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8 Facts You Need To Know About Hepatitis
Health Today Malaysia

8 Facts You Need To Know About Hepatitis

Our liver is one of the major internal organs of our body that works nonstop to purify our blood as well as to produce and store essential micronutrients that are required by our body. When the liver is infected or sore, it fails to perform its functions and this results in the signs and symptoms manifested by hepatitis. The word hepatitis is a combination of hpar or hpat, which means liver in ancient Greek, and itis (the Greek word for inflammation). Thus, hepatitis simply means inflammation of the liver.

4 mins  |
July 2019
Hole In The Gut!
Health Today Malaysia

Hole In The Gut!

What happens when a hole forms right through the wall of a stomach, small intestine or large intestine? While not a very common occurrence, gastrointestinal perforation can occur to anyone at any age. This month let’s take a closer look at this condition and how it can be treated.

4 mins  |
June 2019
Moving House? Don't Break Your Back Over It
Health Today Malaysia

Moving House? Don't Break Your Back Over It

Speaking from recent first-hand experience: moving houses is not fun. Whether it’s due to a new college, a new job, or a change in family circumstances, the process of packing up and moving an entire household’s worth of possessions to a different building can be incredibly stressful for everyone involved—and potentially hazardous to one’s health. Read up HealthToday basics on how to stay both sane and safe while dealing with a big move.

4 mins  |
June 2019
Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right
Health Today Malaysia

Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right

Relationships are all about give and take. But very often, we get to know of extremely unhappy relationships where one person is always giving, and the other is always taking—the roles are never reversed.Many times, situations like these point towards a co-dependent relationship, which is a relationship that is imbalanced and unhealthy mentally. Though it is easy to blame one party over the other, the truth is it takes two dysfunctional personalities to cultivate such a relationship.Counselling psychologist Cathie Wu tells us more.

4 mins  |
June 2019
Kidney Problems & Alternative Medicine
Health Today Malaysia

Kidney Problems & Alternative Medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine or CAM is a broad term which encompasses the likes of yoga, acupuncture, Ayurveda, aromatherapy, Reiki, hypnosis, homeopathy, herbal medicine, meditation, massage therapy and chromotherapy.

2 mins  |
March 2019
The Iron In Every Woman
Health Today Malaysia

The Iron In Every Woman

It can be great to be a woman living in 2019. We have our first female Deputy Prime Minister and more women in our government than before.

4 mins  |
March 2019
Armed And Ready...For The School Holidays
Health Today Malaysia

Armed And Ready...For The School Holidays

It’s holiday time again and what do we do? We go on holidays.

3 mins  |
March 2019
Five Reasons Why Malaysian Women Can't Conceive, And What Can Be Done About Them
Health Today Malaysia

Five Reasons Why Malaysian Women Can't Conceive, And What Can Be Done About Them

Infertility cuts deep into the heart.

6 mins  |
April 2019
Red Flags In Relationships
Health Today Malaysia

Red Flags In Relationships

Fairy tales have always given us the illusion of perfection in relationships but as much as those happily-ever-afters made us smile, no relationship, in reality, is perfect and achieving a happy ending is not as easy as a script. Every relationship requires respect, understanding, compromising, and yes that crazy thing called love. Whether you know your partner for a week, a year or a decade, red flags may present itself at any time in a relationship. Seeing them sooner is definitely better than later, especially in mellowing the severity of heartbreak if it comes to an end, but when do we say enough is enough, or ‘this is not the package I signed up for’ and claim a rebate on that ticket to a possible “I do”?

4 mins  |
May 2019
Planning To Get Pregnant? Take Folic Acid Now
Health Today Malaysia

Planning To Get Pregnant? Take Folic Acid Now

Neural tube defects are serious birth defects involving the central nervous system. But they are, for the most part, preventable thanks to folic acid supplementation.

2 mins  |
May 2018
Adults Need To Be Vaccinated Too
Health Today Malaysia

Adults Need To Be Vaccinated Too

While countries around the world have vaccination schedules for infants and children, very few stop to think about vaccination for adults, said Professor Zamberi Sekawi.

3 mins  |
May 2018
Logan's Claws, Jackman's Paws
Health Today Malaysia

Logan's Claws, Jackman's Paws

The mean slicin’ n’ dicin’ regenerating beast has become an icon to many. His adamantium claws are a symbol of sheer ferocity, brutality and badassery. Yet, how many of us know who the Wolverine is when his weapons are sheathed, while his paws are playful and he’s wearing the mask of Hugh Jackman? Let’s take a look at the man behind the wild animal when the cameras stop rolling.

8 mins  |
July 2017
From Silence To Healing
Health Today Malaysia

From Silence To Healing

Vanitha Chandrasegaram shares with HealthToday her experience and insight in counseling sexually abused children.

7 mins  |
July 2017
A Toddler's World Of Taste And Texture
Health Today Malaysia

A Toddler's World Of Taste And Texture

Even at a very young age, a child’s sense of taste is well developed. This is the time to introduce your little one to different tastes and textures of healthy foods.

2 mins  |
October 2017
E Is For Empathy
Health Today Malaysia

E Is For Empathy

Is empathy something we teach our children or is it genetically determined? How do we raise children who are empathetic and compassionate?

4 mins  |
October 2017
Health Today Malaysia


Here are some ideas to help make going to school a cherished experience for both you and your kid.

3 mins  |
January / February 2018
Throwing Her Best
Health Today Malaysia

Throwing Her Best

Discus throwing is a sporting event that dates back to the ancient Greek Olympics. Malaysia’s contribution to the sport comes in the form of Karen Yap, national record-breaker and medal winner. She takes time out of her training for the upcoming SEA Games to chat with HealthToday.

10+ mins  |
September 2017
Back In The Boardroom
Health Today Malaysia

Back In The Boardroom

Is it possible to rejoin the workforce after years of being a stay-at-home mum or dad?

5 mins  |
September 2017
Eat Together, Happy Together
Health Today Malaysia

Eat Together, Happy Together

The family dinner isn’t just about the food. Research has shown that it can bestow long-term benefits that will improve family ties and instill good values in the younger members of the family.

7 mins  |
September 2017
Mummy's Little Helper
Health Today Malaysia

Mummy's Little Helper

Children aged 3 – 5 can be great helpers in the kitchen. Finger dexterity, learning about measurements and following instructions are among the things they can learn while helping to make tasty treats.

1 min  |
January / February 2018
Up In The Air
Health Today Malaysia

Up In The Air

If you’ve wondered what it would be like to do aerial or anti-gravity yoga, we have the answers! We intrepidly take on the challenges of “yoga in the air” to bring you this special review.

2 mins  |
January / February 2018
Is It Safe?
Health Today Malaysia

Is It Safe?

We spoke with Ryan Koh, the founder of Fitsy, to get the details about aerial yoga offered by his studio.

2 mins  |
January / February 2018
Tips For Setting Up Your Home Spa
Health Today Malaysia

Tips For Setting Up Your Home Spa

Visiting a spa or going for a professional facial may not be feasible for many of us in terms of time and finances. But you can still create a spa experience and enjoy indulging in facial masks in the comfort of your own home. Here’s how:

1 min  |
January / February 2018
Books To Soothe The Fears Away
Health Today Malaysia

Books To Soothe The Fears Away

“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” ~ Peggy O'Mara, journalist

3 mins  |
January / February 2018
Robots In The Bedroom!
Health Today Malaysia

Robots In The Bedroom!

While the idea of having sexual relations with a robot sounds farfetched, technology has advanced enough that we begin to wonder: to what degree can machines take over? Will there be a day when the artificially intelligent plays a role in even the most intimate of human acts?

8 mins  |
May 2018
Give Yourself The Joy Of Christmas
Health Today Malaysia

Give Yourself The Joy Of Christmas

Christmas is usually viewed as a joyous time of love and giving with loved ones and friends, but some of us may not be so fortunate. If you are spending this holiday season alone, here are some ways for you to still experience the joy of Christmas.

4 mins  |
December 2017
Easy Christmas Fruit Parfait
Health Today Malaysia

Easy Christmas Fruit Parfait

Christmas is coming and, with it, lots of delicious seasonal treats. Our contributing chef and dietitian offers a healthy, yummy homemade dessert so that you can watch your waistline while still enjoying the flavours of the season.

2 mins  |
December 2017
A Better Eye Drop For Dry Eyes
Health Today Malaysia

A Better Eye Drop For Dry Eyes

Have you ever wondered what keeps dirt and other impurities out of our eyes?

2 mins  |
December 2017
Eating Disorders: Deadly Psychological Conditions
Health Today Malaysia

Eating Disorders: Deadly Psychological Conditions

Eating disorders are not a ‘lifestyle choice’. They are complex psychological problems of modern society that affect the lives of many. The consequences of these disorders are serious and sometimes even fatal.

3 mins  |
December 2017
Innovating Healthcare For A Better Tomorrow
Health Today Malaysia

Innovating Healthcare For A Better Tomorrow

From data collection to video games, there was much interesting ground to cover at the recent Malaysian Innovative Healthcare Symposium 2017. HealthToday reports from the front row.

3 mins  |
December 2017

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