, Yeti or the Abominable Snowman is a North American and Nepali mythical creature, arising from popular folklore.

Is Organic Really Better?
More people are turning to organic food as a healthier option. But is it really better for us? Our contributing dietitian and chef shines the spotlight on organic foods, answering all the commonly asked questions and providing tips on how to start going organic.

It's Not Likely I'll Ever Find Someone Like You
Adele Laurie Blue Adkins is every bit as big as her name.

'Why Is My Child Short?'
Two experts address a common concern of parents who feel that their child is shorter than other kids her age: “Is my child ‘short-short’ or ‘normal-short’?”

What's My Child Eating In Preschool?
When your child starts going to school, he or she has a whole new routine to follow that demands their active mental and physical attention.

Breaking The Habit: Mohamed Haniki Nik Mohamed On Smoking Cessation
In almost two decades of work in helping smokers kick the nicotine habit, Associate Professor Mohamed Haniki Nik Mohamed has worn many hats, ranging from service provider to trainer to policy advisor. In conjunction with World No-Tobacco Day (WNTD) on the 31st of May, we speak to Professor Haniki about his reasons for entering the field, as well as his work in expanding the MOH’s integrated quit-smoking service, mQuit.

Breast Cancer & Femininity
A woman’s breast is closely tied to her femininity. In this section, we explore two options for preserving the femininity of breast cancer patients: breast reconstruction after mastectomy, and neoadjuvant treatment to reduce tumour size and open up options for breast conserving surgery.

All About Breast Surgery
We have seen how targeted therapy benefits patients with HER2+ breast cancer. Now, we’ll take a closer look at neoadjuvant treatment and how it has changed breast surgery as a treatment for early HER2+ breast cancer. Firstly, however, let’s have a consultant breast surgeon give us an overview of breast surgery.

It Is Really Good, I Fig You Not
You probably know figs are good for health. We hear of their many benefits and health claims from basically everyone. Are figs’ benefits really substantiated? Well, we did a little digging around into scientific literature and the evidence for figs is quite impressive. Read on!

5 Fun & Inexpensive Ways To Get Your Kids To Learn New Things
Have your kids measure rainfall using empty drink bottles or jars and record the daily temperature using a thermometer for a start.