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When Your Parents Are Narcissists
Health Today Malaysia

When Your Parents Are Narcissists

Narcissist parents can turn a home into hell on earth for their children, leaving emotional scars that could affect these children for the rest of their lives. Understanding how these parents think and feel, however, is a key step in helping those children heal.

5 mins  |
April 2017
Health Today Malaysia

Bust Those​​​​​​​ Blues

Some days, you just feel down, lost, stressed, maybe even depressed for no apparent reason. Here are some simple tips that may help.

3 mins  |
November 2017
Awesome Tips To Manage Your Scalp Issues
Health Today Malaysia

Awesome Tips To Manage Your Scalp Issues

Having dandruff or a red and itchy scalp can be bothersome, irritating and sometimes embarrassing. Dermatologist Dr Ch’ng breaks down some facts about dandruff and gives us some helpful tips on how to manage our scalp issues

3 mins  |
August 2019
Health Today Malaysia

Food And Cancer … Is There A Link?

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”— Hippocrates.

3 mins  |
August 2019
Ice Those Wrinkles Away!
Health Today Malaysia

Ice Those Wrinkles Away!

Today, we’re going to talk about Cryofacials.

2 mins  |
August 2019
Health Today Malaysia

An Inflammation In The Middle Ear

Previously, Professor Dato’ Dr Balwant Singh Gendeh touched on otitis externa, or inflammation of the outer ear. This month, he will take us on a closer look into another type of ear inflammation that commonly affects children—inflammation of the middle ear, or otitis media.

5 mins  |
August 2019
Anaemia: A Bloody Problem
Health Today Malaysia

Anaemia: A Bloody Problem

Wait! If you're ready to turn the page thinking that this is yet another article about periods, don't, This month, we're dealing with a 'bloody' subject of another sort - iron deficiency, otherwise known as anaemia.

2 mins  |
August 2016
I Am Quitting... How to About You?
Health Today Malaysia

I Am Quitting... How to About You?

On May 29, 2016, Malaysia launched the ambitious mQuit quit smoking service programme for the estimated 4.7 million smokers in this country. We talk to an expert who is actively involved in mQuit, to find out how it will make a difference in our lives. Words Lim Teck Choon

3 mins  |
August 2016
Reaching Out And Touching Lives
Health Today Malaysia

Reaching Out And Touching Lives

Volunteerism and charity were not Dr Joyoki Chen’s interests. However, a personal tragedy and subsequent experiences led her to a path of selfdiscovery and sacrifice. She shares about her experience with REACH and the work she does with underprivileged communities in rural Sarawak.

4 mins  |
April 2018
Reading Is Fun!
Health Today Malaysia

Reading Is Fun!

It can be hard getting kids to sit down and read a book on their own. Here are five ways you can make reading more fun and instil a love of reading in your young ones.

2 mins  |
April 2018
Beat the Flu Bug!
Health Today Malaysia

Beat the Flu Bug!

Now is the season for influenza! By now you or your loved ones would have suffered through a severe bout of influenza. It all starts innocently with a sore throat and mild fever and before you know it, it escalates to something more insidious. And you’re forced to make your way to the hospital for 24-hour care and stronger medications to make you feel better again.

1 min  |
June 2017
How To Get Guilt Free 'Me Time'
Health Today Malaysia

How To Get Guilt Free 'Me Time'

You’re a working mom who juggles the kids, hubby, household and your job. Your boss assigns you to a five-day work trip abroad and your inner shout of joy at getting some time to yourself is immediately squelched by guilt. Is it wrong to want some “me” time? Here’s why you should intentionally set aside time for yourself, and be happy about doing so.

6 mins  |
June 2017
RED Hot For Daddy
Health Today Malaysia

RED Hot For Daddy

Here are three re asons to conside r red palm oil for th at special Father’s Day dinner.

1 min  |
June 2017
Space Queen Saldana
Health Today Malaysia

Space Queen Saldana

ZOE SALDANA is one of the most bankable sci-fi actresses in Hollywood, appearing in some of the biggest franchises (that take place in space): Star Trek, Guardians of the Galaxy and Avatar. Although her name is etched in the sky amongst the stars, she remains a feisty, down-to-earth woman who is not afraid to speak her mind.

8 mins  |
June 2017
Eating Right And Keeping Well During Ramadan
Health Today Malaysia

Eating Right And Keeping Well During Ramadan

Academics and students at Birmingham City University have joined forces to come up with a guide on hydration and food tips to support Muslims who are fasting for the month of Ramadan.

6 mins  |
June 2018
Still Having Those Election Blues?
Health Today Malaysia

Still Having Those Election Blues?

May 2018 saw the making of a historical milestone in Malaysia’s political landscape, as the country witnessed a change of ruling power for the first time in 59 years.

5 mins  |
June 2018
Tackling The Most Common Cancer In Malaysia
Health Today Malaysia

Tackling The Most Common Cancer In Malaysia

Breast cancer affects many in our country. That’s why education, awareness and support is so important. Remember: being diagnosed with breast cancer is not the end – with early detection and treatment, there is a better chance of survival. 

6 mins  |
June 2018
Menopause's No Reason To Lose Your Hair!
Health Today Malaysia

Menopause's No Reason To Lose Your Hair!

Hair loss is one of the possible side effects of menopause that also elicits the biggest reaction from women.

2 mins  |
June 2018
5 Things We Should All Know About Colorectal Cancer
Health Today Malaysia

5 Things We Should All Know About Colorectal Cancer

John Peter Bain, more popularly known as the YouTube celebrity TotalBiscuit, died on 24 May 2018.

3 mins  |
June 2018
An Insight Into Geriatrics
Health Today Malaysia

An Insight Into Geriatrics

Geriatrics or geriatric medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on the health and care of elderly people, specifically those aged 65 years and above. A specialist in this field tells us what the role of a geriatrician entails.

3 mins  |
October 2018
Beat That Stress!
Health Today Malaysia

Beat That Stress!

Three mental health professionals discuss how stress affects both mind and body (particularly in terms of cancer), and provides strategies for stress management that everyone can use.

3 mins  |
October 2018
Embracing Vegetarianism
Health Today Malaysia

Embracing Vegetarianism

Just to recap, there are different types of vegetarians.

6 mins  |
October 2018
Sibling vs Sibling
Health Today Malaysia

Sibling vs Sibling

Although arguments and fights between siblings seem to be a natural part of growing up, is such competition and antagonism healthy? A counselling psychologist shares how we can deal with such situations among our children and what happens if sibling rivalry carries into adulthood.

6 mins  |
October 2018
Toners - A Consumer's Trap?
Health Today Malaysia

Toners - A Consumer's Trap?

What do toners actually do? Are they necessary in your skincare regimen?

4 mins  |
October 2018
Enable The Disabled Understanding Down Syndrome
Health Today Malaysia

Enable The Disabled Understanding Down Syndrome

In conjunction with International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, we look at how we can support those who are “differently abled” and take a closer look at Down syndrome.

4 mins  |
December 2018
Healing A Hurt Heel
Health Today Malaysia

Healing A Hurt Heel

For the second article in our new series on sports injuries, a sports medicine physician takes us through the causes and treatments for plantar fasciitis, commonly experienced as pain in the heel.

5 mins  |
December 2018
Skip The Sugar
Health Today Malaysia

Skip The Sugar

There’s no denying that sugar makes food yummy (and makes us happy). Unfortunately, too much of it also brings a whole host of health problems.

4 mins  |
December 2018
Is It A Migraine Or Something More Serious?
Health Today Malaysia

Is It A Migraine Or Something More Serious?

A severe headache may be a sign of subarachnoid haemorrhage, which is bleeding in the brain and a medical emergency. Here’s how to tell if it’s just a ‘regular’ headache or something more serious.

3 mins  |
November 2018
Nick Jonas Braving Type 1 Diabetes
Health Today Malaysia

Nick Jonas Braving Type 1 Diabetes

Besides navigating the hurdles of childhood stardom and breaking out of the Disney bubble, Nick Jonas has been candid about his health struggles. He has never held back in being involved as a spokesperson and raising awareness for type 1 diabetes.

7 mins  |
November 2018
Don't Sweat It
Health Today Malaysia

Don't Sweat It

Do you sweat so much and so frequently that it makes you uncomfortable or embarrassed? Excessive sweating is actually a medical condition; it’s called hyperhidrosis. The good news is that there are effective methods to alleviate this condition.

6 mins  |
November 2018

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